
Chapter 9: Wand Weighing and the Truth

( With Harry)

Now leaving the Girls bathroom, he closed the entrance of the chamber of secrets and is heading to the great Hall to grab a bite to eat and then dash off to his classes. Processing everything his two tenants Lady Toxine the Basilisk, and Blaze the Phoenix and Lord of Embers training him his traits of two of the most powerful mythical creatures ever, he still needs work on activating his Golden yellow eyes that are dangerous to stare it one look into them and you die instantly, he couldn't risk activating them by accident in front of those around him. Then it dawned him since he recalled how one of his tenants told him that his transformation might come early or at the end of his 4th year, he prayed after 4th year but something told him that it will come early, he silently dreaded the reaction of everyone in Hogwarts that he is becoming a monster or... a Magical Creature that is a danger to the wizardly world since some part of the ministry of magic is against dark creatures in general, mainly Werewolves since his old defense against the dark arts teacher Remus is a werewolf. Harry took a deep breath and sighed this year was just getting worse, the whole school is against him, His name had been put in the goblet of fire which was not his intention of entering in the tournament, and Ron his best friend betrayed him which was a blow to him. At least Fleur belives him, maybe he should see her today.

"Harry!" Yelled a all too familiar voice as he stopped in his tracks of the hallway and turned just to see Hermione Granger who is accompanied with Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom.

"Hermione?" He spoke seeing her run towards him hugging him which shocked him, even Ginny joined the hug.

"Are you okay? we've heard what happened with you and Ron, Neville told us" She said breaking the hug same with Ginny as Neville approached nodding in confirmation that he indeed told them what happened which made Harry feel appreciated.

"Yeah.. I'm fine" He said as his head perked up hearing another voice.

"Arry!" Spoke Fleur who now ran over to the group hugging him too with both Hermione and Ginny frowning at the French champion.

"F-Fleur?" He said hugging her back as she pulled away looking at him in worry.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking at him in concern as she noticed his green eyes and pupils were formed into slits.

"Yes I'm fine, This is Neville Longbottom, these two are Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley" He introduced seeing the the French girl turn towards the girls after she shook longbottom's hand.

( Fleur's POV)

She eyed these two girls standing before her, she's met them at the world quidditch cup but never interacted with them. Judging from the looks on their faces it didn't take her long enough to know that these two were jealous of her for being around Arry Potter, it seems to her that these two had feelings for her Arry, she didn't need to use her veela senses to detect their emotions and feelings. Oh yeah it's going to be a competition on who truly belongs with Arry, and Fleur was determined that it was going to be her that wins his heart but on one hand she wants to try to be friends with Hermione and Ginny since she doesn't hardly have any friends in her school, the only friend she has was her sister Gabrielle Delacour, all the girls at her school are jealous of her since she's a Veela, It was only just her and her little sister as they were both shunned in beauxbatons school of magic. And if she wanted to be much more close to Arry she could at least become friends with these girls he's with and try to get along with them.

So with a forced smile she shook Hermione's hand and did the same with Ginny.

"I'm sure we've met.. have we?" She spoke kindly towards Hermione and Ginny.

"Yes, we have at the quidditch world cup." Answered Hermione looking at Fleur with Ginny doing the same.

"So your Arry's friends?" She asked seeing them nod

"I'm his best friend since first year here in Hogwarts." Said Hermione with Fleur looking at her intrigued that Hermione Granger had been Arry's best friend since their first year.

"I've been his friend since my first year and 2nd year, this is my 3rd year" Spoke Ginny looking at the French champion.

"That's wonderful, pleasure meeting you two I hope we can get along as friends" Said Fleur with a small smile seeing Arry smile at that and it was the nicest smile he ever had.

Hermione and Ginny exchanged glances for a bit and gave a thought that they should get to know Fleur Delacour instead of letting their jealousy get the best of them which was something they didn't want to admit they just didn't want to lose Harry. So until then they were going to try being friends with Fleur and get to know her but the competition for Harry's heart was a big topic, Hermione may have a crush on him didn't just like Harry Potter for his fame just for who he is and has always been at his side the moment he saved her life more than once and saved her in her first year against a mountain troll. Ginny of course loved Harry and always had a crush on him the moment when her mum told her stories about Harry Potter, she loved him more when he saved her life from the chamber of secrets incident and doesn't blame her for nearly killing him when she was under the trance of Tom Riddle's diary, during her third year she's gotten to know him and she doesn't like him for his fame either she likes him for who he is.

( Back to Harry)

Harry noticed how friendly Hermione and Ginny are towards Fleur, as Hermione turned back to him gaining his attention.

"Harry, Neville told us that you set Ron's blanket on fire last night... is it true?" She asked seeing him tense a bit as those around him looked at him in concern Fleur looked taken back by this staring at Arry.

"No point in hiding the truth... i might as well tell the truth" He thought mentally taking a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes, but it was a accident... i was angry i never meant to hurt the git" Harry said with Hermione raisin her brow focusing on his green eyes with the slit pupils which resembles snake eyes.

"And you didn't use a wand?" She asked seeing him shake his head which surprised her

"I made fire appear out of no where, i can't explain how else i made it happen" He said with a shrug with Fleur looking concerned.

"That's odd, Harry have you've gone to see Madam Pomfrey about your eyes they look snake like..." Hermione said as Neville and Ginny gasped looking at his eyes and saw that indeed they were there.

"No... Hermione... there's something i need to tell you and i hope you can keep this a secret same goes to you Neville and Ginny..." He said having a calm look seeing Neville and Ginny exchange glances while Fleur caught on what he was going to reveal.

"Arry are you sure they should be trusted with such information!?" She spoke ignoring the looks she got from Hermione.

"Fleur I'm sure everything will be okay, besides they will know eventually of what I'm becoming in these next few months, besides i have to inform you of some news as well..." He said looking around to make sure no one is watching or listening missing Hermione, Ginny and Neville's confused looks aimed at him.

"Harry what is she talking about? and what do you mean we will eventually know of what your becoming?" Questioned Hermione not taking her eyes off him

"Look... I've got class to go to maybe when ever i get the time I'll tell you, Ginny and Neville.. I can't tell you all right now, too many eyes and ears Fleur your included on this I've got some information to tell about" He said seeing them look in understanding and nod.

"I hope you tell us what it is your exactly hiding Harry, I'm worried about you" Hermione said leaving him with Ginny and Neville following her.

"Madam Maxine informed me this morning that there will be a wand weighing for the tournament, thought i should let you know Arry" She said seeing him nod and thanked her as he went on to the great Hall to grab a bite and go to class.

( Dumbledore's Office)

The Headmaster of Hogwarts could only sit at his desk with his hands folded in deep thought with his familiar Fawkes on his perch staring at his Owner as if he was reading Dumbledore's mind.

The old wizard could only sigh, Harry Potter is now a Tri-Wizard Champion for this year's events facing three dangerous tasks. He was worried for the boy, but there was nothing he could do since the goblet of fire has chosen Harry as it's champion and that it's a magical bond something far beyond his power.

All Albus could do was let things unfold like Snape had suggested and see what leads on with Harry now involved with the tournament. Right now he has his old friend Alastor Moody keeping a eye on Harry and to look after him for the tournament.

Eating a lemon Drop, he thought of another thing too, he noticed Harry's current appearance and was puzzled by what he saw he wondered what happened to the short boy he used to see but what caught him was Harry's eyes, Yes they were their natural emerald green color but the pupils were that of a snake.

And that for some reason worried Dumbledore

Was Harry becoming Snake like? he didn't want to jump to conclusions he decided after the wand weighing, he was going to have Madam Pomfrey examine Harry to be sure that there was nothing wrong with the boy.

Looking at the clock he knew it was time for him to meet the other judges for the wand weighing as he risen up from his desk and departed.

Fawkes who just sat on his perch could only smile and trill softly he may have not seen Harry but was quite aware of what was bound to happen to the boy.

The Phoenix not only saved Harry's life in the chamber of secrets incident but also left him a gift of being part Phoenix from the use of his healing tears.

One thing for sure Fawkes could hardly wait to see Harry Potter and his power he is gifted with.

( Wand Weighing Ceremony)

All Champions now lined up looking at Ludo Bagman and the judges.

This Small event only consisted of having each of the champions wands examined to be sure they are in working order for the tournament, The Wand Maker who is a expert will be examining their wands.

Harry looked from Cedric to Fleur while Krum just stared off in space waiting for the event to begin.

The boy looked at ludo bagman and a woman he doesn't know, she has jeweled speckled glasses, magenta robes and rigid curled hair and she was looking at him with a smile that seemed poisonous and nothing good.

"May i present you Rita Skeeter she works for the Daily Phophet and is doing a small piece for the tournament and will be photo shooting." Introduced Bagman as she waved at the group of champions keeping her attention on Harry with a sick smile on her face.

Fleur noticed the look in Rita and narrowed her sapphire eyes, something told her there was nothing good about that woman and from the way She's looking at harry proves it, as she looked at him seeing him ignore Rita.

"Not to small Bagman, i was hoping if i could have a word with Harry Potter before we start." Rita spoke with her eyes never leaving Harry, Bagman was about to reply but Fleur cut him off.

"Not to be rude, but we need 'Arry here when all the judges and wand expert comes to check our wands" Fleur spoke coldly narrowing her eyes at the woman.

Rita could only scowl at the girl but returned on her gaze on Harry who looked at fleur in appreciation for stepping in.

"Of course, but I'm sure it won't hurt to just have a small talk with the youngest champion and ask him some questions" Rita said with a smile with her voice a little angry at the French champion for denying her of getting Harry Potter as she walked over towards Harry who stared at her with slight irritation.

Before she could grab Harry's arm She stopped when the doors opened revealing The Judges and The Wand Expert Along with Mr. Crouch she swayed back missing Fleur's glare.

"Thank you" Whispered Harry looking at Fleur who smiled, Rita caught this as her sick twisted smile widened knowing what she could do with this to get back at the French champion.

"Now may we begin the wand weighing ceremony, starting up with Mr. Diggory" Announced Dumbledore who focused his eyes briefly on Harry who noticed his look.

"Something tells me he's aware of my changes..." Thought Harry as he took his eyes off Dumbledore and glanced at Cedric.

Half hour later, everyone's wands seemed to be in working order and right for the tournament as Mr. Crouch had reminded the champions to prepare themselves for the first task that falls on November. Rita Skeeter and her camera man took snapshots of the champions as she clearly focused more on Harry then looked towards the French veela.

The Champions were dismissed except for Harry he was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Harry" He spoke in his grandfatherly voice making the teen turn around and look at his headmaster.

"Yes Professor?" He asked wondering what he was going to say or do?

"How are you feeling?" The Old Wizard asked staring at the boy.

"I'm Fine Professor... so far" Harry admitted.

"That's good, i just wanted to check on you, before you go to class or down the great hall i want you to visit Madam Pomfrey for a checkup" Dumbledore had said in his soft voice as Harry could only pause for a bit looking at his headmaster.

"He knows... he knows something is off with me... i have no other choice but go visit Madam Pomfrey.. i just hope my secret doesn't get revealed early..." Thought Harry who nodded looking at his Headmaster.

"Alright, Professor I'll head straight to Madam Pomfrey" He said in a calm voice hiding his nervousness as he watch his headmaster turn away and walk away having a discussion with the other judges as the boy walked away quickly out the room and had to go to the Medical ward.

( Medical Ward)

"Professor Dumbledore has asked me to give you a checkup Mr. Potter this will be over in a jiffy and you can go back to your classes" Pomfrey had said in her gentle voice pointing her wand at him scanning him for diagnostics as he wore a expression of slight worry but replaced it with a calm one.

"My... this is abnormal your body temperature is very hot from the inside and outside... are you sure you're not under a fever?" She said as he answered.

"No. i feel fine really.. I'm not really all that sick" Harry replied looking at her worried expression.

She ran a few tests with Harry as she looked even more worried seeing some abnormal changes within Harry, For the final test she took a sample of his blood and dropped it in a small caldron to see his blood test results.

The caldron spat out a parchment as she caught it looking at the results as she read silently.

Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 14.

Gender: Male

Species: Human, Phoenix and Basilisk.

Her eyes widened in shock as she stopped at that, reading it over making sure she didn't misread that information as she paled looking from the parchment towards Harry Potter.

"This can't be?! Mr. Potter is some magical creature!? he has both species of Phoenix and Basilisk within his blood and Dna!. What will i tell Professor Dumbledore?!" She thought frantically

"Ms. Pomfrey? is everything okay?" Harry asked noticing her expression.

She stood quiet not sure how to react to this, as she did her best to remain calm and not panic.

"Mr. Potter... you may want to stay here... i will be back with Professor Dumbledore" She said as she quickly marched out to go find the headmaster.

"Damn... looks like my secret will be revealed..." Harry thought with a sigh

"Don't Worry Harry, we'll make it through this just tell the truth and everything will be fine" Spoke Toxine within his mindscape

Sighing, he was not prepared for this, he didn't know how to face Dumbledore with this secret.

"Ah there you are Mr. Potter" Spoke a sweet sick voice that belonged to Rita Skeeter as she entered in the Medical room with just him alone and her magical Quill and Notepad.

"Why me..." He dreaded not looking forward to what this woman had wanted.

"Now that I have a moment of your time, let's get started." Rita said grabbing a stool as her magically Quill and Notepad floated waiting for her.

"Now tell me Harry: How is it a 12 year old such as yourself enter the tournament?" She asked with her sick smile.

He frowned looking at her.

"I'm 14 Ms. Skeeter..." He said staring at her.

"Ah, but how does it feel going against three other students in this tournament?" She said ignoring him as her quill began writing.

Toxine within Harry's mindscape scowled and hissed she didn't like this woman, this woman sounded like she was trying to provoke Harry.

"I don't know... but one thing for sure it was not my intention to enter" He replied feeling a bit agitated.

"Oh of course you didn't, Everybody loves a rebel Harry" She said winking at him with her sick smile never left her face as she sweated a bit.

"It's getting hot in here or is it me?" She said not noticing the medical room temperature was getting a little stuffy and hot and the source was coming from Harry.

"Harry calm down, she's baiting you don't let her words get to you!" Shouted Blaze sensing the heat going higher and higher.

Hearing what his phoenix said, he took a moment to calm down and relax by closing his eyes and counting to 10.

"Now how would your parents feel if there were alive at this moment knowing your in the tournament?, would they be proud? or concerned? how would they take your attitude of seeking attention and glory?" She asked as the temperature in the room had heated up like a hot oven.

Snapped opened his eyes that were blazing red and with red flames lit in his pupils her Notepad had instantly caught on fire which shocked her as she fell out her stool looking up at Harry in slight fear.

"You want to know how my parents would feel!? they would feel worried that their son has been put into the tournament against his will! a Dangerous tournament mind you! they would do everything in their power to try to get me removed!" He said with anger flaring within him as he hissed snake like.

Rita could only look like a deer caught in headlights looking into those blazing red flaming eyes worried about what he could do to her.

( With Fleur)

Walking with her fellow Beauxbatons students from the great hall, Fleur paused as she made a turn towards the hallways she felt a magical pull and something told her it was coming from 'Arry.

Closing her eyes her veela magic directed her where Arry was she could feel his emotions? he felt angry? without a word she instantly ran from her group and was dashing to find Arry and try to calm him down while ignoring the calls from her classmates.

( Headmaster Office)

"Are you sure about this? there has to be a mistake!" Said Dumbledore as he just finished hearing from Madam Pomfrey about Harry's checkup looking very horrified by what she told him.

"I'm absolutely sure! i made sure my mind wasn't playing tricks i even redid a few tests! i even checked his blood results twice! he is officially a magical Hybrid with Both genes of a Phoenix and Basilisk!" Pomfrey yelled

"You haven't told no one else about this have you?" He asked seeing her shake her head.

"What are you going to do Albus?" Pomfrey asked seeing him slump into his chair looking completely surprised by all of this, it's bad enough that the whole school is against Harry for putting his name in the goblet of fire, if word got out that he's a hybrid with Phoenix and basilisk blood running in his veins Fudge would lable Harry as a Dark Creature since the boy is part basilisk knowing how the magic ministry of Britain treats magical creatures... not only that but the school and it's students will be terrified of Harry including the Schools of Beaxubatons and Duarmstag. It will be like the chamber of secrets all over again... things would go straight to hell if it's revealed, He couldn't have that there must be someway to cure the boy.

"I don't know Poppy... I'll think of something... don't speak nothing of this to anyone understand?" He said with a sigh of worry as she nodded.

"I take it he's still in the medical ward?" He asked again seeing her nod.

"I'll be right ther-" He said but was interrupted when Professor McGonagall barged the door open.

"Albus! the medical ward it's smoking! and there's a fire in there!" She said seeing him instantly raise from his desk in shock as madam pomfrey looked extremely worried

"Oh no! Mr. Potter is in there!" Pomfrey cried out with McGonagall looking even more shocked.

"What the devil is Mr. Potter doing there?!" She yelled worried for her lion glaring at Albus.

"I'll explain later! let's get a move on! to the medical ward!" He shouted with the three instantly running out his office as Fawkes could only smile as he flew off his perch and followed them.