
Starting From Monster Musume With A Chat Group

A man named Ren Katō died and woke up in a dark, void-like sea... He heard a voice and granted him powers from his desires...And now after this rollercoaster, He wakes up to an unknown bed and ceiling together with some memories that "He" on this world possess... Oh! And he also finds out he has this thing called a Dimensional Chat Group that he only saw from some fan-fictions in his past life. So basically, this Chat Group allows him to contact characters from what he thought was only fictional! Now let us see whatever happens to him and his journey in the Multiverse!! (•`u'•)/ ==========∆=========== P.S: This is my first FF and I'm young so dont expect too much, if you don't want a kinda cringe mc, this is a warning. Disclaimer!: I don't own anything except my OC's and everything else belongs to their respective owners! Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 Advanced chapters for 10 dollars! patreon.com/user?u=81011681

I_Sensei · Anime et bandes dessinées
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108 Chs

Chapter-22: The First Clash! The War has Started!

Chapter-22: The First Clash! The War has Started!


3rd POV | Kurokawa Town Ruins |

The town that once stood tall in this land, is now laid into ruins... The foundations of civilization now turned into ashes..

Skeletons, cars, as well as the tanks and other destroyed weaponry of the JSDF who wanted to protect the town, were littered everywhere, in the street, in the ruined buildings, and in the alleyways...

Tak-! Tak-! Tak-!


The convoy pushed through all of the debris stuck in the main road as they walked beside their vehicles, guarding it while some people lift the blockage on the road. Their pace was quite slow and tedious but they persevered to reach their goal.

They went out for a quick hunt to clear a nearby town to prepare the ambush.

Akari was on the roof of their Humvee scouting and guarding the surroundings with her eyes. Himiko and Honoka were at the side of the Humvee protecting it from any sudden ambushes and Ichika was protecting the back.

They formed a tight net or a shield around the Humvee. Ren flew in the skies discreetly and Kanesada scouted ahead of the vehicle while killing any Gastrea that they spot ot come across.

"It's really boring, there's nothing happening"

"Isn't that good? degozaru"

Honoka was really bored and sulked about it as she raised a flag casually. Toka overheard their conversation and was quite uncomfortable because she knows the routine of characters setting up death flags..

Ruaaaahh-!! Screeeeech-!!

A spider-like Gastrea with small spikes in it's legs and segmented mandibles like the volatiles in Dying Light, jumped to the main road, blocking the route that they were taking. The convoy were all split up to teams with agencies taking their own routes.

This small road was what they chose, they knew it was inevitable to clash against Gastrea, so they came prepared.

"Ichika! Target it's legs, Honoka!, try and kick it and knock some sense into it!, Akari!, try and get it's eyes or any exposed body part without armor!"

"And Himiko, switch with me on my signal when I create an opening!"



"Let's do this!"

Toka immediately went out of the vehicle and used her Ouroboros to make a cut as the blood flowed out like a rushing river. She commanded the Initiators quickly and neatly as she had cultivated and developed Battle IQ and Field Combat strategies through her experience with combat from hunting Gastrea.

"Based from it's size and proportions as well as it's mutations that are physically visible, it's a Level 2"

Akari monotonely said as she inspected the Gastrea before them with great precision using her scope.

"Got it! This is Cannon fodder!"

Himiko said in an unexpected arrogance as she bent her knees like a bowstring, ready to unleash a devastating arrow!

Baaam—! Whoosh—!

She flew very fast as the wind pressure surrounded the place she jumped from.

Honoka smiled as she gathered great force and momentum as gravity pulled her down.

Her heavy Varanium greaves weighed her down and became the first part of her body to point downwards.

Her posture became as sharp as a sword and her body as straight as a spear.

She was like a falling comet or like the Sword of Damocles falling on a corrupt king's head.


Honoka said as she fell from the sky with the massive momentum that built up from when she was falling.


When Honoka landed, she made a huge whole and a cloud of dust that was swept up to the air.

The dust cloud dissipated and Toka was able to take a look at the result.

When she looked, it turned out to be that the spider Gastrea had a huge hole in it's body.

Screeeech—! Roaaaar—!

The Gastrea howled in pain but it managed to stand again. The wound starting to regenerate slowly.

"Now, Akari!, blind it!"

Boooom—! Kachingk—! Fkuuushh—!

A shot rang out and the sound of the cartridge ejecting rang out after. Green blood spurted out from the spider Gastrea's eye like a fountain.

Bang—! Bang—! Bang—!

Akari continued without pause and successfully blinded the Gastrea from all 6 of it's front eyes.


Toka said as she slashed her blood sword at the top of the Gastrea's head. She sliced cleanly through the outer exoskeleton, directly exposing the soft inner membrane of the Gastrea.


Toka sunk her feet deep within the broken asphalt road and sidestepped with such speed that she left an afterimage!


The ground behind Toka cracked as Himiko came in with a flying kick.


Himiko's kick collided with the Gastrea, because it was weakened, it's face exoskeleton easily caved in.

Craaack-! Chiiiik-!



The Gastrea's head exploded like a watermelon. Splattering the green blood as well as it insides everywhere.

Himiko sneered and said, "Too weak, pleh! I got some blood in my mouth!".

Honoka, Ichika, Himiko and Toka dismantled the Gastrea and went back with some pieces as proof, they also listed this kill in a small notebook.

"We should continue until sundown"


Toka said to the Initiators guarding the vehicle. Akari and the others heard clearly and started removing the roadblocks again.



* * *

2 hours passed after the fight and no more Gastrea appeared. Because the sun was falling and turning into night, Toka and the loli's decided to enter an abandoned building en route, making sure the building won't collapse on them and lighting a campfire.

Flap-! Flap-! Tak-!

A flapping sound appeared and Ren landing followed after. Kanesada also entered with Sajuna behind him.

"Yo, how did all your sweeps go?"

Toka asked all of them as she prepared a warm jacket for all members and was also heating up rations that they carried, because of course, she's the big sister of the whole team, she's the oldest. Ren is 18, Sajuna is 16, Lucien Evans is 17, Kanesada is 23 and Toka is 25...

"It went well, I almost exterminated every single Gastrea ahead of us"

"Yeah, on my side, I just blasted them with Magical Splash Flare"

"I just cut through them easily"

Kanesada shrugged as his fighting style is plain and simple, hack and slash them babyy!

Sajuna smelled something good at Toka's direction and saw the heated noodles in a metallic bowl, some grilled meat, and some sandwiches. Sajuna started drooling and became excited while smelling the food. Toka was the oldest and most experienced in cooking as well as a chef so she was the one in charge of their meals

"Come on!, let's eat"

Sajuna immediately went to Toka and took the noodles..


Word Count: 1056

Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 advanced chapters: I-Sensei | Imagination_Master

