Silas Brenner is a former bank robber who dies after a being betrayed. However after meeting the dark god Akaloth he is reborn in the star wars universe and has to survive through cunning and power with the help of his wish. A/n :This is my first time writing and it's obviously going to be awkward at first so I'd love some feedback. I'll try my best to upload two chapters a day. :) I don't own any characters from the star wars universe.
Space warped as the ship left hyperspace and arrived directly above Tatooine. Locating the force nexus, Mace quickly piloted into its atmosphere and soon landed in the Mos Espa space port.
"Quigon, have you noticed?" Observing the town, Mace voiced his concern.
"Yes master Windu, it appears that some sort of earthquake struck here." Quigon confirmed mace's suspicion as they observed the cracked and damaged walls and floor of the local infrastructure,"Perhaps this is related to the force nexus?"
As they neared their destination, they found themselves at a junk yard that appeared relatively well kept besides the damage the obvious damage to its main building.
"Master, is it possible the force nexus is this junkyard?"
"Oww....what was that for?" Aizen questioned as he recieved a levatating stone to his head from Mace.
"For your stupid question you moron, it's obviously inside the junkyard and not the junkyard itself!" After questioning if Aizen was really a genius, Mace led the group inside the entrance.
"Coming!" A childish voice rang out as the group watched a young looking boy with brown hair, blue eyes and a beaming smile round the corner and walk into the main room and greet them,"I'm Anakin, how can i help you today?"
Everyone except Aizen had their mouth agape as they realised a force nexus just talked.
" something wro-" Anikin eyes widened while he stopped speaking as Aizen stepped forward.
"Excuse my friends, you see we are actually looking for something...if it's convenient we'd like to see your parents."
Quigon quickly regained his barings,"Yes young man, we've travelled a long way for important matters."
'No...although they look similar, Silas definitely had yellow eyes,' Anakin thought as he glanced at the brown eyes of the boy Infront of him and turned his attention to the adults in the group with sadness In his eyes," I-Im sorry, my parents passed away and left this place in my inheritance."
"Oh, I'm sorry to here that," Quigon, despite his jedi training still showed care for the boy," Well then, we'd like to discuss with you then."
'So that's how he's playing this.... interesting.' Aizen thought as he noticed the blatant lie his brother told about the inheritance and omitted the truth about his slave origins.
"Yes of course, relax while I make some tea."
Anakin displayed his maturity and maintained a bright smile as he led the group into another room with a table in the centre for the men to sit down while he left to the kitchen.
While Anakin was away the group took this opportunity to discuss with Kenobi being the first to speak,
"Masters, is he what I think he is?" His voice was confused as he had never felt such a strong presence in the force.
Quigon confirmed his apprentices question,"Yes, a living force vergence," As he was speaking he had already come to a cobclusion in his mind,"Perhaps...this could be the chosen one from the prophecy."
Mace also voiced his opinion after hearing Quigons," We should bring him to Curascont for a midichlorrian test, And if what your saying is true then the rest of the council will decide what to do with him."
'So they think I'm this chosen one, if that's true the jedi will definitely let me Into their order,' Anakin stopped listening to the conversation with the force as he placed the tea on a tray and walked back into the room with a smile.
The group spent a few minutes in silence as they drank before Quigon spoke up with a serious expression,"So Anakin, have you ever felt you can do things others can't, like levatating an object or seeing the future?"
Anakin put on a fake look of hesitation but answered anyway as the cup Infront of Quigon began to float,"Yes... I've had these powers since I was born, but I haven't told anybody about them yet."
"I see," Mace spoke up ,
"boy, have you ever heard of the jedi order." Mace put a lightsaber on the table Infront of him as he noticed a look of excitement flash In Anakins eyes and continued,
"My name is Mace Windu, this is my apprentice Aizen," Aizen nodded to Anakin but Mace didn't stop,
"This is Quigon Jin and his apprentice Obi Wan," They also nodded to Anakin,
"And we're all members of the Jedi order."
Anakins excited voice came out as soon as Mace finished the introduction,
"Really!"," My parents used to tell you stories about the Jedi, but I never thought I'd meet them them in person!"
"It's good to hear you admire us so much" Quigon followed on ,"But we're not here just to greet you, infact if you would like to you can even become a jedi with the permission of the grand council."
"Umm...if you'd allow me I'll be happy to join,"Anakin glanced around around the room with a wry smile,"Theres not much left for me here anyway."
Aizen noticed his reluctance and spoke,
"Beware young man, loss leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the da-"
Aizen was interrupted as a stone flew off his head," owww....did you keep a stone in your pocket just to hit me with?!"
Mace ignored his question as he looked at Anakin," Boy, we will depart in an hour so pack your belongings for Curascont."
Nodding, Anakin left the room to collect some clothes....
1 hour later...
Anakin was bewildered after hearing Aizens hand pass through solid metal.
They were currently in hyperspace after leaving hyperspace and since they were the same age decided to go into one of the private rooms on the ship to talk.
"Yea, the other Jedi's said that my control is unheard of so it's simple for me to create niche abilities." Aizen honestly spoke.
Anakin felt slightly competitive and decided to show his own ability
Lightning extended out of Anakins fingers as it struck the wall leaving a scorch mark behind,"Hows that, cool ri-"
"Don't ever show that to anyone else." Anakin was cut off as he looked at Aizens dead serious face,"You could be killed if any other jedi sees that."
"W-why, it's just -"
Anakin was once again cut off again as Aizen explained,"Thats a dark side ability used by the sith, I don't know if you have it naturally or your hiding your real personality but the Jedi order will kill you on sight if you Show it."
"W-wait I swear I'm not a sith or whatever you call it, please don't tell the others." Anakin realised he made a huge mistake. While he knew alot about the jedi and their ideals and used it to appear more in line with their philosophy, he still didn't know any of their specific rules.
Aizen smiled and thought of an idea,"Don't worry about it, I'm also interested in the dark side." Aizen dramaticly paused before speaking again,"The truth is my parent disappeared when I was young...I've made it my mission to avenge them ever since, and the dark side is the quickest path to power I can use for that."
After hearing Aizens confession Anakin suddenly realised that they might not be so different and decided to trust the young man,"ohh ...I'm sorry to hear that," building up his courage he continued,"I lied to your masters before...sigh, my mother was actually murdered so im also looking for power to avenge her."
Anakin was sweating slightly as he expects Aizen to be angry, however reality was much different,"Really...then let's be friends, we can help eachover to gain the power to hunt down whoever killed our parents and make them suffer." Aizen held out his hand to the young boy with a face of absolute sincerety.
Anakin felt overwhelmed with emotion as he had found a kindred spirit in a seemingly empty world and extended his own hand to grasp Aizens," Yes...from now on we're friends."
What Anakin didn't realise was that his trust had doomed him to a nightmarish future that would through the whole galaxy into chaos.
Alot of dialogue but it had to be done if I want to set up future events, I apologise.
Anyways, I'm going to do a time skip soon, to the start of the main plot.
If you don't like chapters like this or have any advice please comment;)
quick note: My dialogue is absolutely atrocious :(