
starting from game of thrones

Humans are born with infinite potential but rarely do they utilize it. join our mc in his journey to try and reach it. will he be able to rise from being as week as an insect to achieve godhood? Lets find out. I don't own game of thrones or any other series mentioned. I don't own any pictures that I utilize. This is my first novel please give me any ideas and advice me to better my self. Thank you

Tarek_Mansour · Films
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8 Chs

The beginning

Long ass Prologue

Mc pov

I woke up with a start looking around me. Lost in thought on where I am.

I tried to remember the last thing I did, and I came up blank. Around me was a void devoid of light and sound it stretched on forever. Then I was assaulted by a massive headache, my life flashed in front of my eyes. I remembered I was from a war-torn country in the middle east, I studied and worked hard in my life, watched anima movies and Tv shows. My parents spent most of their savings to send me to Germany to study there and build a better life. Sadly, I failed and went back to in humiliation. Lived my life in mediocracy and thought about what ifs. The last thing I remember was crossing a street and gun fire. I suppose that I died.

I felt relieved and sat in silence mediating on all of mistakes and flaws.

Third point of view

Time passed in the void when suddenly light erupted illuminating the darkness.

A being came out of the light and walked toward the only person there sitting deep in meditation.

The man opened his eyes and saw a being walking standing in front of him he opened his mouth to speak but the being spoke first.

"You're an interesting human aren't you, instead of swallowing in grief you realized all of your mistakes and made peace with your faults and achieved the closest thing to nirvana that you humans can manage. You humans are an interesting species so much potential that you waste yet here you are even in death as a soul you reached a state of mind that many in the multiverse strive for and never achieve." the being said

The man looked in deep thoughts "yes you are right, we live our whole life in a broken system we go to school to learn so we can get a good job for 25 years then we work hard all of our lives to earn money and provide for our children. We grow old and tired and we die life goes fast and we don't even enjoy it properly. Every person rich and poor healthy and sick have issues that he never let go of. I am finally at peace" the human replied.

The being smiled and said "hohoho but death is only the beginning your soul, should have reflected on your mistakes then cleansed of your memories and sent to the cycle of life yet instead it absorbed the void strengthening it self and freeing it self from the shackles of the reincarnation cycle." The man looked confuse not understanding what was being said the being continued. " Don't get confused your soul grew to strong to be reincarnated on earth this never happened before in the history of the multiverse your soul isn't strong enough for a higher tier world but is too strong for earth think of it as levels you were a level 1 soul which means trash and now you're a level 5 a strong insect but an insect never less so I have a proposition for you I am curios to see your development. So, I will reincarnate you in a world that your insect soul can survive in and see how far can you reach. And if you flourish and strengthen your soul you will go to a higher world and so on."

The man was getting more excited by the second his otako side was showing. He knew the being wasn't manipulating him simply because the being was too strong to bother as he said he was an insect next to him. He looked up and said. "What world is my soul qualified for and will I get any wishes or powers."

The being was amused and a light showed next to him with two wheels one small the other big , the small one has worlds written on it Harry Potter, Game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, Eragon, twilight and the list goes on with 20 more worlds and the other had powers super soldier serum 'watered down version' water elemental fire elemental 'watered down version' and the list goes on maybe thousands of powers all watered down versions of them. said. "I am only curious so I won't be helping you. And the reason there aren't more worlds and stronger powers is that your puny soul won't be able to handle it properly now let's see what lady fate has in store for you" he spun the small wheel first. It spun so fast as the man looked on it with desperation written on his face, he wasn't sure what to expect this will decide his fate. As it slowed down it looked as it will stop on twilight the man was almost in tears but at the last second it flipped to land on Game of thrones. The man breathed out a sigh of relieve even though it wasn't an ideal choice it was one of the better ones. The being then clicked his hands and the wheel for worlds disappeared and the power one multiplied so there are three and he spun them together the first one landed on a picture of an Egg with blue diamond patterns on it, The second landed on a Spear appearing out of a river, and the third on a wand surrounded by books and scrolls. The being looked down on the human with amusement and curiosity and said. "Well, well, well you got a true dragon egg from Eragon series they are smaller but faster and have stronger scales than the ones in game of throne. The second power is Rhoynish heritage you will be descendant of their kings and have their knowledge on water magic and powers you will get them gradually as soon as you master the basics you will get more knowledge. The third is interesting you got harry potter magic. Without the knowledge how to utilize it, mmm I was going to give you a simple system that you can use to check on your soul power and use to travel to other dimension I will add a Harry potters store into it you can only buy books and non-sentient species. You will be reincarnated 20 years before Roberts Rebellion good luck"

The man didn't even get a chance to thank the being before he was enveloped in water blue light leaving an empty void with the being's voice heard saying. "show me, show me the potential of humanity don't disappoint me human."

Humans are born with infinite potential but rarely do they utilize it. join our mc in his journey to try and reach it.

will he be able to rise from being as week as an insect to achieve godhood?

Lets find out.

I don't own game of thrones or any other series mentioned.

I don't own any pictures that I utilize.

This is my first novel please give me any ideas and advice me to better my self. Thank you

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