
Star wars: The order of god

"I won't be coming home. I will guide my post forever..." I chanted while smiling at the unsuspecting enemy. Mom, dad.... Goodbye.... Explosions can be heard from the background as the depth charges had been set off. The terran consortium Is crumbling. The mountain crackled as the planet cracker is slowly arming. The orbital shots have decimated some of the cities like New York, and Shanghai. Some cities surrender but us.. We will fight to the last man. The civilians have been kept as slaves by the invaders. How barbaric. I'm hoping some of our fellow countrymen continue the fight to the cosmos. I'm not going to let the enemy use the Earth's resources. It's our home yet they want to desecrate it? Well... They're gonna pay. Then a white flash appeared.... Suddenly I woke up to a white room. "So you are the man who destroyed his own planet to not fall to enemy Hands? I like you. Unlike the species of this hostile universe that fallen through chaos after rebelling against me god your species have not only transcended but learned mat trance. Good that you destroyed the prototypes. You do not worship chaos or fell under the alure of the enemy your species was supposed to be the solution to order I made Yet the chaos have corrupted them but you are different you are not corrupted. You did the right thing." The man said smiling at me. "What are you?" I asked. He created a chair, and made a glass of wine out of thin air. ah I've met god.. He looked exactly like what the abrahamic faiths called god. "Well I'm god and I'm here to propose you a solution. To destroy the beings who destroyed your species and made them into slaves. I propose and destroy the destruction of chaos or what the species who worships chaos the force. I'm here to offer you the job to destroy the people who desecrated your world. Im going to give you the ability to manipulate matter by your own will. You will grant order to the chaotic universe. You will be my servitor but in return you will see the people who desecrated your world die." I smiled wickedly. "I accept my Lord...." The man started laughing "Good. I shall name you Gespen the spear head. But be warned some still have the ability to manipulate chaos and worship it.. Kill them. Bring order..." I smiled. The thought of getting revenge made happy with murderous glee. "I shall my Lord." Then I woke up in some sort of city. So my revenge filled journey began...

biohazar · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

Chapter 17: The depths of insanity.

"Treat your men as your own, and they will follow you to the deepest pit." - Art of war

Unknown soldier's point of view....

The hail of plasma, and bullets lettered our surroundings. I Fired my gun wildly hoping it hit someone. Empty spent casings, blood, and lubricant spilled around me. 62 men injured, and 50 killed. My company was pinned down by republic partisans.

"Hey. Unit K24A36. I need permission to toss an air strike beacon. Should I do it?" Asked another unit.

"Go ahead." I said as the other unit tossed an air strike beacon 140 meters away. That gestalts has a good throw but I hope that would stop the hail of bullets towards our position.

"Airborne unit A198T37 copy that. Sending precision airstrike."

An F-482/A thunderstorm flow above us, and released precision cannon fire. The cannon sounded like hell. A few of my comrade's screamed as the railgun shot blew up their ear drums. They then ducked as chunks of body parts flew above us caused by the railgun shot.

I bet that unit only did that for psychological warfare. I then turned back to the matters at hand, and checked my gun's chamber if I had any left after the blind fire a minutes ago.

"This is ground unit H730K17. Fix bayonets!" A command unit said while confirming that the enemy was in disarray.

The dreaded order was followed through by men fixing their bayonet lugs, and reloaded their guns. I reloaded mine, and fixed my sharpened bayonet. We then left our cover, and attacked the enemy. We fired as we charged towards the enemy position.

Comrades fell beside me gunned down by an enemy machine gun nest. I Fired back at the enemy position but most of my bullets hit walls, and merely put down one enemy. Another one took that machine Gunner's place. A few other gestalts exploded beside me. The shrapnel dented my chassis.

I got down beside a pile of my comrade's bodies, and tossed a grenade towards the enemy position.

A few seconds after I tossed the grenade the nest blew up.

I crawled towards another pile of bodies, and chassis to hide from another hidden machine gun nest. I then threw out a scouting drone to see what was ahead of me. The second it showed up above me it blew up.

Damnit. A sniper. They should've been dead from that airstrike. I guess a few stranglers were still alive from that.

I continued crawling but after three minutes of crawling I thought of an idea. Why not use another scouting drone? Let's track that sniper using the angle of the sniper shot.

When I let out the scouting drone the shot came from °82 east.

After that I then crawled to a spot that could see the battlefield with a 240° view.

Then I saw a glint of a sniper scope. I smiled. I used my iron sights, and calculated my enemy's position within ¼ of a second.

I took the shot, and the enemy was hit. Blood came out from the enemy sniper nest.

Then I felt something pierce through me.

Ah shit... lubricants, and cooling fluid came out of a large wound. Damnit. After that I vomited lubricants, and cooling fluids.

I then kneeled.

(Database cuts off/terminated)

Meanwhile AC Unit 4.

Carnage engulfed my position as enemy tanks, and mechanized tried to re-capture my point. I'd never let them fucking have it.

I then tracked the mechanized unit, and sent that information to my missile guidance system.

I then pulled a trigger. Missile pods opened up, and released a salvo of missiles. The enemy units exploded in pieces as the missiles hit the enemy ammunition stocks.

🤣😆💀. "fucking idiots."

Then the unengaged enemy airpower focused their attacks on me. 😈

"Let's have fun shall we?" 😈😆💀

I then locked on the enemy airpower as the missile pods reloaded. After 30 seconds of reloading the missiles were done. After that a hypersonic missile salvo hit the enemy airpower killing a lot of pilots.

"Enemy infantry division incoming" An allied AWAC'S said.


"Good. Let them die." I said over the communications.

I then activated the minigun. Within the 2.3 kilometer radius they'll be killed immediately as 8 inch shells hit their positions at a rapid rate.


I sat here as enemy infantry refused to come near this place.

I sighed. I then traversed towards enemy position risking a possible flank by the enemy to capture said choke point. Firing 5 inch shells towards the enemy positions. The infantry tried to fire high powered plasma weapons but it only burnt through a few mm's of armor.

Chunks of flesh flew above the enemy's former position. Guts, blood, and broken limbs littered the scene. Enemy artillery tried to kill me but didn't even pierce a few inches of armor.

I then sent the coordinates of the artillery to a couple of reaper drones, and a few high powered fighter aircrafts. I bet those cheeky bastards have them high intensity shields. But that wouldn't last long with railgun shells from the fighter aircraft.

"Copy that unit H729A9. Commencing attack runs." A few gestalts flew above me as ear shattering sounds are damped by the AC unit's noise mitigation system to protect it's user from deafening from artillery or shooting the guns of an AC unit.

I saw a glimpse of the fighter's hull and read their unit designation. Gryphon squadron. Made by Northrup Highway LLC.

So it's a bunch of contractual gestalts huh? I bet those guys get paid better than me. But that isn't why I'm here.


I smiled devilishly as the remaining living republic forces began their retreat. The good ol thirst for bloodshed. I then pressed a button firing the minigun blindly firing it. I felt the satisfaction of killing as enemy soldiers turned into bloody paste, and aerosol. It felt like popping bubble rap. It was oddly satisfying.

I enjoyed the slaughter of enemies as they squealed for help or even backup. Some that survive with a few broken limbs or torn off limbs were mercy killed.

Meanwhile gryphon squadron...

"Gryphon 1 enemy fighters heading for intercept."


4 squadron's of enemy interceptors tried to come close but. The thing is fuck that lets just shoot a thermobaric missile.

I then pulled the trigger, and let out a vacuum bomb.

A large explosion shook the air as the air was sucked into a singularity/gravity well, and imploded creating a shockwave obliterating any enemy plane that was unfortunate enough in the 300 meter radius.

Fuck you mother fuckers. We won't fucking let you that close.

I quickly closed the gap towards the enemy. I smirked as I pulled the trigger shooting 3 thermobaric missiles. A couple seconds later 3 implosions hit the shield.

"Attack ineffective."

What the fuck. why the hell did they survive a fucking vacuum bomb like come on that shit is like a conventional nuclear bomb miniaturized.

I sighed.

"This is gryphon 1 Order 682" I said smirking thinking the shield wouldn't survive that much thermobaric missiles.

"Copy that."

24 thermobaric missiles hit the shield. 22nd hit the barrier collapsed, the 23rd destroyed the artillery pieces, and 24rth was Overkill.

"This is AWAC's AJAX 18 bogeys incoming."

"We ain't dealing with that chief." Gryphon 2 said.

"Thermobaric weapons?" I asked.

"Gotcha buddy." Said gryphon 2.

I smiled.

"Bogeys 47° south. 8 kilometers from current location." Ajax said.

"Got it."

We then floored the gas, and went close and personal. after 1.2 kilometers in front of the enemies i pulled the trigger firing a missile the equivalent of a conventional version of a tactical nuclear bomb. We quickly turned back, and watched the explosion from our sensors.

A large vacuum bomb sucked the air from the large radius of it's killing field killing everything below it from lack of oxygen being violently sucked out of their bodies.

*Beeeeeeeepppp. Beeeeeeeeeeepppp. Beeeeeepp*

The vacuum bomb imploded a second after it sending a shockwave. The remaining 2 fighters that survived the bomb was swatted out of the sky crashing to their deaths.

"Back to the carrier Saint Peter gryphon squadron for retrofits, repairs, and re armament."

"That was fucking cool. Shame that was risky enough that we'll get court marshalled for it." Said gryphon 2 chuckling over the radio.

"Good I love this job. Nothing beats blowing off steam than killing a few dudes." Gryphon 3 said laughing like a psychopath.

Meanwhile gespen...

"Fuck. I'm surrounded. I'm out of ammo, the gun is broken, and I'm already wounded."

I quickly tried to create another gun, and ammo but the enemy quickly tried to capture me. My fucking AC got destroyed by enemy artillery. Fuck. I also fucking fell from 3 meters trying to go down the goddamn ladder but got shot in the hand, and fell.

In the distance I heard a vacuum bomb implosion. So the troops used them huh. Welp everything has gone to shit. 6 hours in the campaign we were already bogged down with 600 km² already captured against 190 million km².

I gritted my teeth, and pulled out my heavy blunt sword weighing around 30kgs using my prosthetic arm.

Left swing, right swing...

My mind quickly went to remind me of the past. My anger consumed me. The friends, the fucking planets, and everything I grew close to turned to ash. Adrenaline, and anger giving a terrifying combination.

My first swing knocked a few of the enemies to the ground. Two soldiers got cut in half. The next one I quickly closed the gap, and slit the necks of three enemies.

"Die..... Die... Die... Filth... Repent.... Die... Filthy..... Dogs...."

I turned around for my third swing but I got shot in the appendix. I gritted it, and continued the onslaught. The enemy soldier's faltered in the front of a goddamn guy with a sword that is killing 9 men in front of them. They stood there shock for a couple seconds.

I quickly used this time to create painkillers in my mouth, and swallowed it. After that I quickly created a pistol with loaded ammo. I shot them in quickly in the dome with 5.4 depleted uranium ammo.

The ammo pierced through their armor, and killed the men. After that I limped, quickly put bandages over bleeding parts, and injecting adrenaline just to keep me alive. I am not dying while my crusade is still ongoing. I'm not gonna make the deaths of millions go to fucking waste. I hid from enemies reinforcing the frontlines.

I maneuvered in crumbling buildings hiding from enemy snipers. My body was aching from the damage from the fall, and getting shot.

I limped through behind enemy lines back to allied control. When I saw a couple of gestalts soldiers that were being reinforced I joined them, and asked for medics.

The medics rushed me into a stretcher and I then fainted on the stretcher from the pain, and bodily damage.

To be continued....

I'm back..Sorry for the hiatus. I was studying for my chemistry exam for Material science BCH year 1. Got carried away studying, and doing jobs.

biohazarcreators' thoughts