
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 35 I want to find you no matter north, south or east

I saw Sun Xiaokong rolling on the ground first, making his cotton clothes extremely dirty.

Then he ran directly out of the water curtain hole.

In the Water Curtain Cave, the monkeys looked at Sun Xiaokong's panic, scratching their heads and scratching their heads in confusion.

After Sun Xiaokong ran out of Huaguo Mountain, he came all the way to the back mountain.

Then...pretending to be very tired, he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Little sister...little sister, where are you!"

"Little sister monkey..."

I saw Sun Xiaokong walking on the snow as if he was out of his mind. He was in a daze and muttered as he walked: "Why can't I find my little sister... I haven't seen her in half a month."

"Where is my little sister?"

"No, I have to find her even if I go up mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Sun Xiaokong was on the snow in the back mountain, shouting every ten steps and muttering every five steps, just looking and looking!

Half an hour later.

Guanyin is here.

First of all, Guanyin discovered Sun Xiaokong as soon as she arrived in the sky of Huaguo Mountain.

Originally, he was going to beat Sun Xiaokong violently when he went down, but when he heard Sun Xiaokong's muttering, he was suddenly stunned.

His brows furrowed.

Seeing that the monkey who was always angry with him and pinched his face before was now looking for him like crazy, Guanyin really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Moreover, looking at Sun Xiaokong at this time, he was extremely embarrassed, with countless vicissitudes of life on his face, and the firm desire in his eyes...

Just this time, Guanyin's anger was inexplicably reduced by half.

Apparently, Guanyin had given it some thought.

He still doesn't plan to let Sun Xiaokong go, but he has gone from beating him half to death to giving him a lesson.

I saw Guanyin suddenly transformed. This time she was not a monkey girl, but a goldfish spirit.

Guanyin thought about it, and as a goldfish spirit, it would be most appropriate to teach Stone Monkey a lesson.

In the snow, Sun Xiaokong was running around looking for Little Sister Hou. Although his face was miserable, his heart was filled with panic.

Sun Xiaokong said heartily: "I wonder if this emotional card can be played..."

"According to the system prompts, Guanyin should have arrived at this moment, right?"

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with my acting, right?"

Of course, if there is a problem, it is...not miserable enough! ! !

I saw Sun Xiaokong walking, and he felt a stone under his feet. He fell down... and his whole body rolled down the snow slope.

As soon as Guanyin turned into a goldfish spirit and landed, before she could say anything, she saw Sun Xiaokong falling and rolling into the snow slope.

I couldn't help but tremble in my heart, and sighed: "Amitabha!"

"I had known that the flat peach would not be given to Stone Monkey, but Stone Monkey is so persistent."

ha! Pooh!

Guanyin shook her head hurriedly, I was here to teach him a lesson.

Thinking of Guanyin, he flew directly to the snow slope and waited for Sun Xiaokong to roll down.

Sun Xiaokong was rolling on the snowy slope...rolling and rolling~rolling and rolling...

Suddenly finding a big rock in front of him, Sun Xiaokong rolled towards the big rock without hesitation.

And he also hit his head on a big rock.


The stone was cracked, and Sun Xiaokong let out a scream.


At this time, Guanyin was stunned.

Before Guanyin could take action, Sun Xiaokong stood up and saw the goldfish spirit appearing in front of him. Sun Xiaokong felt something was wrong with this goldfish spirit at first sight.

Because from the look in his eyes, Sun Xiaokong could tell that this goldfish spirit didn't have the look that a fool should have.

Goldfish Essence: I will fight with you.

In an instant, Sun Xiaokong realized it, and then the new routine was ready.

Sun Xiaokong suddenly jumped towards the goldfish spirit.

The speed is extremely fast, like lightning.

If this goldfish spirit is really the real goldfish spirit, there is a chance that it will be attacked by Sun Xiaokong.

Obviously, in front of Guanyin, Sun Xiaokong is still far behind.

Seeing Sun Xiaokong approaching, Guanyin hurriedly stepped out of the way, feeling confused.

Sun Xiaokong, who suddenly fell to the ground, roared:

"It's you...it's all you..."

"It was you, the bastard fish monster, who took my little monkey sister away."

"I'll fight you."

As he spoke, Sun Xiaokong raised his fist and rushed towards the goldfish spirit (Guanyin) again.

After listening to Sun Xiaokong's words, Guanyin finally figured it out, but she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. This stone monkey is really persistent.

After dodging more than a dozen times in a row, Guanyin saw that the stone monkey was tireless and pounced on him more than a dozen times, but he still didn't give up.

Guanyin couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

More than ten minutes later, Sun Xiaokong had hit the goldfish spirit (Guanyin) hundreds of times, and his body was covered with slush from his fall.

He looked extremely miserable.

He slumped to the ground looking very tired.

"Fish Spirit, I must kill you, kill you."

"Give little monkey sister... back to me..."

Guanyin sighed inwardly: "You idiot!"

Guanyin looked at Sun Xiaokong and said: "Smelly monkey, little monkey girl has been eaten by me and melted in my stomach. There are no bones left. You still have to give up."

"You...you lied to me..."

"Give my little sister back to me..."

Sun Xiaokong's eyes flashed with anger and he shouted hoarsely.


I saw Guanyin raise her hand, hit Sun Xiaokong with a palm seal in the void, and said coldly: "Little Sister Monkey is dead, and there will be no such person again in the future."

After saying this, Guanyin dodged and flew away.

When Guanyin first saw Sun Xiaokong frantically looking for Monkey Girl, she already softened her heart.

Then I saw Sun Xiaokong's embarrassed look again, and I lost my temper.


[The counter-routine is successful, the host is a great talent, reward: Golden elixir x 5.]

I'll wipe it!

Sun Xiaokong almost started doing it with joy, but Sun Xiaokong held it back.

Guanyin probably hasn't gone far yet. She has to act well in her role.

"Yu Jing, no matter in heaven or on earth, I, Sun Xiaokong, will never let you go."

Sun Xiaokong stood up and shouted angrily towards the sky.

"It's so exciting!"

Bang bang bang!

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor clapped his hands and praised.

The immortals below looked at the Jade Emperor with confused faces. They found that the Jade Emperor was a little abnormal recently, always laughing inexplicably alone.

The Jade Emperor was truly convinced of Sun Xiaokong and convinced him wholeheartedly.

"Your Majesty, what makes you so happy?"

"Say it, can we be happy together?" Taibai Jinxing asked not far away.

"Of course it's about the stone monkey."

"I've been bored lately, so I've been paying attention to the Stone Monkey. I thought... this Stone Monkey is really extraordinary."

As he spoke, the Jade Emperor paused and said mysteriously: "If you don't say anything else, you will know when you see me."

"What a great talent!"

The immortals were even more curious when they saw the Jade Emperor holding the stone monkey so high.

If it weren't for the Jade Emperor's high status, they would all be like "If you want to say something, say it quickly, don't lose our appetite."

However, they could not ask the Jade Emperor, but several people came close to Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er.

"Brother, what's going on with Stone Monkey recently?"

"Yeah, what a great talent?"

"What's so special about it?"


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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