
Chapter 3

"Then, I'll see you tomorrow, Ran. Be careful on your way home." Gi Kyung-Mi, Ran's brunette friend bid before heading inside her apartment once her pink-haired friend waved her hand at her, greeting the guard on duty as she passed by.

As her friend left her sight, she turned on her heels and walked away. Her black boots were tapping against the pavement and she could hear a few cars passing by, the sky turning dark as minutes passed by.

She was not in a hurry to come home, it's not like anybody will be there anyway since she lives alone. Well, except for her dog that she drops off at the daycare for dogs near her apartment as it's home alone since she has classes and is afraid that it might cause a mess in her apartment.

Remembering about her dog at the daycare for dogs near her apartment, Ran comes to a halt and removes her hands from her jacket pocket to look at the time on her wristwatch.

'It's quarter past six. And they close at seven.'

Ran looks away from her wristwatch and crosses the pedestrian lane as the traffic light turns green. She continued walking in silence, not really interested enough to take a glance around her surroundings.

There were people everywhere, going on what seemed to be a date. They are holding hands, smiling at each other. Some of them even kissed. The scene was quite romantic, especially with how the couple stood in the middle of the road, oblivious of any danger around them.

She watches them with a blank face, her violet eyes filled with nothing as she walks past them.

'They're just happy and content with each other's presence. And seem to be really in love with each other.'

Ran thought to herself, looking at more couples that walked past her.

'I wonder how long it will take for somebody's love to turn into hate...'

Shaking her head off, Ran brushes away the thought before focusing on the road ahead of her.

After a few minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination, the dog's daycare. She pressed the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before hearing a 'beep' and pushing the glass door open.

"Hello, Kouji." Ran greet as she kneels on the puzzle carpet with open arms and a huge black labrador jumps and walks towards her with its dog toy inside his mouth.

"How's your day, buddy?" Ran asked, which got a howl in response before snuggling more in her embrace causing the pink hair to sit down at the carpeted floor.

"He was a very good boy." A voice said. Turning around, Ran stood on her feet and greeted the caretaker with a bow and a small 'good evening' which the caretaker returned with a smile.

"He also made friends." He added as he gave the adorable dog belly rubs.

"That's nice. Thank you for taking care of him." Ran thankfully and bowed her head slightly at the caretaker. The caretaker just smiled in response at the young lady as he patted the dog's back and the dog barked happily.

"No problem." He answered.

"And here's his leash. Be careful on your way home." He added and handed her a black leash.

"Yes, sir. Thank you again for taking care of Kouji. Have a nice night." Ran bid before hooking the leash at the belt of her labrador fur buddy and left the building, finally on their way back to their home.