
Starting in Harry Potter with the Celestial Forge (Rewrite)

Waking up in the Body of a mechanic in the 1940s with the Celestial forge was not what i was expecting on a Friday evening. This will focus on the Second World War and the Cold War. This is really my first attempt to make any thing in fanfiction. So it will be trash as is my grammar so feel free to trash me as much as you want. Thank you reading. If you like the Celestial Forge system and how it works I recommend Celestial Mouse, Child of Iron, and The Ringing of a Forge of Stars. They have amazing writing and take place in cool settings they are all on QQ. Also this will suck I struggle with writting and I’m trying to improve and I’m just doing this for fun. Go read the previous listed for WAY better quality stuff.

Damon_Jager · Livres et littérature
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July 3rd, 1940

[Kerbal, are more humanoid, more human feature to be less creepy, and still about 4-4 1/2 Ft tall]

Their in front of me are a group of 24 Kerbels, all dressed in a variety of outfits, overalls, space suits, and lab coats. I looked over to Stin who looked just as confused as I do over what the little green people are.

So I sent her a data packet via the implants, the face she made at the space fanatic creatures where more than a little scary.

Then Kerbal in a orange space suit approached me.

Jeb-"Hello, their boss man we are here to help we just need to be told where to set up." He thankfully spoke English as I didn't want to translate to stin.

Rin-"Well let's talk and figure out where and how we can work together."

As Jeb and I talked out what the Kerbals could be best used for, Stin showed them to the barracks we had set up.


Kerbals are a very tough, brave, and borderline suicidal race. They have a fanatical dedication to space and going fast, and talking to Jeb just reinforced this.

He had a few demands/requests that he required before he and his people could work. One, they wanted to have a KSC so they could explore space at their leisure, Two they wanted to make their own town on the island, three they wanted to have some wizards to study magic to be used in space.

I did have some demands in turn, they must build their rockets to humans specifications and work with human personnel, the town they are free to work and such but they are under my authority along with government, and the wizards will have to swear to a lot of vows and contracts. But after that we would cross that bridge when we came to it.

The KSC we just fully copied it from the Kerbin, but with the help of the Engineers we are actually able to get the Lab, KSC and Military Base.

Before Stewart alerted me that the Mage Brigade would be arriving, the base would house 2,000 active soldiers joining them along with them would be supporting staff which we be around 600 which would live in the local town when it gets built.

The cover for the Kerbals is that they are the descendants of the locals who married a magical creature. It was a weak lie but it worked for now, as they were a great help in our day to day work.

We also moved our old Facility and staff to Mother Base as well so we could do as much mad science as possible, our old facility was turned into a factory for our jet engines and given to the Airforce to develop their own aircraft.


Stewart and I also had multiple discussions on what we would be researching and our mission for the government.

We are called X-Com we are to Develop both magical and mundane technologies and to fuse the two, protect Britain by both threats local and abroad.

We had been given General goals and told to complete them anyway we can so long as it was a moral in how we did it.

We are to infiltrate the British magical society and encourage mundane born to leave, to rejoin mundane society or to work for the mundane government.

Next, we are to damage the Nazi war machine in any way possible way from air strikes to working with local rebels in occupied territories. The Soldier side's first mission is to sabotage the large build up of Nazi aircraft across the channel.

The Researchers are given a variety of task from new Medical treatments to new guns. Our research team is separated into a number of departments, Air, Land, Sea, etc each having a mix of Kerbals, Magical and Mundane researchers they all having their own projects.

For the Air side, we have been working on making helicopters. As they would be great for getting into and out of France quickly for mundane troops till magic is revealed to the public. Their craftsman side began to build a number of Thunderbirds to be used in surprise attacks for the Battle of Britain

Most of the other researchers started to develop their own prototypes of variety of technologies mostly things from the 1960 or mid 1960s but they are mostly working on Fission and nuclear power.

I had a one major research project which is power armor, it had a number of uses even out side of front line fighting. One idea I had based off Warhammer 40k the boarding pods and the drop pods that the space marines used, after taking with the kerbals we wanted to strap a team to a rocket, then launch it at a number of cities or when we invade France.

The magical researchers are takes with the hardest takes, developing a giant sided ward matrix to protect the entirety of Britain. It would not allow any foreign magical in Britain and monitor any spell cast to be noted and if needed alert the authorities.

Our, tasks would be interrupted by a the start of Battle of Britain and with it the fate of the nation and our planes and guns would be put to the test.

-Mental Resistance III (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (200CP)

Your mind and will are strong.

I: You are very difficult to intimidate and have a high resistance to mental fatigue (such as from extended warfare or study) and can generally delay dealing with mental trauma until any immediate crisis is dealt with. Also, you do not get bored with tasks easily and can study or practice abilities for extended periods without penalty or need for a break.

II: Immunity to the items in tier I plus a high degree of resistance to memetic hazards, insanity,mind control, and other factors that would impact how your mind works.

III: Complete immunity to the items in tiers I and II.