
Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

[Name: ??, Age: ??] [Race: Mechanical Life] [Profession: Mechanical Apostle] [Level: Tier -6 (damaged)] [Physique: ?????] [Spirit: ?????] [Description: A broken Mechanical Life, one of Mechanical God -'@#$^&#@@%^#!'s most advanced and powerful creations, from an advanced technological world.] “Is this the World of Gods? Can anyone become God? Then why am I still just a Tier-1 Spiritual planter?” Ram pondered, after looking at the Divine Creature for the first time. In the dawn of Year 436 AR, after the birth of Divine Spirit Tree, that brought forth cataclysmic upheaval upon an unsuspecting world. Mutated plants and monsters wreaked havoc alongside humanity, ushering in an era of unprecedented turmoil and extinction crises. Amidst this chaos, individuals began to unlock their genetic chains, evolving into extraordinary beings known as Professionals—mystical warriors endowed with abilities that defied the norms of nature. Ram was reincarnated in this mysterious world as an ordinary person unable to awaken any profession. Just as he was happy about finally becoming a Tier-1 Spiritual planter, he found that there were Gods, Divine Creatures, Evil Creatures, and Nightmare Creatures all over the world, exploiting humans and other creatures by brainwashing them to collect the power of Faith or power of Fear. Somehow, he got himself mixed into this fight. [Name: Titan Wood Sprout (Groot)] [Level: Black Iron (Tier-1)] [Quality: Rare] [Physique: 15] [Spirit: 1.1] [Description: Resembling a humanoid, the Titan Wood Sprout possesses low-level intelligence, exhibiting rudimentary awareness.] [Skills: - Shared Consciousness: The Titan Wood is not just an individual tree but rather a collective entity, forming a network with all the trees surrounding it in the forest, enabling shared thinking and communication among trees with the same origin.] [Talent: - Bio Armor: Upon activation, the Titan Wood Sprout merges with its host, forming armor made up of its bark. It does not come with a strong defense but is flexible, adapting to the host’s movements and needs. This bond enables the host to superimpose their physical and spiritual attributes. Allowing the host to gain the ability to freely use all the skills of the Titan Wood Sprout when they are bonded.] Determined to break free from their clutches, Ram—the spiritual planter—conceives a daring strategy: Evolve plants and Monsters using Life Energy and Spiritual Power. [ Groot -> Titan Groot] [ Bio Armor -> Bio Mech ->.....] [ Sword Grass -> Void Sword Grass] [Thorny Vine -> Queen of Thorns]

MountainDuskwalker · Romance
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79 Chs

Is she Succubus or what?

Realizing a head-on assault wouldn't work, Su Mu shifted tactics, preparing for a more strategic battle. The wraith hissed and melted into the shadows, barely distinguishable in the darkness. Su Mu stayed vigilant, listening for any hint of movement. Suddenly, she felt a cold breeze on her back and instinctively rolled to the side. The wraith's claws slashed through the air where she had just been standing.

Quickly getting to her feet, Su Mu spun around and the wraith head-on. She conjured another dagger in her free hand, wielding two spiritual daggers. "Persistent, aren't you?" she muttered, determination in her eyes.

The wraith lunged at her again, its speed almost blinding. Su Mu blocked its attack with one dagger and thrust the other into its side. The wraith screeched in pain, its form flickering. But it didn't back down. It lashed out with its claws, catching Su Mu on the shoulder. She winced but stood firm.

Seeing that the wraith was about to attack again, Su Mu realized she had no choice but to tap into the sealed power within her. She unlocked the seal inside her body slightly, allowing a surge of highly concentrated spiritual power to flood through her. Her daggers merged into a long blade, glowing with intense energy.

With newfound strength, Su Mu swung the blade at the incoming wraith. The wraith didn't expect such a sudden change, but it was too late for it to react, it felt an unknown suppression from its life level, suppressing it just by looking at the blade. The blade easily sliced through its body, burning it into nothingness. The wraith let out one final, agonizing scream before disintegrating completely.

As the wraith died, Su Mu hurriedly closed the seal, but the spiritual power that had leaked out still caused significant damage to her body, burning through large amounts of her Life Energy. She stumbled, feeling weak and drained.

Mai arrived just in time to see the last wraith fade away. She was shocked to see Su Mu lying on the ground, clearly in distress. She immediately rushed towards her, concern etched on her face.

"Su Mu! Are you okay?" Mai asked, kneeling beside her. She didn't understand how a rookie could kill a Tier 3 wraith and two Tier 1 wraiths so fast.

Su Mu's eyes fluttered open. She whispered weakly, "Take me to Ram... he can help."

Without hesitation, Mai carefully lifted Su Mu, supporting her as they made their way back to the main area of the subway station. Despite her own fears and the uncertainty of the situation, Mai moved swiftly, knowing that Su Mu's condition was critical.

As they reached Ram, he was startled to see Su Mu's state. "What happened?" he asked, worry evident in his voice.

"She fought off three wraiths," Mai explained, her voice wavering. "She said you can help her."

Ram quickly took her into his arms and helped Su Mu lie down on the bed. He was about to check her pulse, but she opened her eyes slightly and looked at Ram. Before he could react, she kissed him again, drawing upon the Life energy inside his body.

Mai watched in disbelief, unsure of what was happening but sensing the gravity of the situation. She moved closer, ready to intervene if needed, but also hesitant, realizing this was something beyond her understanding.

As Su Mu continued to draw upon Ram's Life Energy, he relaxed slightly, recognizing that she needed this to replenish herself after the intense battle with the wraiths.

After a few moments, Su Mu's breathing steadied, and the color returned to her cheeks. She was surprised to find that the Life Energy she was absorbing was more powerful than when she absorbed it in the evening.

She was about to let go of him when she absorbed about 30% of his Life Energy, but Ram stopped her. "It's okay," he said softly. "Take as much as you need."

Su Mu hesitated for a moment but then continued absorbing more Life Energy. She didn't stop until she had absorbed about 70 to 80% of his Life Energy. "Thank you," Su Mu whispered as she let go of him, her voice barely audible. She felt more comfortable than ever, experiencing a sudden pleasure from absorbing Ram's Life Energy.

She even felt more energetic and on the verge of evolution to Tier 2. All the energy she absorbed from Ram and purifying those wraiths finally let her breakthrough.

Ram nodded, feeling exhausted. He hurriedly looked at his attribute panel and found that he was only left with 27% of his Life Energy. "Yeah, it's fine. I'll be alright soon."

Mai watched silently, feeling a mix of relief and confusion. She didn't understand how Su Mu did it. She was completely shocked at how fast she recovered. She also knew a few healing spells and realized that what happened in front of her was nothing short of a miracle. Even if she used her healing spells, it wouldn't be half as effective as how Su Mu healed herself.

Mai, though relieved by Su Mu's recovery, remained puzzled. She had witnessed something extraordinary, beyond her understanding even with her knowledge of healing spells. She then helped the exhausted Ram to sit in a nearby chair and looked at him sharply for an explanation of what happened.

"Hey rookie, tell me—is she a succubus or what? How did she do that? I've never seen anything like it," Mai asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Ram took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. "Will you stop calling her that? Anyway, it's complicated. Su Mu has a unique ability to draw Life Energy from others to heal herself. I don't know how she did that, but as I told you earlier, she is very strong." He then continued to explain how they met, their agreement, and everything he knew about her.

Mai frowned, processing the information. "So, you're saying that she can recover by drawing Life Energy from you? And that's why she healed so quickly?"

Ram nodded. "Yes, but it's not without risks. She can't draw too much at once, or it could harm the person she's absorbing from."

Mai sighed, still trying to wrap her head around the situation. "Well, whatever it is, it saved her life. We need to make sure she gets the rest she needs now." As she spoke, she turned around and left slowly, leaving both Su Mu and Ram alone in the room.

Ram agreed. "Yes, and I need to rest as well to recover my Life Energy." He looked at Su Mu, who sat cross-legged on the bed, breaking through to Tier 2.

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