
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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6 Chs

The Transport

POV Thel Vadam

My strike team of the very best in our forces has boarded our Phantom in the hanger, the Phantom itself is pure red but is the covenant style of phantoms allowing for more space for troops. Entering through the bottom gravity lift I appear in front of several Brutes and Elite Zealots with a few Unggoy. The Phantom takes off and leaves the hanger, seeing the transport we are boarding as I am at the front of the Phantom.

Launching the boarding devices from the bottom of the Phantom and attaching the Phantom to the locked boarding device allowed us to leave.

[Thel Vadam]"This is a simple mission do not disgrace our Warmaster, it is a simple in and out. Get the slaves and regroup back at our Phantom. Leave none of the pirates alive, also no casualties among us either, am I clear!"

[The Strike Team]"Yes Arbiter!, glory to the Warmaster!!"

And with that the strike team and I started final checks on our equipment. At the moment I am carrying a holstered gold energy sword which is on my right thigh, a carbine is always a useful weapon to have, and just in case I also have taken a Brute plasma rifle. The reason for that is the higher rate of fire that will benefit this close engagement if needed.

Finally, the airlock opens with me at the front of the strike team we all float through exiting the purple energy field that will prevent return fire, our first official mission begins, let's not disappoint.

The second I passed the energy field I was met with several confused and terrified pirates holding what they called blasters.

[Pirate 1]"WHAT IS THAT THING!!"


Before they can decide what to do I decide to use the Brute plasma rifle and start firing on them, after killing one the rest of the strike team is here mopping up the other lot, even when they did fire on us the shielding we are equipped with is more than enough to tank any and all damage.

After cleaning up this first room of humans we pressed on to our target, also after confirming that the other phantoms touched down on the other side of the transport it seems they were met with little to no resistance. I think they expected only one boarding party and not three either way it makes life easier.

The room adjacent to our first room was mainly just a long hallway with periodic cover littered about the place, the screams and cries about what we were, were beginning to get tiresome, but either way, the hallway secured our escape in case anything went wrong was assured.

The next room was not enterable seemingly locked to prevent our advance but since this door seemed weaker than a regular blast door a simple plasma did the job.

[Thel Vadam]"Strike Team activate your camo," after saying that they all obeyed and stealthily made our way through the smoke of the explosion.

Sneaking around the dark room watching the pirates numbering around ten all with eyes trained on the door, they seem to have never encountered an enemy that has a cloaking device. This was quite frankly child's play, signaling to some of my team to pick a target and sneak behind them to take them out.

[Pirate]"Where are they?" asked the bewildered pirate before turning around to check his team members. He was shocked to find no one there and at that moment the loud ignition of several energy swords, some in darkness and one also through him.

After that was done with I checked with some of our team about everyone's whereabouts. It seems both of the other phantom teams have made it to the bridge but are just holding it down until we get the slaves out. I was also notified that the slaves were in the next room but there was also one only dot indicating a person further from both the slaves and phantom teams, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

Entering the next room where the slaves were and the people in question were all wearing a strange set of robes. Not to mention all of them were under the age of 14 from appearances. How could humans be so despicable that they would enslave children for their own petty gain and notoriety?

The oldest of the children stood in front of the rest in a protective manner, obviously thinking us to be a threat. Not that I can blame him, if I was human and saw a dozen seven-foot-tall aliens would probably put me and anyone with a brain on edge.

[Thel Vadam]"What is your name child? And how did you end up with the slavers?" I asked in the least intimidating way possible.

[Argon]" M...My name is Argon... we are Jedi younglings that fled the temple because we were taken from our home... some of us never wanted this life... some of us want to go home... but we were ambushed by Zygerian slavers taking us somewhere. Our Master couldn't beat them all... she's further in the ship... Y...You're not going to hurt us are you?" he says voice trembling with fear.

[Thel Vadam]"We will not harm any of you but you will be taken to our ship until your Master explains what she and the rest of you will do. Also no need to fear us, you pose no threat to us and it would be wise of you to stay that way until everything is fixed sound fair?"

[Argon]"Yes sir... thank you, sir," he says still with a tinge of fear in his voice.

[Thel Vadam]"Good. One of my men will escort you to our ships to get you out of here the rest of us will fetch your Master." I say with conviction in my voice.

After learning the child's name and some details they were escorted back to the phantom, there were 18 in total including the oldest being Argon. They will be safe on the Phantom, I wouldn't like to be burying kids anytime soon.

The Master is located in the furthest room from the bridge, possibly a prisoner wing given the younglings were kept in a storage room.

I and a few guards arrive at the prisoner wing confirming my suspicion, the Master herself is behind a red shield kneeling looking away from us.

[Thel Vadam]"So you are the children's Master... who exactly are you?"

[Vudri]"I could ask you the same thing... never saw your kind before... very intriguing, but my name is Vudri and I was a Master of the Jedi Order until recently, as to why I left well... not a discussion for now. Are the children safe?" she asks with a modicum of concern lacing her voice.

[Thel Vadam]"Yes the children are safe and are being taken to our flagship... you however will be meeting our Warmaster I am sure he has questions for you about what you want to do next."

[Vudri]"Fair enough, the controls of the shield are right next to you, and don't worry I am not a threat I have force suppression cuffs." she says as one of my guards powers the shield down. "Well, shall we be off?"