
STAR WARS: The Last Descendant

In alternative reality, what if a young padawan that is a descendant of the great Jedi Master Avar Kriss, helped Anakin Skywalker and transformed the Jedi Order forever , and hook some girls in the mean time (This novel will have elements of the legends to).

King_Corvus · Romance
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5 Chs

A Gleaming Hope






Will POV:

It's basically over the second week of my mission on adquiring a crystal for me, and that I did, but construct a lightsaber is more conplicated than people think, first of all it required the right materials for it, and because we came without Huyang, it became more difficult, so we went to a local market and got some materials for me, so right now I'm synchronizing with the Force to construct my very first lightsaber.

First of all, I keep the crystal in the center, after that I assemble the pommel, which consists of Haysian gold and hypersteel, then comes the handle where the crystal is fitted inside it, the handle has Haysian gold rings at its ends delimiting it. The handle is made of duraplast dyed black, just above the handle comes another part of hypersteel, where the saber's ignition button is located, it has a small divider between it and the tip, this divider is made of duraplast dyed black too, and finally, the upper tip of the saber is made of hypersteel, his model will be called 'Gleaming Hope'. [Image here]

When I ignited my saber, the color, although rare and very beatiful, was to be expected because of the color of my crystal. The Force guided me to Naboo to get an Aquamarine Crystal, a rare type that just can be found in planets like Naboo and Kamino, who have large portions of water, and this crystal give me a great proficiency under water, not that I will use this advantage so soon… I hope.

After finalizing my saber, Master Ti came to me to start my training in Form II: Makashi and Form IV: Ataru, one consisting in precise movements and simple foot work to combat other lightsaber users and the other to combat with agressive atacks and use the force to enhance the users agility to take the enemy of guard, and although he was a master in the two forms, her real proficiency is in form IV, but mastering the two of them could give me an upper hand in basically every battle, if I manage to learn III or V I will be one of the most formidable duelist of this generation.



Scene Break: Ti and Kriss camp, Naboo



In these two weeks me and Master Ti became very close, I always had a very easygoing nature and confident demeanor, so it was natural as a female that she would be attracted, and being an eye candy helped to hahaha.

We were always together basically because of the training, and I never had the limitations of the Order's Code, I wasn't rised inside the Order and Master Cordova encouraged attachments, it make us stronger with the bonds we formed with other persons, but he always said one thing that I will never forget, "Death is natural, don't try to combat it, you need to combat the Darkside, because it make death an unnatural thing", so I will honor his memory and his teachings and form a kriffing little "harem", and Shaak Ti will be the first one.

It was the dawn of the day, the first sunshines entering the tent that I was, I started to wake up, rubbing my eyes to clean my vision, when I get up I felt some resistence, looking down I understanded why, Shaak was sleeping in my chest.

Blinking a little, Shaak Ti started to wake up to, I then said "Good morning Sha, sorry if I wake you up", she then responded "Oh it's all right, I was already starting to wake up", "Want something to eat?" I asked, and she responded "No need, my bellie is already full, my love". [Shaak appearance here]

After some time to me to eat and get dressed we departed back to Coruscant. Me and Master arrived 1 day and a half after or departure from Naboo, meanwhile, in our travel, ocurred two things, our talk about our relationship, like me explaining my viewpoint to her, and she actually accepting it and even mantaining it a secret for the time being and the other major thing was the amount of darkness we sensed througout the galaxy in a peak and then it died down, what personaly after I become a knight I will without a doubt go investigate it, my suposition is that something occurred in Korriban or Ziost, the homeworlds of the Sith, religion and race like, my senses are screaming something bad happened there and I need to go after it.



Scene break: Coruscant, Jedi High Council chamber



I am currently at the High Council Chambers, it's being two days that me and Shaak arrived, I am standing in the middle of the room waiting for my promotion occur, that is, it will occur after Master Ti finish her relatory, obviously keeping somethings out of it.

After she finished Master Yoda asked "In front of me kneel would you, yes?" after he said that I kneeled in front of him, he extended his green lightsaber and said "By the powers granted to me as Grandmaster of The Jedi Order, declare you as Jedi Knight will I."



Scene break: Coruscant, Jedi Temple



A month have passed after my knight ceremony, and things are a little different here in Coruscant, first of all, the new chanceller Mon Mothma is doing great things to repair the evil doing of Sidious, but this story isn't about the Republic, so, right now, I am in my room with Shaak, we are in my bed, naked, with our fluids mixed, everything was quiet until she said "Will… I'm pregnant".

Thanks Guys, another chapter with a little more of words, if like powerstone are welcomed and be a nice guy, bye.

King_Corvuscreators' thoughts