
starting from game of thrones

Humans are born with infinite potential but rarely do they utilize it. join our mc in his journey to try and reach it. will he be able to rise from being as week as an insect to achieve godhood? Lets find out. I don't own game of thrones or any other series mentioned. I don't own any pictures that I utilize. This is my first novel please give me any ideas and advice me to better my self. Thank you

Tarek_Mansour · Films
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8 Chs

Eastern Alliance and Ritual

Eastern Alliance and Ritual

Before the battle with the daughters of Valyria


After the meeting between the leaders of Yunkai, Astapor and Meereen.

They had a huge celebration. They left their slave army outside the city in case of betrayals. And kept the unsullied and their guards inside the city all in all they had 110,000 slave soldiers, 60,000 unsullied and 100,000 guards with gladiators. Outside the city the laid the slave army and 80,000 gladiators. After the celebrations everybody went to their room to relax and prepare for the day of the march.


In the room of the lord of Astapor. We could see the lord dress in Valyrian steel armor.

As he did a knock on his door came. As he opened it an unsullied soldier bowed and said "My prince the unsullied are in place we are awaiting your orders." The lord smiled and took of his bracelet as he did his features distorted and, in his place, stood prince Garin he smirked and said "Excellent start the plan."

Prince pov

. As I looked on the mirror, I couldn't help but smirk they were defeated without even knowing as I stood up and took out an expanded pouch, I took out my armor and weapon after I wore them on, I took out my latest achievement a broom it wasn't a fast one but a flying one all the same. As I flew up in the air I stopped only after I was hidden behind the clouds when the clouds split apart and revealed Saphira. Dressed in her armor before attacking I couldn't help but smirk as I thought of my plan.


Immediately after the battle of Volantis I flew to Meereen and had 15,000 soldiers enter the city gradually hidden in a building with an expanding charm and a fidelios charm. Another 15,000 to Yunkai. They were armed to the teeth after the news of the battle they spoke with the slaves and recruited them to our armies secretly. After that I flew to Astapor and entered through the lord's room after casting an imperious on the ruling family they handed me the whip and I replaced him only after freeing the unsullied and having them join me in exchange I healed them with potions and regrew their cocks.

End flashback

As soon as the Yunkai army left the city my troops stationed there took over it with the slaves using the cover of Darkness and now only Meereen remain.

At exactly midnight I flew over the Meereens and Yunkais army with Saphira as she breathed fire on them my soldiers started to act as they rushed through the city with the help of the unsullied killing all who stood in their way. The slave soldier attacked the guards as I burned their army that were stationed outside. We were met by a lot of resistance from the guards and even sellswords they knew after the battle we would kill them all to stabilize the continent.

After the battle we took the leaders to prison and stabilized the city in order to not leave Astapor and Yunkai undefended I devided the slave army and unsullied into three one to stay here with my soldiers the other to Yunkai and Astapor. By the morning the city was taken and our Empire was secure. Kingdom of Sarnor wasn't a threat and neither were the Dothraki now it's time for building and making sure our infrastructure is stable and helping the slaves with finding jobs and stabilizing our rule. And if the Dothraki were to get out of hand we would end them but too much war will destabilize our rule. The kingdom of Sarnor otherwise known as Rohan their king is named Theodin we will enter negotiations with them if they joined our empire will include all of Essos with the exception of Yi Ti and old Ghis.

After taking my prisoners I ordered my guards to travel to our final destination before the rebuilding can commerce.

Third point of view

King Gareth stood with his lords in the middle of Essos in-between Myr Neesar and The Chroyane with him were all the lords, Nymeria of Ny Sar, Princess Evelyn of Sarhoy, prince Artos of Ar Noy, Prince Arthon of Ghoyan Drohe and finally prince Perseus of Sar Mell. And the new lords of Pentos Lord Alexander of Volantis, the ruling family of Gohor lord Tormund and finally Lord Theon lord of wolf bay. A soldier came running to the king as he bowed and stood "My king we got word the prince will arrive in three days' time. The prisoners are all secured and our mages are preparing. But we have un invited guests that are requesting a meeting. They are Prince Oberyn Martell with him are ser Arthur Dayne and Ashara Dayne with guards and lords from other Dornish houses. The other party is made by the lord Rickard Stark with him his son Brandon and some of the lords of the north. Both parties bring gifts and request a meeting" The king looked surprise for a second before schooling his features. He told the guard to bring them in. As the guard left the King turned toward his lords and said "My lords the dornish came faster than anticipated they would most likely seek and alliance with us. They desire our water magic we will welcome them and host them but we won't be teaching them anything for now I want you to tell all the mages not to teach no matter what they were offered if they refuse remind them of the unbreakable contract they signed. As for the Starks Prince Theon I want you to make an alliance with them assure them that you don't seek their place in Winterfell and ask for their daughters' hand in marriage and offer them Glass for it I don't know why but my son says that you marrying Lyanna Stark guarantees better future." The lords nodded even Theon did but he was hesitant. When the doors were opened and the guests enterd"

Prince Oberyn POV

I travelled all the way to Essos with my guards and close companions I couldn't help but be anxious the meet the Rhoynar I grew up on their stories of Princess Nymeria whose descendant still lives as princess of Ny Sar. As we stood outside, I couldn't help but be impressed soldiers stood at the ready with professionalism not normally seen in levies this was an army a real one, one bred only for war. Water Mages standing at the side rerouting some of the Rhoyn river so the camp can have fresh water.

With me were ser Arthur Dayne the Sword of the Morning and his Sister Ashara and some of Dorne's lords. But to my surprise we weren't the only Westorasi here. Lord Stark and his son and lords are here too most likely to inquire about Theon the new lord of Wolf bay. After we exchanged greetings. Lord Stark looked at me and said "Prince Oberyn have you heard about the most recent development." I was confused what development is he talking about did the Eastern Alliance attack but that can't be if they the army won't be in such a festive mood seeing my confusion he added "The missing prince took over Astapor and disguised himself as its lord after meeting the lords of Yunkai and Meereen he attacked with the unsullied some smuggled soldiers and took over the city. He also stationed soldiers in Yunkai who took it over with the help of the slaves. The Eastern Alliance is done for and the Rhoynar Empire is secure they did what no other could in a years' time." My companions and my eyes widened in shock we couldn't believe how they moved in such speed. Before I could answer the guards told us to enter. After we entered, I gasped in shock as I looked on Princess Nymeria she looked exactly like my ancestor did in her painting. After the Greetings we were welcomed and after our exchange of gifts which the I amusedly noticed that the Starks gave weirwood saplings. And Theon the lord of Wolfbay looked upon them in awe even King Gareth looked happy for some reason after our meeting they told us to rest and await the prince he should arrive in three days' time.

Time skip Three days

In the last 3 days I got to know the Rhoynar. And I couldn't be any happier they share so many similarities between the people of Dorne their water mages were phenomenal and their Martial powers are amazing. I spared with General Perseus and lost a couple of times in fact the only one who can fight him as an equal is ser Arthur Dayne and he barely could keep up. But the most people I spent time with are Princess Nymeria and Princess Evelyn. Princess Nymeria was every inch of a warrior I imagined my ancestor to be she also was a terrible tease with her beautiful body she left my cock hard and aching after each meeting. On the other hand, Princess Evelyn was the optimum of what a lady should be she had another worldly beauty that made her seem unapproachable. But her looks are deceiving I learned that when one lord became handsy she blasted him with a water wave that looked like a tsunami with a casual wave of her hand. I tried to pry in on their water magic training I learned that I had the ability to learn but all who wish to learn must have the prince approval. My thoughts were interrupted by a deafening roar as I saw a huge blue dragon descend with soldiers marching the prince's flag finally, I thought I get to meet Prince Garin I can't wait.

Lord Stark pov

During the last three days I met the lost northerners I was shocked by the number of different noble family that now call Wolfbay its home even some extinct noble houses used to be a part of the Company of the Rose but what took my breath away were the Giants and the children of the forest they were only five they said that the prince wants their help and to make them an offer. But they didn't expand on that after my shock waned, I met lord Theon he looked like a Stark and a Rhoynar we discussed trade and glass after assuring me he doesn't want or need Winterfell as we were discussing a betrothel between him and my daughter a roar interrupted us as I saw my guard running toward me" My lord the prince is here and his dragon is real." As I stood up and went to greet the prince, I couldn't help but dread of the meeting to come the prince is my hope to help the north to rise above all.

Garin POV

As I flew on Saphira I couldn't help but be anxious today is the most important day in our conquest as I landed, I saw the banners of the Starks and Martells and some other lords that I can't bother to remember after greeting my father and the lords I looked at my father and I could see him sweating in nervousness "Are the preparations ready father?" I asked he nodded as I called the mages came surrounding me with our prisoners the Valyrians and slave masters were all tied up in a ritual circle surrounding them were Weerwood saplings and the children of the forest as I started to chant with the other mages light started to shine as we chanted a nod to general Arthon was all it took for soldiers to rush in and slit the prisoners throats as blood started flowing the ground shook the whole continent shook as the weirwood trees started growing all over Essos that i planted beforehand as they did the light became bright and water started to flow like rivers connecting Essos together the ritual turns the land fertile and draw upon the water underground for new rivers and it has the affect of purification to purify all water and the people who drank it keeping them healthy. The weirwood stood as anchors to keep the magic in the air so the rituals can be permanent. As the light died down, I couldn't help but feel tired and proud finally our mission is almost done. As I was escorted back to my tent feeling drained hope filled me for the future of our empire.

Chapter Ends