
Stare of the Basilisk King

GodofDeathDragons · Livres et littérature
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45 Chs

Chapter 8: First lessons

( In the chamber of secrets)

Opening his eyes yawning and wiping the sleep out of his eyes he got up out of Salazar Slytherin's bed looking at his watch to see what time it was, current time was 6:45 am. Seeing that it was real early he knows nobody wouldn't wake up at this Time so he decided to go fresh up and put on his clean set of Gryffindor robes and uniform to start off for the day, he was very nervous is having to leave the chamber of secrets and go back up meeting the many accusing stares and looks of disgust from the whole school he didn't know who would believe he didn't put his name in the goblet of fire. But he has classes he has to attend too which he has no choice, he will have to go and face the music and not look at anyone who stared at him wrongly.

He didn't know how was he going to face Hermione or any other of his Gryffindor class mates hoping they wouldn't turn on him like Ron has did, Oh Ron... why did ron have to act so stupid? He knows that He would never put his name in the cup and want eternal glory he was being a Git and a Prat at the same time.

"Harry" Spoke Toxine within her mindscape.

"Yes?" He replied back to her.

"Later on today when you catch a break from your classes, we will be working on your petrification I'll teach you, we're going to the dark forest and test it out" Toxine said in her voice as Harry had nodded silently.

"Alright, but why the dark forest?" He asked as he heard her hiss softly.

"Acromantrula's are in the forest correct?" She asked causing his green eyes to widen.

"How did you-" He asked but she cut him off.

"Been watching your memories, me and the Phoenix have, turns out this Aragog and his sons and daughters fear me? like those tiny acromantrula's flee from you from your departure meeting that Veela. I believe we can even the odds due to you being part basilisk" She said while hissing softly.

"What are you saying?" He asked trying to understand, he hoped she wasn't suggesting to go to Aragog's Hollow and petrify any of his children?

"Spiders, including the Acromantrula's fear basilisk's above all others, now that you're part basilisk Aragog and his children will fear you and will most likely be afraid to attack you. But to even the odds, we are going to make a possible alliance with the acromantrula's. Knowing should Voldemort successfully return they can be our allies against him and will protect the school from any threats Voldemort will bring" Toxine said in a Even tone with Blaze in the background nodding to her plans as it was his turn to speak.

"Harry, we should unite the Dark Forest creatures, Centaurs, unicorns, acromantrula and any other species to come together when the time Voldemort returns with his death eaters" The Phoenix had said making Harry Frown at the thought of it, he wondered how was he going to pull this off

"But how will i successfully unite and bring together all creatures of the dark forest? that's something I've never done before?" Harry pondered as he waited for his two tenants to answer him who are silent at the moment

"You could be king of the creatures in the dark forest, given that your basilisk species is a Basilisk King and that your part Phoenix they could listen to you all you need to do is find the right time to sneak out into the dark forest and commune with the creatures, we're starting with the acromantrula's first they will listen to us out of fear and will respond to reason" Said Toxine within her basilisk form coiled up.

" I have to do this secretly, Dumbledore will be watching... and now that im a tri-wizard champion i will have to attend with Cedric, krum and Fleur" Harry had said in his monotone as he walked into Salazar Slytherin's library to read a book on parsel tongue language so he could master it toxine is going to help him speak more words to the language.

( Great Hall)

it was 8:16 am, breakfast was now served as Hermione made her way to the Gryffindor table noticing Ron, Seamus, Dean Thomas, The Weasley Twins, Ginny and Neville Longbottom present as she noticed that Harry was missing and that wasn't present.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked sitting across from Ron as she sat by Ginny Weasley.

Ron, Dean and Seamus remained quiet and looked away Neville was shifting with a nervous look on his face.

"We haven't seen Harry Granger, have you Fred?" Asked George looking at his twin who shook his head.

"Ron where is Harry? we haven't seen him in the Gryffindor common room this morning do you know where he is?" Asked Ginny who has been worried about her crush.

Ron just stayed quiet ignoring their answers as he began eating his breakfast with a scowl on his face.

"Ron, Ginny asked you a question and i know you heard her now where is Harry!?" Demanded Hermione.

"I don't know" He replied with a low growl.

"What do you mean you don't know!? your his best friend shouldn't you have the slightest idea of knowing where he is!" Hermione said with a glare aimmed at him.

With a nervous gulp, Neville felt like he should start saying something before things get out of hand.

"Er- umm Hermione... we haven't seen Harry all night he hasn't been in his bed when we woke up his bed was empty" Spoke Neville as he winced from Ron's glare, Hermione and Ginny seemed to notice this and widened their eyes.

"What do you mean Harry hasn't been in his bed? are you saying Harry snuck out last night and never came back" Whispered Hermione as she casted a accusing stare at Ron noticing his attitude, Ginny glared at her brother as they were finally putting two and two together.

"Ronald Weasley, what did you do?" Hissed Hermione staring at the red head boy with Ginny narrowing her eyes at her brother, the twins frowned at their little brother as well.

As soon as he heard Hermione call him 'Ronald' he knew she was demanding answers.

"I didn't do anything" He lied refusing to tell what happened last night.

"Don't play dumb Ron tell us what did you do!? because for some reason we know you have something to do with this!" Hissed Ginny his sister glaring at him as he looked away from her glare.

Neville felt conflicted as the tension around them grew seeing Half the Gryffindor table pause and look at them.

"He and Harry had a fight Last night... Ron thinks Harry put his name in the goblet of fire and called him a liar and a cheat.." Neville spoke out with Both Hermione and Ginny widening their eyes in shock appalled by what Ron has done as they narrowed their eyes at the red head boy who is sneering at Neville.

"Ron... how could you? how could you betray Harry like that!? you know full well that Harry has never asked for attention or eternal glory!" Said Hermione who couldn't believe this, The Weasley twins shot their little brother a disapproving Expression similar to their father.

"You know the git is a cheat and liar! he claims he didn't put his name in the cup yet he did on purpose and never bothered to let me know how he entered!" Retorted Ron defending himself.

"You selfish Prat! You know Harry better than anyone! and you know he wouldn't want to seek attention! i think it's obvious on what's this all about! your jealous of him!" Ginny snarled as Ron turned a glare at her.

"Am not! why would i want to be jealous of that git!" Ron shot back feeling his anger rise.

"Oh come on Ron! jealousy is written all over your face! you've always wanted to be something more and make a name for yourself like Harry! your jealous of his status as the boy who lived, your jealous of his fame, your jealous that he has a firebolt, and now you're jealous that he's been put in the tournament which is extremely dangerous! need i say more?" Spat Hermione glaring daggers at him as he Scowled at her and Ginny.

"Oh yeah? I'm not only one who's jealous the two of you seem to be jealous too when ever Harry is around that pretty girl Delacour!" Ron said with heat in his voice as Hermione and Ginny gave him dark looks Ginny looked closed to pulling out her wand and hex her brother with her infamous Bat Bogey Hex but Hermione stopped her.

"Struck a nerve? serves you right for trying to struck mine!" Ron said in a smug way that would have made Malfoy proud.

"What has gotten into you!" Screamed Hermione as she got up from her seat stomping off.

"And where do you think you're going!?" Ron yelled.

"Too find Harry! unlike you!" She replied harshly going to find Harry as Ginny got up following her as well, Neville got up and went with them as the Twins stayed behind to glare at their brother who shrunk down.

"I believe we need to talk some sense into our little brother don't we George?" Said Fred as his twin nodded looking serious for the first time.

Unbeknownst to them, at the end of the Ravenclaw table Fleur was there as she heard the argument and got off from her table and left the great hall to find Harry as well.

( Chamber of secrets)

"Try again Harry" Said Toxine as she was teaching the boy to change his eyes into Golden yellow, these eyes are the ultimate weapon, one look into them and you die on the spot.

The boy sighed looking into the mirror trying to change his eyes.

"Relax, concentrate... close your eyes and mold magic into your eyes" She said waiting for him to unleash it.

Taking a deep breath and closed his eyes he waited and was concentrating focusing magic into his eyes.

"Now open them" She said hoping he got it right this time.

He slightly cracked open his eyes slowly as he Fully opened them, gasping in shock his eyes had changed golden yellow and his slit pupils narrowed and were red.

"Congrats! you've done well" She praised

"Woah..." He said looking at his reflection in the mirror seeing these instant kill eyes, these were the same golden eyes he used by accident at the quidditch world cup against three death eaters.

"Remarkable aren't they?" Said Toxine as she felt him nod.

"So what's next?" He asked.

"It's my turn to teach you young potter, i think it's time i teach you control of your fire elemental Powers so that you don't set anything on fire" Blaze said

"How do i turn the eyes off?" He asked not wanting to forget turning off his eyes and accidentally kill a student.

"Blink your eyes three times and they should return your eyes to normal" Toxine replied slithering around in his mind.

He did as instructed as the eyes were fading back to Green as they returned normal.

"Now try to light a small flame in the palm of your hand" Blaze instructed flapping his crimson wings.

Harry heard the clock chime a bell as he widened his eyes seeing it was a quarter to 9.

"Guys, can we work on this later, i have to get to class" He said as they both nodded in understanding.

"Very well, but tonight your coming back in the chamber and work on a little bit of your training" Said Toxine as the Phoenix blaze nodded .

Harry nodded in understanding and looked like he would have to sneak out his common room to head down to the chamber of secrets.

As he decided to leave the chamber and head to grab a bite of breakfast and go straight to class, keep his distance from everyone and ignore the many looks he'll receive his way.

( With Hermione and co)

Hermione, Ginny and Neville were off looking for Harry as Neville told them the whole story of the confrontation between Harry and Ron.

"Say that again Neville? Harry lit fire on Ron's blanket before he stormed out the room?" Hermione asked with a puzzled expression Ginny looked confused as well That's not something Harry would do.

"I don't know if anybody else saw it but i saw Harry's eyes, they turned red with small flames in them then fire just appeared on Ron's blanket burning it, Ron didn't get hurt but was shocked at what Harry and done" Neville Explained.

"Something must of triggered his magic to do that.. with a mix of his emotions.. i guess Ron's betrayal triggered that..." Hermione said looking worried for Harry.

"I don't think so... Ron kinda insulted Fleur infront of harry and called her a 'Veela Whore' " Spoke Neville as Ginny and Hermione looked shocked that Ron would go so low to insult the french minister's daughter, as Hermione put it together.

When Ron called Fleur that, that must have triggered Harry's anger and magic.

"That idiot, we need to find Harry and check on him, knowing he's been hurt by Ron's betrayal he'll probably think we've betrayed him too" Hermione had said as she and the others dashed off to find Harry.

Unbeknownst to the three, Fleur was not too far behind them hiding behind a column as she heard the conversation.

She snarled as her left hand turned featherly with sharp claws, her inner veela was trying to awaken, she was definitely angered that it was Ronald Weasley who upsetted her mate, noticing her arm she decided to take a deep breath and relax, calming her anger as she took off to follow the three and hopefully find her 'Arry knowing he needs her more than ever including his friends who seemed to believe he didn't put his name in the cup.