
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · Films
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32 Chs

Chapter 8: Win or Lose

"I'm sorry!"

"I have no intention of insulting you, let alone bounty hunters!"

"But I accept your challenge!"

Realizing the mistake he had made, Thorin Oakenshield stood up and immediately apologized.

But Morgan's challenge in front of him was also an insult to him.

Thorin Oakenshield has noble status. If he rejects the opponent's challenge, he will lose the face of the entire family of Durin's dwarves.

There is no benefit to winning, but he must still accept.

His status and his bloodline status determined that he had to win.

But if he loses, there may be problems.

So whether Thorin Oakenshield wins or loses, Morgan's blatant defiance is an insult to him.

Although Morgan has good reasons.

Thorin Oakenshield's voice accepting the challenge of the duel fell, and the room immediately erupted in shock.

What is the identity of Thorin Oakenshield, what is the identity of Morgan.

Even if Morgan has enough reasons, although I don't know if the reason is made up by the other party.

But noble identity and blood heritage are the most important things in the entire world of Middle-earth.

To challenge Thorin Oakenshield is to humiliate all the dwarves present.

"No, Thorin, you can't promise that human boy, let me go..."

"Get out of the way, let me teach this Morgan kid a good lesson..."

"No, let me go, I said first..."

"Let me go, when I saw the human boy I was upset, that boy actually looks more handsome than me..."

"Let me go, I think he can use arrows, and you can't use archery..."

"What does the challenge have to do with bows and arrows? I want that boy to try my axe..."


The dwarves talked much and were filled with righteous indignation.

Gandalf looked at Morgan with a strange expression, only to find that the boy was winking at him.

Only then did he realize that Morgan had done it on purpose.

Also, this kid doesn't seem like a reckless person.

He couldn't help but understand the seriousness of challenging Thorin Oakenshield, unless he didn't want the assignment.

Of course, Morgan's violent reaction at this point made Gandalf a little nervous.

Because, what Thorin Oakenshield just said really put Morgan down, and Morgan's declaration of honor was very fair.

He knows that it is impossible to challenge Thorin Oakenshield, but it is possible to challenge other dwarves.

Gandalf soon realized what Morgan really wanted to do.

Yes, he avoids Thorin Oakenshield and challenges the other dwarves.

As long as you can win, you not only regain respect, but also demonstrate Morgan's strength.

With a few more words from me, Thorin Oakenshield who takes this expedition very seriously, will never refuse to have a bounty hunter as powerful as Morgan join.

He so he can kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Gandalf immediately came out and gave him a solution: "I think we can do this..."

After a bitter argument.

Morgan's challenge was successfully transferred from Thorin Oakenshield to the young dwarf Kíli.

Because the adventure is about to start soon, no matter if you win or lose, it is not good for someone to get hurt in the duel.

So as Morgan said he was good with a bow and arrow, and among all the dwarves in the room, the young dwarf Kíli had the best bow skills.

This can be seen why he is the only one with a bow.

Using the archery method to show who is stronger, simpler and naturally accepted by everyone.

Now that the decision has been made, the competition will begin immediately.

Bilbo's Bag End was so small that Morgan would have to bend while he stood, and he certainly couldn't compete.

Soon, the group moved outside Bag End.

There is very little entertainment in this world, even less at night.

It is rare to see such a spirited competition between the two archers Morgan and Kili.

The group of midgets seemed louder than the two parties involved.

Because Morgan's challenge has become Kíli.

The anger of a group of dwarves against Morgan naturally shifted when the target of Morgan's challenge changed.

After all, his dwarf king Thorin Oakenshield was the first to disrespect him.

Morgan was willing to let it go and not worry about it. Although the dwarves were not very appreciative, they were certainly not angry or holding a grudge.

Dwarves are grumpy, but their personality is also straightforward, as long as they are not offended, they are still willing to be reasonable.

The challenge turned into a fun event.

The group of dwarves are very good at making fun of things and naturally have a join in the fun attitude.

Soon, a bet was made on who would win between Morgan and Kíli.

Because the dwarves had a better understanding of Kíli's strength, most bets are placed on him.

But Morgan's temperament is extraordinary, and along with the title of bounty hunter very rare in Middle-earth, and they have just heard the story of him briefly from the white-bearded dwarf Balin.

Several dwarfs couldn't help but have some confidence in Morgan, and bet on him.

When the dwarves questioned Gandalf, he gleefully took out a bag of money and put it into Morgan's hands almost without thinking.

Morgan was brought in by him, and he must show confidence.

What's more, the giant bear he killed a few days ago has already shown Morgan's strength.

Gandalf must bet on him.

Except for Thorin Oakenshield, who was present, he did not join in the fun.

Even Bilbo Baggins, who was watching the fun from start to finish, was instigated by the dwarves, and he was also betting on Morgan.

After the betting ended, Morgan and Kíli began discussing how to compete.

Kíli was a handsome young dwarf who, like Morgan, had black hair.

It's just that Kíli's black hair is messy and Morgan is tied up in a ponytail.

The two each said a test method, but they were obviously not good.

At this time, the sound of birds suddenly came from the forest in the distance.

Morgan's eyes lit up, he got an idea and immediately said, "Are we going to shoot the birds?"

After hearing this, Kíli immediately looked towards the dark forest, and after secretly weighing the chance of him, he nodded: "I agree, then to shoot the birds!"

The two parties decided on the testing method, and the dwarfs began to look forward to it.

Morgan and Kíli did not say who went first, and drew bows from their backs and arrows from their quivers.

Because the tail feathers of the arrows on both sides are different, they will be easy to identify.

Although it was night.

There were many stars shining in the sky, and the sky was not cloudy, and they could see well.

The two of them held their bows and arrows, calmly looking into the distance.

The group of dwarfs behind them did not dare to speak loudly at this time, fearing it would affect the two of them.

The distance between Morgan and Kíli is not too great.

He was in the wild right now, and the surroundings were calm. They could almost hear each other's breathing.

Since it was a competition, neither of them dared to be careless.

As the breath began to slow, the sudden song of a bird came again from the forest.

Kíli's eyes, which at first had a calm face, lit up and the long-awaited arrow in his hand shot out with a quick "buzz".

In the next second, a raucous bird song was heard.

Kíli looked happy, and then a happy voice came from behind: "Shoot..."

But since Morgan didn't fire, the voice quickly disappeared.

Morgan's face was calm and the news of Kíli's shooting could not distract him at all. Knowing how loud the yelling and scolding was in the boxing ring in his previous life, he could remain absolutely focused.

Especially now.

Slightly narrowed eyes scanned the forest ahead carefully.

Archery level LV2 gave Morgan a much better understanding of bows, arrows, and archery than the average archer.

You should know that he has practiced Muay Thai for more than 20 years in his previous life, and he is only LV2 in the system.

From here, we can see how strong a benefit the Time Traveler system can bring.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flew out of the dark forest.


Morgan's gaze followed swiftly like an eagle, the bow and arrow in his hand suddenly stretched to their fullest, and his fingers trembled.


The arrow made a whistling sound as it broke through the air and shot forward!