
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.53 ۞ Emmaline ۞ Part III

"I'M DWIGHT ALLEN!" HE SNAPPED. "AND THAT MIGHT pretty much be your name. You are probably the sinner's daughter. You both are. You are too strong, Seers, twins, look like them, and were born around the same time the lost Asphodel Twins were. And you were in the human world."

"I don't give a shit about your name, boy. And I don't know who you are talking about. What sinners are we speaking of? I've seen more than twenty since I arrived her," she mocked bitterly and I tried to hold her arm. "I'm not starting the fight, Emma. He did. Now he'll have to back his audacity."

"King and Queen of Asphodel. The monsters who caused the fall of their own Kingdom because of their sins that offended the Gods themselves," the girl who started the discussion exclaimed. "And I'm Ivy Hill!"

"I still don't give a shit. Tell me, did your mommy and daddy told you that bad fairytale? Or were you there when it happened? Because I doubt you were even born at that time. What are you? 18? 17? Still on your diapers?" My sister really has balls, even Maven gasped at that.

"Everyone knows this!" The third girl in the discussion said. "I'm Ruby Greenwood, before you ask."

"I wouldn't. And how is it that everyone knows this? Were you all there? Did you watch as your so-called Gods destroyed Asphodel? Or does you only know about it because some powerful people who hated the King and Queen told you about it?"

"How dare you doubt the Royal decrees?" Ivy asked.

My sister gave her a feral grin, "Oh, so, it was your hypocritical Royalties who told you all that. Wow, how magnificent. And to think Faes are no better than the so-called lesser humans, believing shit blindly like that. Cool. But again, it's very easy to pour our mindless hatred on a people you never even knew. Especially when you call yourselves a power-driven race. For you thinking for yourselves must be too difficult, hm? That's why you stick to judging without know what actually happened."

Dwight growled, "Who are you calling a hypocrite?"

"Your Kings and Queens. Why? You don't have free will here? Is that the first thing that humans have it better than Fae? Did you just try to offend me? What happened?" Veevy looked at him feigning innocence. "You don't have the ball to back your accusations up?"

"Monster!" Ruby snorted. "My parents are right, you are a monster. A monster just like your dead parents!" And that was it.

Verena's eyes overflowed in anger and in a second she was onto the girl, pining her down on the ground, with her hands around her throat and a psychotic look on her face, "Say that again!" She ordered. "Say it. Because they might have stopped me before I killed a human, but I didn't see any rules telling me I can't kill a Fae!"

"Not good," I mumbled and got up at the same time as Maven did, and I felt glad that he was ready to go to her if needed. "It's okay. I'm used to her shenanigans," I stopped him and strode through the class, wondering how did she get there so damn fast. "Hey, Veevy, let's not kill someone on our first day, okay?"

"Didn't you hear what she said, Em?" She snapped.

Inhaling deeply, I circled my arms around her waist, "I did, and we have the entire semester to get back on those three big mouths. They are just picking on us because they think they are stronger since we have little control yet," I glared at each of them viciously. "But they forget that a unruly and cornered animal is ten times worse than a trained one."

Slowly, she released the girls throat and got on her feet, and I asked myself why didn't the professor intervened on the fight. "I won't forget this," she hissed at them.

"You savage. I told you guys, she's a monster. A uncontrolled monster just like her parents!" Ivy yelled and in a second Veevy pushed me away and went to the girl, slapping her face hard.

"Keep messing with me, pussy hair, and I'll show you the monster that actually lies inside of me," she warned her in a deadly calm, but most of the class burst out laughing at how she called Ivy. Then she turned to Dwight and he had the decency of flinching.

But as we turned to get back on our seats, I saw a boy with his Const turned to us, clearly recording everything, and I walked to him. "What's your name?"

"Zac. Zachery Henderson!" Is he blushing?

I pushed his Const away, "You shouldn't be recording other people's fights, Zac. That's almost as bad as fighting. I won't forget your name!" It was a warning but he didn't seem to get that.

And as I walked to my seat, Maven was staring at us in a different light for some reason. But as I chose to ignore that, I turned my eyes to the teacher. "Are you two done?"

"Yes!" We muttered together.

"Good." She turned to the class again, acting as if no conflicts had just happened in front of her. "I won't ask the twins about this, because they are new to our world, but the others of you should at least attempt to get this one right. Tell me, how to the Higher and Rarer orders recharge their magic?" Oh, yes, we ended up interrupting question before.

Maven raised his hand again, and I blinked. Those he knows everything?

"Yes, Maven?" She smiled at him.

"Dragons recharge their magic through gold, gemstones, and blood. Werewolves recharge theirs through running on the woods with their pack, staying under the moonlight, through physical contact with their pack, but blood can also help them. Vampires, as a parasite order, recharge theirs through blood and blood only. Mermaids, as also part of the parasite orders, recharge their through absorbing other peoples' emotions, as well as through swimming in the lake, sea, ocean, or pool," wow.

"Mermaids are also parasites?" I blinked.

Maven nodded, "Mm-hm. They may look kind of harmless, but they are not. Now, Fairies recharge their magic through staying around nature and it goes as simple as laying on grass for some time. Yeti's on the other hand, need to be closed off in a cold room, pretty much freezing. Unicorns are the rare parasite order, also absorbing emotions, but also through the rainbow and rain."

Veevy cringed, "If Dragons and Werewolves also drink blood, doesn't that makes them parasites too?"

Maven blushed, "No, because they don't need the blood. They can or they cannot drink it, it's up to them and them solely. Now, parasite orders need to act like a parasite. Vampires need blood. Mermaids and Unicorns need to suck on others emotions."

"They don't seem so cute now, do they?" She muttered to me and I pressed my lips tightly to hold a reply.

"Thank you, Maven. Now, does anyone knows about the other five orders?" No one said anything. "Not even a guess?"

Dwight scoffed behind us, "Do Seers recharge through thriving chaos?" He's really trying to pick a fight with us, isn't it?

"This son of a-" I held her before she could finish it.

"No one?" Miss Rowland ignored it again. "Well, so, listen up. That's why you are in this class. Raise your hands if you have fully awakened your order yet," she exclaimed.

Thankfully, we weren't the only ones on this boat.

"Let's start from the top. According to the records of the founder, which you can only get your filthy hand on when you are juniors," so, next year. "Phoenixes recharge through the sun, through fire. They can even swim on a volcano and come out unscathed because they are made of fire on its purest form. They are a force to be reckoned with, and if angered, they could destroy everything, just as much as they could build it all, as the founder did." My sister raised her hand, "Yes, Verena?"

"But professor, what happened to the founder?"