
Chapter 2

"Oh my, you seem to be in a bad mood, Ran. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" A brown-haired ask, chuckling as the pink-haired girl sat down beside her, ignoring her words.

The brown-haired looked at her for a moment before chuckling and reached out to pat her on the head a couple times when she saw how tight she was clenching her fist.

"There, there, we can talk about this later if you want. But now, why don't you calm down a little, hmm?" The brunette smiles at her with her head tilting to the side a little.The girl let out a hum in response but still didn't release her grip on her fists.

The only thing that made the brunette smile was how her body relaxed a little. She patted her head once more before grabbing a book from her bag and pushing it toward the pink-haired girl. Ran tore her eyes away from the window and looked at the book and then to her brunette friend.

"It probably can calm your nerves down a little, why not give it a try?" Sighing, Ran gave up when she knew how stubborn her friend can be and grabbed it and started reading it. The two girls were sitting by each other, books in their grasp as they waited for their first class in the morning to start.

A few minutes later, their professor came in and greeted the whole class. Ran returned the book back to her brunette, muttering a small 'thank you' before putting all of her attention on the professor at the front and soon after the bell rang, class began.


"Now, would you mind telling me why you are so grumpy so early in the morning?" Asked the brown haired. Ran ignores her words again as they make their way into their literature club which is on the third floor.

"I'm always like this." She responds, finally deciding to answer her friend's question due to her prodding pink eyes.

"Right… But did something happen? Like a bad morning or something?" Asked the brunette which didn't get a response from her pink hair friend.

"Alright then, I guess I will eat these pastel macaroons all by myself." The pink-haired flinch a little and look at her friend at the corner of her eyes before looking away.

The brown-haired girl heaves out a sigh before stopping right in front of Ran, blocking her way.

"Tell me what the problem is. NOW." Ran never really finds her brunette friend frightening, considering her gentle and kind nature. But at the moment, she looks very... frightening.

A little bit. Ran turned away from the brunette and eventually gave up, a sigh leaving her lips before their eyes met.

"Yesterday... After my last period yesterday, I went to the usual cafe to relax a bit, and maybe do a little sketching." Ran began.

"But instead of relaxing, it turns into a disaster. The portrait that I sketched was destroyed with coffee thanks to a careless boy who bumped into my coffee and spilled it." She finished, turning to face the taller girl.

"So that's what happens... I see. Well, even if you want to vent out your anger to that boy you can't. Because he's unknown." The brunette said as she turned on her heels and started walking.

"But instead, we can eat some sweets that I made last night and, maybe, read." She added with a bright smile which made the pink hair ease a bit and nod her head in response.

"Great! Let's go then!" Said the brown haired as she started walking again, this time dragging Ran along to their clubroom by her arm, oblivious to a pair of green eyes watching them.

'So she's also a student here... I guess that makes things a little easier.'

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