
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · Films
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32 Chs

Chapter 24 Kill that human!

"Splash, Splash, Splash."

The heavy rain continued to fall.

The ground shook slightly as three large trolls came rushing through the forest.

In front of them, a dozen dwarves stood scattered with various weapons.

A four meter tall, flat-headed troll spoke in a high-pitched voice, "That's the first time I've seen such a small thing, what are they, are they humans too?"

"I think they are... They are dwarves, my mother hunted a few of them when I was little."

The taller and stronger one, who was almost five meters tall, raised his hand and scratched his bald head for a long moment before speaking in a muffled voice.

"So, can they be eaten?".

The flat-headed, round-headed troll spoke quickly.

"Of course they can be eaten, just like humans."

The larger troll said loudly.

"The humans we caught last time were not tasty, the meat was too old."

Continued the flathead troll, clearly raising his voice.

"Stupid, they were farmers, two old farmers, scrawny and meatless, of course they don't taste good!

The larger troll patted the flathead troll on the head and continued in a muffled voice, "These dwarves are different. You can see they are fat and strong, and they must have meat on them."

"I ate dwarves when I was a boy, the meat was thick and juicy."

"Now these dwarves must be the same..."

"Tom, how did you come across these dwarves?"

The older troll looked at his younger brother, who stood in front, and asked aloud.

"I caught two very large sheep where the farmer used to be, and then I met these dwarves."

"There are still a lot of sheep."

The pig-nosed troll, still with the arrow in his nose, opened his mouth and said.

"Sheep, sheep are the best."

"Did you hear that William, Tom says they have plenty of sheep besides those fat juicy dwarves."

Hearing his younger brother's words, the flat-headed troll's eyes seemed to glow, and he immediately shouted at the older brother next to him.

"Shut up, of course I know!".

The bigger troll slapped the flat-headed troll again and continued, "If we catch them, we can eat for a long time."

"Heh heh heh heh heh."

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

The three huge creatures, armed with thick tree trunks, approached with tremendous force, shaking the ground.

The dwarves were certainly nervous.

A monster several times their size, huge and ugly.

Faced with such a creature, instinctive nervousness was inevitable.

But nervous as they were, the dwarves were not afraid.

When Morgan and Kíli's two arrows whistled and hit the lead troll first.

The dwarves pounced.



With the sound of the two arrows that shot out.


The smallest of the three trolls, the one with the arrow in his nose, screamed in dismay, two more arrows instantly appeared in his ugly face, and his wild dash came to an abrupt halt.

At that moment, the four dwarves immediately rushed forward.

Taking advantage of the wound on the troll's face, the four dwarves, armed with swords, axes and hammers, rushed to the troll's side.

They stabbed and stabbed the troll in the crotch, legs and toes.

The pain in his face and the attack beneath him were too much.

The Troll roared in rage, looked at the dwarves and raised his hands to grab them.

The dwarves, who were prepared, dodged immediately.

At that moment, the other two larger trolls also came running up.

The dwarves immediately backed away.

The troll, who was in pain, was furious that he had not caught the dwarf and immediately lifted the tree trunk with his hand and whipped it hard.


The ground shook violently and grass, trees and mud flew out in all directions.

The dwarves fled as fast as they could.

At the same time.

Morgan drew his arrow again and drew his bow.

When the troll, with three arrows in its face, turned its head.

Morgan focused his gaze deeply, holding his breath as his fingers loosened the bowstring again.


The arrow shot out.

In an instant, he was in front of the huge living target of a troll.


This time, the troll's scream was much louder and more desperate than before.

The sudden increase in screaming immediately attracted the attention of the crowd.

The troll, who had been shot again, wailed with one hand covering half of his face, while with the other he gripped the trunk of a tree, which he swung wildly.

He didn't even realize that he had hit another troll not far from him.

He seemed plunged into a frenzy of rage.

But soon, the deranged troll, whose face was a hornet's nest of arrows, stopped his madness.

The thick tree trunk he held as a weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

The huge figure began to sway and become unsteady.

Finally, the large hand he held halfway to his face fell away, and the swaying troll fell to the ground with a clatter.

Only then did the crowd see where Morgan had stuck the arrow that had made the crazed troll scream.

It had entered the troll's eye.

Red and black blood spurted from the eye socket.

Unlike the arrows that had entered the troll's head, the arrow that had struck the eye socket showed almost only the tail feather.

The sharp point and long body of the arrow penetrated deep into the troll's brain.

This is also the reason why the troll was killed by this arrow after being shot several times before.


The huge troll fell to the ground with a thud.

The dwarves scattered throughout the forest immediately cheered.

To the dwarves, those huge monsters with a few arrows stuck in their heads and still jumping around like nothing were truly powerful.

As the bravest warriors of the dwarves, I was not afraid of these gigantic monsters.

But how to defeat and kill these monsters is the most troublesome thing for them.

Now, Morgan's success in killing the first big troll monster has solved this problem and is a sign of what is to come.

This powerful monster can be killed if you find the right path.

As the eldest of the three trolls, and the tallest and most powerful of them all, the troll William was enraged to see his brother Tom fall to the ground.

Pointing to Morgan, who was hiding behind a large tree in the distance, he shouted, "There, Bert, kill that human!".

William the gnome took the floor.

The dwarf Kíli, who was hiding on the other side, released his arrow with a calm look.


The arrow shot out in an instant.

Only the troll William had noticed Kíli in advance and raised his hand to cover his face.

The arrow hit him squarely in the arm.

Troll William didn't mind the arrow in the arm, as the troll's brother, Bert, walked towards the cursed human who had killed Tom.

Troll William turned sharply and approached the dwarf Kili, who wielded a longbow.