9 CH7

July 14th, 1940

I was in my Lab when the message came the Germans have begun their assault in full, Air command sent a message to all bases to go full alert and send every fighter into the air.

Our base was no different but our aircraft were slightly different than what the main British was using the Standard Thunderbird (Jet) while we had developed a enchanted version.

Only mildly enchanted as it is a proof of concept, it is enchanted with a number of charms that would allow the pilot to fight in any condition weather or time. Like enchanted glass that would show the area as if it was day time and allowing the pilot to see through fog and rain.

Sadly their are very few currently available due to the man hours needed to enchant each one as we haven't cracked auto enchanting machines.

Before our aircraft took to the sky I gave a talk to the pilots.

Rin-"Today you will be challenged, this will be for the most part the first real fight you will be in. So will tell you this have faith, you will be flying the most advanced aircraft ever created by human hands have faith in your machine. Have faith in your fellow men they will be fighting with you, gods speed. Now go and kill some Nazis."

POV shift- theme music Primo Victoria By Sabaton

All over southern Britain, air raid sirens would sound. People fled to their shelters whether their basements or underground tunnels then the booms were heard in the distance these were not bombs rather the small number of cannons that had been built near the cliffs of Dover had begun firing at the airfields across the channel.

Then the first of the planes crested the Horizon, 1,000s of planes bearing Nazi emblems made their way to Britain.

The First Allied planes start the fight were my own men, using their Enchanted Thunder birds they're began to tear into the Nazis, soon most of the British Air fighter began to fight.

With the mass production of the Thunder birds our allied fighters flew circles around Nazi, Bombers began dropping out of the sky as our men shoot them out of the sky.

As some German planes made it past our fighters the auto turrets began to light the sky a flame, our own enchanted planes then took to the sky faster than any plane began targeting the air fields in Britain.

This battle would last for a week till the Nazi would lower their attacks to nightly raid, which they would be met with our enchanted planes which were the only planes able to see at night.

After the attacks slowed I was ordered to report to London to meet with Churchill as he wanted to be updated on our research and to thank me for what I have done for the war effort.


July 21st, 1940

For the meeting I am bringing Stin and Bill Kerman, Stin who is in charge of the heavy weapons division like the giant artillery being made on the coast, Bill will be presenting the rocket designs and all the different applications of them.

I was presenting the Stempack as they would cut casualties by half at least when they are put out enmass. Bill will be wearing an enchanted bracelet to disguise him while Stin and I will be hiding our more obvious enhancements.

Winston Churchill was a rather fat man, he was as wide as some door ways and smelled of cigars.

Churchill-"Thank you for coming, now I wish I could publicly thank you for your contributions now but with spy's and the magical side of things heating up, hopefully after the war you can get your medal.

But on to lighter subjects I was told you and your compatriots have a presentation on your future plans for the war."

Stin-"Thank you sir, now I developed The Mars Cannons on the coast and work with Bill on the rocket division. First I would Like to encourage the expansion of the artillery and AA to cover the entire southern coast. Second, we in the heavy weapons division with the help of Bill have come up with a rather genius idea, we have developed a way of making "drop pods" which would be strapped to a rocket and land on a target allowing about 50 men or 4 heavy vehicles." She then went on to a lot of technical aspects of the idea, while her and Bill went on the forge triggered.


-Technical Schematics (Warhammer 40k - T'au empire) (200CP)

This small database is a well organized, easily searchable, and easily accessible list of detailed schematics and scientific texts covering all machines, tools, and sciences understood by the T'au. It cannot be remotely hacked or externally corrupted by others. During your jump, this database includes all T'au knowledge up to either current 40k canon or all information that would be available to the T'au within the next hundred years without your interference, whichever option includes less advanced technology. After this jump, the schematics are upgraded to include all designs and science your T'au have developed and all designs and science developed in canon by the T'au by the end of the Fifth Sphere Expansion.


Which really fucking hurt because suddenly my head was filled with the entire history of the Tau with it I suddenly had blueprints and explanation on how these thing work.

While it will take a while for me to implement these advances, but I also have a step by step guide on Uniting a planet under one rule. I then went on to present my stem pack to Churchill who would encourage them to be made immediately to start a stockpile for invading the mainland.

Next chapter