

In a vast frontier of countless galaxies, a new generation will emerge to make a change.

_Pajaman_ · Romance
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6 Chs

Trials Preparations Part 2

=Royal Estate - Planet Fordes=

"Welcome Young Master! I am Valyrn the head butler of this estate we have prepared your room for you and a nice change of clothes when you take a bath"

"Thank you for welcoming me but eh... could you please prepare some food right away I haven't eaten since my cousin invaded the planet I was staying on" Aganon replied.

"Oh my! Right away sir would that also include the prime minister Rolo?" Valyrn asked.

"Oh no no... I have to immediately get back to the palace to discuss the trials" Rolo replied.

"Oh, and For safety measures, I will leave the royal guards here until I can find some knights to be posted here" Rolo added.

"Ah thank you, Mr Rolo for everything then" Aganon replied.

"No problem kid see you around" Aganon replied.

The butlers and maids lead Aganon to a Victorian-styled dining room that has merged with technological advancement.

"Sir this is Mantha steak the meat is from a mantha ray which is a beast native to our moon"

"Ah thank you, Mr?" Aganon replied.

"I'm Balwinn Fray sir, just call me balwinn"

"Ok balwinn" Aganon replied.

30 minutes just flew by in seconds and Aganon then decided to take a bath...

"Sir this way, please"

Aganon followed balwinn to a hallway leading to a large double-sided door with golden ornate design.

"This is the Great Bath Room sir please use it as you like while i prepare your clothes"

Aganon entered the bath and as he was entering he was amazed at the architecture that looks like a Roman-Greco bath.

"Wow what an unexpected ride this was...." Aganon contemplates on what happened and tries to piece together about his real origin.

"Who knew father was a prince...but what about mother?" Aganon asked himself.

Aganon wondered if his mother's family were also forderians.

After an hour aganon came out of the main bath hall in his bathrobes and he saw balwinn waiting for him holding a white with gold accent garb/robes.

"Isn't that a little too flashy for me" Aganon commented.

"Nonsense sir your nobility" Balwinn replied.

"ugghh... fine you win" Aganon said while taking the clothes and wearing it.

Aganon looked more like a prince when he wore the garb/robes...

"Can i just say you look more dashing now sir" Balwinn commented.

"Thanks" Aganon replied.

"So what now?" Aganon asked.

"Oh your instructors sent by the royal court have arrived do you want to meet them?" Balwinn asked.

"Sure" Aganon replied.

Aganon followed balwinn through a hall of endless rooms where he leads him to a to the study room where Valyrn was giving a tour to the instructor.

"Ah, young master welcome i was just showing your instructors the place would you like to meet them?" Valyrn asked.

"The royal court acted fast the day hasn't set yet" Aganon replied.

"That's because time is at the utmost importance the trials will be held next month" Valyrn announced to him and the instructors.

"damn so that's why the pay is so high we have our work cut out for us then" one of the instructors commented.

"Ah, young master this guy is Arthur Regias he will be your martial arts and weapons master"

"Nice to meet you, your highness" Arthur bowed

"Please call me aganon i'm not used to this nobility thing yet" Aganon replied.

"No, it is the proper and right response your highness or his head will be separated from his body by the end of the day" a woman with blue hair, slim body and yellow eyes replied.

"Oh and this is Elara Dawn she will be your nobility and etiquette instructor"

"Nice to meet you, your highness" Elara bowed.

"Isn't that a little too strict?" Aganon asked.

"That's just the way of showing our respect your highness" Elara replied.

"Martial Prowess and Respect are part of our culture your highness" A young man in a formal suit with white hair commented.

"This Edward Lane your general studies instructor he will teach you everything about our culture and knowledge that was taught in primary school"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness" Edward bowed.

"They will be your instructor for a while until the trials are over"

"So can we start now on my martial arts and weapons class?" Aganon asked.

"If that's what you want your highness Mr Valyrn please lead us to the training room" Arthur replied.

"As you wish, this way please" Valyrn replied.

"And Mr Balwinn please guide the other instructors to their rooms"

Aganon and Arthur followed Valyrn to a hallway with only two doors on each opposite sides and in the middle was a balcony facing a mountain and looking down on the city.

"On the left is the Armoury and on the right is the practice room please use it as you like" Valyrn commented.

"Mr Arthur i would like you to assess my combat knowledge and proficiency on the sword"

"As you wish your highness" Arthur replied.

Aganon and Arthur went to the armoury and took some practice armours and a vibrosword from the armoury and went inside the practice room.

"To assess your abilities i will need to see your abilities first hand so don't worry if you hurt me there's a treatment facility here so we can fight as much as we like" Arthur instructed Aganon on how the combat assessment will be.

"So it's that simple huh" Aganon commented.

"Yeah...Ready when you are" Arthur replied.

Aganon lept in front of Arthur trying an overhead slash/smash which surprised him but he easily fended it by evading Aganon then Arthur tried to attack Aganon in the back while he is still on the landing stance.

Aganon easily countered it by guarding his back with his sword after that Aganon tried to strike Arthur's chest by sacrificing his guard this move amazed Arthur as he too is about to attack by hitting Aganon's leg.


The sound of sword clashing surprised both men as they quickly shift their stance.

Both men's sword locked on each other it seems though as both were locked in a stalemate but unbeknownst to Aganon he was pushed back with ease.

After being pushed back Aganon went into his usual stance but without any warnings, Arthur's sword already clashed with Aganon's sword again this time Aganon was overpowered.



"Haa!!" Aganon screamed as he tries to fight back.

"Anger will blind you of victory" Arthur commented.

After an exchange of swords, Arthur pushed back Aganon so far away that he was nearly close to the wall.

In a fit of rage Aganon threw his sword at Arthur's blind spot which forced him to guard the incoming sword then Aganon tried to sweep kick Arthur which did not work because Arthur lept from the ground to counter both attacks.

" (Sigh) I guess i shall end this then" Arthur told Aganon as he was preparing his mid-air attack to Aganon who was lying on the floor.


"Ouch! that was... what was i doing?" Aganon asked.

"You fell into your own anger and you desperately tried that bold move" Arthur replied.

"I...I...I am sorry Mr Arthur this is a first for me" Aganon apologized.

"It's alright it seems like you know the basics but your emotions got the best of you...don't worry i will teach you how to control it" Arthur replied.

"Let's go, your highness, we should go get you to a treatment chamber first" Arthur added.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Pajaman_creators' thoughts