

Everyone came back to reality when Mr. Till entered the class and announced that he was going to pass out the assignment sheets to the students. Also, that he expects all the students to already have a partner. And that reminds Kyra—she didn't even think about it, let alone have one.

"Partner? Partner for what?" Xavier frowned. Of course he wasn't there when when professor announced yesterday but she was. "Actually, yesterday Mr. Till said that he will be giving out assignments today as our first semester's first project assignment. I don't know what is it about." She finished as she received one sheet with some procedures and what to do or what they have to find.

Professor Till continued with the topic of introduction to the field of astronomy and units and measurements as Kyra scrambled to catch up to him while she noticed that Xavier scooted further down in his seat and opened his notebook. His pen was making quick, short strokes over the notebook but he wasn't writing anything.

He was drawing.

Kyra tried to understand and focus on what was the astronomical unit was which was some really big number which she can't even remember to begin with. Turn out to be the average distance the earth orbits the sun. That was important because astronomical unit were used to determine most distances in our solar system, but she was not focused on that. She found herself glancing at Xavier's notebook.

What the hell was he drawing?

"Now, most of you kids don't know or maybe don't care or maybe didn't even heard about astronomical units but some of you might be familiar with the term 'light year'. Though, I doubt any of you can tell me the real meaning of light year."

I'm pretty sure Xavier is drawing a Big Dipper, Kyra thought.

The professor continued with his lecture and suddenly he changed gears catching Kyra and others off guard except Xavier, who was still busy in his drawing. "Now, that I've already passed out the sheets for what you have to do, I'll just give you a brief description on what to do with that. I know that it's only Tuesday today but here's your first assignment of the weekend. Here, sky is supposed to be as clear as a baby's bottom."

"Like a baby's bottom?" Kyra muttered.

Xavier chuckled as he was continuing with his drawing.

"I want you all to find Corona Borealis—in the clear night sky—clear as baby bottoms—as I said." Professor Till smiled as if he said something really funny but we just stared at him. "You won't need any telescope, just use your eyes or glasses or contacts or whatever you kids use these days." You can view it mostly on Friday or Saturday night. But maybe the weather can be tricky on Friday or maybe Saturday, I don't know so, choose wisely."

One of the student on front raise their hand, "Excuse me, but what are we supposed to do with the maps?" He waved the map in his hand.

Professor Till stopped in the front, "You are actually supposed to look at it."

All the students laughed and Kyra tried to bit back her laugh.

Xavier handed Kyra several sheets of grid along with a map which was passed down on their row.

The student huffed, "I know that but do we supposed to hold it to the sky or something?"

"Oh sure, you can do that or you could just use your eyes to find the constellations in the sky and use your brain to identify those. You would know how they look like—" professor Till paused "—or you could use Google as these days. I want you to get familiar with the thought of stargazing because you are gonna do that a lot more this semester. So, you could start when it's warmer. So, all you need to do is grab your partners and go for some peaceful stargazing kids."

"So, that all for today and you all are going to submit this at the end of this month but as the days are mentioned in your question sheets, give them as you complete them. So, submit your first one...this Monday. Good luck."

Professor left the class and several students turned their heads to talk to their partners.

"How are we supposed to choose partners?" Xavier asked eyeing the students. "The freshmans are supposed to choose partners who already passed the freshman year. It can be sophomore, junior or a senior. Since, freshmans are new to this." Kyra explained as she packed her things. She didn't know how is she going to find a partner now. She decided to leave yesterday without talking to anyone about it and now she was partnerless!

"You have a partner?" Xavier asked looking at her, packing her belongings. "No. I left the class before I could come up with any partner."

Xavier was quiet for few minutes while Kyra finished her packings. Just as she was about to stand, Xavier interrupted, "We can be partners." Kyra turned to look at him for more explanation.

"I'm in sophomore year so, it's convenient that we are partners. And it's not like I have booked myself a partner before." Xavier chuckled shrugging his shoulders. Kyra laughed, "Maybe you are right. I can't imagine myself doing the whole thing alone." Kyra said setting down her backpack on the table in front. "Also, stargazing always fun with someone." Kyra smiled at Xavier, making her right cheek dimple pop out.

Xavier felt his breath hitched before going to normal again. He knew it was not going to be same as before ever.

Both of them got up together and left the class while the students left behind just stared at them with open mouths. They thought they were seeing things but it was true. Xavier Ralston having a civil conversation today with a girl and not only that, but he also talked and laughed with that girl. It was such rare sight for the students who knew who was Xavier. They knew how Xavier behaved in situations like this. Many students who were in the same year as him knew as of those who didn't, they were only eyeing the delicious man candy, especially the women who couldn't wait get a taste of him.

Everyone waited for this situation to unfold in the future.