
Starting Over At Hogwarts(Translated)

In 1989, a freshman named Winsen Wright entered Hogwarts. From then on the magical world was plunged into chaos. NANI? Voldemort is protecting Harry Potter? NANI? Dumbledore is helping the Dark Lord? NANI? The greatest dark lord of all time is a teenager? (This is a translated novel. I do not own Harry Potter or this fanfic. The link to this fanfic is in the review section.)

Supreme3 · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 13 : Ollivander's

  "There's only the wand left at the end."

  Old Barty Crouch pondered the items on the list and looked up at a shop near the Owl Shop: "Let's go to Ollivander's Wand Shop and pick a wand that suits you..."

  This trip is finally coming to an end.

  Barty Crouch Sr. never thought shopping could be so hard.

  "Any wand is the same to me."

  Winson Wright held the birdcage in one hand and said indifferently: "The greatest use a wand can play is to make people look at me like a serious wizard, and once the wand is lost, it is equivalent to losing the ability to fight. …"

  Old Barty Crouch remembered the scene when he and Winson were fighting, and said in a low voice: "When they think so, they are already close to death..."

  Generally speaking.

  A wand is the medium through which a wizard controls his magic, and any wizard takes his wand very seriously, even Voldemort and Dumbledore.

  But for Winson...

  A wand's camouflage is far greater than its use.

  Because Winson does not need any medium at all, he can release any degree of magic power and use any magic, which is also what Old Barty has personally experienced.

  That day...

  The wind was blowing hard.

  That day...

  Barty Crouch Sr. was beaten badly.

  Because he didn't know about Winson Wright's abilities at all, after the whole battle, Old Barty couldn't even cast a complete spell in front of Winson, who was still a child.

  In that battle, old Barty Crouch experienced the pain of Cruciatus firsthand, and he finally knew how cruel it was when his son Barty Jr. became a Death Eater and used the Cruciatus Curse on other wizards.

  "Let's go."

  Winson Wright glanced at the old Barty Crouch who was trapped in memories, and woke him up: "I hope we can find a sturdy wand in it."


  Old Barty didn't feel very well when he heard this adjective. He thought for a while and then explained: "However, I think you should not underestimate the usefulness of a wand..."

  As they approached Ollivander's wand shop, a dark-haired teenager and a middle-aged man came out of Ollivander's wand shop...

  It was Cedric Diggory and his father.

  This black-haired boy was holding a wand box with a red face, and walked restrainedly beside his father, his eyes seemed to be full of helplessness.

  Have the father and son been picking out wands at Ollivander's wand shop?

  Was Cedric Diggory still picking the right wand out of the store, with Winson Wright and Barty Crouch Sr. already stocking up on everything else?

  Is it so hard to pick the right wand?

  "Mr. Crouch, Mr. Wright, we meet again."

  Amos Diggory saw them, greeted them with a happy face, and introduced the success of their father and son: "We managed to choose the most suitable wand for Cedric, twelve and four One-half of an inch, a body of spruce wood, a symbol of pure truth, a core of male unicorn hair..."


  Cedric's face grew even more embarrassed.

  "Sounds like an excellent wand."

  Old Barty Crouch's brows furrowed indiscernibly. Originally, he kept his courtesy towards Amos, but now he is a little overwhelmed by Amos' showing off...

  This guy…

  He never seems to care about the feelings of others.

  Everyone in the British wizarding world knows the situation of old Barty Crouch. He personally sent his son to Azkaban and let his son die there...



  Winson Wright interrupted Amos Diggory, looked at Cedric Diggory, tilted his head and said, "By the way, do you want to buy anything else?"

  "Yes, I still have a lot to prepare on my list..."

  Cedric nodded hurriedly, and looked at Winson with a touch of gratitude in his eyes: "Then let's go first... Winson, we will see you when school starts."

  After finishing speaking, Cedric patted his father's arm lightly, led his father who was somewhat at a loss to say goodbye to Winson, and hurriedly walked to other stores.

  "What is Mr. Crouch thinking?"

  Winson Wright looked at old Barty Crouch who was standing still, and chuckled: "Do you think Cedric's father praised his son too much?"


  Old Barty Crouch shook his head, nodded again, and his voice became a little gloomy: "In fact, Barty used to be very good, but I never praised him face to face..."


  His son Barty Jr used to be very good too.

  It is a pity that old Barty Crouch never praised him face to face once, making Barty Crouch Jr go completely wrong and go to Voldemort's command.

  Old Barty Crouch is a very serious and dignified man in front of everyone, even his son, and now he is a little envious of Amos Diggory's simplicity straightforwardness.

  As stupid as it may seem, it can even make people feel impatient...

  Yet it is so free to express a father's love for his son.

  "Come on, let's pick a wand first."

  Winson Wright shook his head and did not choose to comfort old Barty Crouch, but went to open the door of Ollivander's wand shop.

  As a result,

  Winson went in and saw a messy wand shop.

  The wand boxes on the shelves are a mess, wand boxes are scattered all over the ground, and the whole wand shop looks like it has just been robbed.

  Even Winson Wright couldn't help but have some illusions when he saw this scene. Did that guy Voldemort come back from resurrection ahead of time?

  There was only one old man in the store tremblingly packing the wand box on the ground. The old man heard the door open and said subconsciously, "Amos, I guarantee that that wand is definitely Cedric's most suitable wand, and there is no need to choose any more wands..."


  Winson and old Batty looked at each other.


  Amos Diggory tortured the old wand seller to help his son Cedric choose a wand.

  The old man who was packing was Ollivander.

  One of the three best wand makers in the entire European wizarding world.


  Old Ollivander heard the silence in the store, and couldn't help but look up, and saw a gray-haired boy and a familiar old Barty Crouch.

  This scene made old Ollivander subconsciously relieved, and explained apologetically: "Sorry, I thought it was Amos..."

  Because just now, Amos Diggory kept expressing hope that old Ollivander would find a better and more suitable wand for his son Cedric.

  A wand that does not fit will make the wizard's magic power unable to adapt, sometimes it will supress their magic power, and sometimes uncontrollable magic power will be released to destroy the surrounding environment.

  Since they have so many choices...

  This is what the current wand shop looks like.

  "It's ok."

  Old Barty Crouch shook his head slowly, understanding Old Ollivander's emotions very well: "Mr. Diggory is indeed a little too competitive sometimes."

  "Sometimes it's really not a good thing..."

  After old Ollivander nodded obediently, he opened his mouth to defend Amos Diggory: "But he does have an excellent son, that guy Cedric Diggory deserves a father like this..."

  When he said this, Old Ollivander stretched out his fingers and rubbed his forehead, and couldn't help but praised: "That child is really excellent...how should I put it...that child is a wizard who has excellent etiquette. His demeanor...I just watched him for a while...I feel like he's exactly what we expect from the little guys..."

  After old Ollivander finished saying what he wanted to praise Cedric, he stepped over the wand boxes scattered on the ground, and walked towards them tremblingly, holding the shelf.

  The old man's eyes slowly fell on the gray-haired boy standing beside the old Batty, and a pair of silver-white eyes couldn't help looking at Winson Wright's face.

  "This is…"

  "This is Winson."

  Old Barty glanced at the gray-haired boy standing beside him, and continued softly: "Winson Wright, he is also a freshman entering Hogwarts this year."

  "I want to pick a wand."

  Winson Wright took the initiative to take over the conversation and put forward his request seriously: "A wand that is hard enough, even if my magic power is exhausted, I can use this wand to break other people's bones..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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