
STAR WARS: The Last Descendant

In alternative reality, what if a young padawan that is a descendant of the great Jedi Master Avar Kriss, helped Anakin Skywalker and transformed the Jedi Order forever , and hook some girls in the mean time (This novel will have elements of the legends to).

King_Corvus · Romance
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5 Chs

Mission Cryss




"My name is Wilhelm Kriss master".




3rd POV:

Mace ~ "Very well Padawan Kriss, you did well, may I know who is your master?"

Will ~ "My master was Eno Cordova, Master Windu"

Mace ~ "Cordova? But he died a year ago no?

Will ~ "Yes, the last transmission he made to me was a year ago or so, then he disapeared…"

Mace ~ "Very well, let's continue our talk in the Council Chamber with the remnants of the Jedi Council. We need congratulate you for your efforts"

Anakin ~ "Let's go you to, Master Yoda made contact, he wants every council member alive in the Council Chambers"


Scene Break: Council Chambers.


3rd POV:

Right now, all the masters were present in de The meeting, minus the ones dead and injured, obviously. Masters like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were using holograms because they were off world, Yoda was in Kashyyyk and Kenobi is in Utapal.

Will was standing in the middle off the room when Master Windu started speaking:

Mace ~ "We are here now to talk about the fall of the Sith and congratulate and reward Anakin Skywalker and this young padawan"

Yoda ~ "Uhmm… necessary this is, indeed" said Yoda looking at Will with a nostalgic and contemplative face.

Mace ~ "So we will start now, Knight Skywalker, stand up of your seat and come at me". Anakin stand up and go right to front of Master Mace Windu seat. He then unsheathed his blue light saber. "Knight Anakin Skywalker, by the powers attributed to me, promove you to the rank of Jedi Master. Stand up Anakin, be proud, your mission was crucial to help us exterminate the sith".

Anakin ~ "Thank you masters for your confidence and praise, but the one crucial here is Padawan Kriss, he was the one who helped me understand the true nature of Palpatine and urged me to help in the battle of the Chancellor's Chamber. And he was the one who effectively killed Palpatine".

Yoda ~ "Is that so? Very well young padawan, what your complete name, I may ask, yes? Huhuhu"

Will ~ "My name is Wilhelm Kriss Master Yoda, trained by Master Cordova in the arts of the Force and archeology" said Will, nodding to Yoda.

Yoda ~ "Kriss, you say. Maybe Master Avar Kriss descendant, perhaps?"

[Image here].

Will ~ " Master, although I know that I'am descendant of someone of the order I don't have knowledge of who, I am a Jedi but I wasn't rised inside the order, Master Cordova rised me since the time I understand myself as me".

Yoda ~ "Interesting this is indeed" said Yoda looking with nostalgia to me "But to resenblances to her for me to believe otherwise, you have".

Plo ~ "Tell me Young Kriss, this lightsaber from yours, it was you who made it?"

Will ~ "No Master Plo Koon, it was Master Cordova who gave it to me, said something about it being my right to have it".

Yoda ~ "So the lightsaber of Avar Kriss it is" [Image here].

Mace ~ "But for us to promote you to Knight ranking you need to make a lightsaber of yours, so Padawan Kriss, your mission is to go to Ilum and get a Kyber Crystal yourself, understood?"

Will ~ "Yes Master Windu".

Mace ~ "And for this mission Master Shaak Ti will be assigned to go supervise you, you said you were taught in the Force arts but knowing Cordova I am right to assume he never taught you lightsaber techniques, so she would give you the basics and once finished your mission some masters are going to teach you some techniques, alright?"

Will ~ "Yes Master, I will go to the vessel left for me by Master Cordova right now, Master Ti, the vessel is the A-Wing in the hangar bay, when ready we will leave for whenever the Force guide us".

When Wilhelm enter the elevator for go to the hangar bay another talk start.

Yoda ~ "Special, this boy is. Powerful with the Force he is."

Mace ~ "And despite having no instruction in lightsaber combat, he insticntively made the right move to kill Sidious".

Plo ~ "I would like to suggest that Master Skywalker and Master Ti were the ones to instruct him in lightsaber combat, her being proficient not only in the form 2 and 4 but Skylwalker himself is proficient in forms 4 and 5, and after this he would learn whatever form he wanted, I belive in he learning this 3 forms first because it would give him versatility and because the two of them have great teaching skills".

Yoda ~ "Very well, then Master Ti and Master Skywalker teaching combat to him will, once returned from his mission he is".

Shaak/Anakin ~ "Very Well Master".


Scene Break: 3 Hour later, Naboo


Will POV:

After a long time of space traveling me and Master Ti came to Naboo, we came here by the Force, it guided us here to get me a crystal and a crystal I'll get.

When me and Shaak Ti landed in an island in the middle of a lake, I basically started to meditate, it is the best way to know something, through the Force.

I started to feel my surroundings, and the Force was guiding me to the bottom of the lake, when I sensed something calling me I knew what it was, so, without hesitation I jumped in the water and coupled a respirator to my mouth.

I went very deep and when I reached the bottom, I saw, an cyan little dot in the sandmud of the lake, I retrieved it and went to the surface to start the next step of my mission.




So hey guys author here, I made this chapter a little longer I think I make it like a standard thing, another thing is, What ya think about the new writing style, give tips to be better please, author's out.