
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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The Jedi

POV Thel Vadam

After Vudri was escorted back to our Phantom by some of my team we proceeded towards the bridge where the other teams are waiting for us. The rest of the now uncovered Zygerrians were held in the bridge with no escape, it was only a matter of time.

Walking back through the hallways we made our entrance but it is now littered with bodies, I felt no remorse for these lower-life scum, they deserved death no doubt but the worst death imaginable would be preferable.

Reaching the blast door in between us and the bridge, the squads are all camped outside waiting for our word to breach.

[Thel Vadam]"Teams!! prepare for breach!!" as I say that a few of the Elites plant plasma cutters on the blast door, they will make short work of the door. The blast door is shredded by the cutters making it easy for the teams to enter the bridge.

[Thel Vadam]"Activate Camo" as I say so everyone activates their camo and enters the room. The teams take the outside of the room avoiding the middle due to most of the Zygerrians are trained directly on the door.

It is almost too easy to dispatch these scum, quickly surrounding the rest of the targets without any of them realizing. Through the comms, I give the signal to the Elites to execute whoever they were behind at the time.

[Thel Vadam]*3 2 1 NOW!* as that is said through the comms the sound of energy swords echoes through the bridge stabbing through everyone there including the captain who I was behind. It was swift and effective dispatching these scum.

[Thel Vadam]"I want a full sweep of the ship in case we missed someone, one squad is assigned for that the other stay here and uncover anything from their databanks and computers."

[Thel Vadam]"I want any and all information relayed back to the Enduring Conviction, once both tasks are completed return to your designated Phantom and scuttle the ship leave no trace of us behind, Am I clear?"

[Everyone]"Yes Arbiter!!" they all shouted, quickly they all got to their tasks.

After I gave my orders I returned to my Phantom with the children on it and prepared to return to the Flagship. The children have all huddled in the back of the Phantom away from us still seemingly untrusting which for the moment won't matter, the only thing that does is getting them out and back to the Enduring Conviction.

Vudri is also in the Phantom with myself and the children and is watching over them, but something doesn't sit right with me about her, lets's just hope she doesn't try anything stupid because Atriox won't be as forgiving as some.

After the squads have all reported back to their designated Phantoms we prepared to leave, disconnecting the boarding tube and attaching it to the bottom of the Phantom we flew back in the direction of the Enduring Conviction.

POV Atriox

Successful and efficient is exactly what I would describe as the mission set on this transport, also discovering that the Jedi were somewhat involved didn't give me much confidence about laying low until the most opportune moment. I had viewed the entire foray through in-built body cameras, it had given me an up-close view of both the action and any events that transpired. The body cameras are mainly for the squads to review after a battle and pick out moments they could have performed better but in this case, it wasn't a battle it was more a slaughter. All in all, Arbiter had performed admirably but now is the question to deal with the younglings and this Jedi.

If the Jedi was truly straying from the light side of the force and is also trying to steer clear of the Jedi themselves she may be willing to join me but unlike the rest of my followers she isn't 100% loyal to me, there is always a chance she could stab me in the back. For now, I shall just wait until they arrive back.

Small Timeskip

[Atriox]*Arbiter, bring the Jedi Master to the bridge I wish to speak with her* I asked Arbiter over comms.

[Thel Vadam]*Right away Warmaster* he replies.

As I am lost in thoughts I hear the door open behind me, both the Arbiter and the girl have arrived. She is a red Zabrak with markings over her body, she was never in any of the films which either means she dies shortly after now in the canon timeline or she is also reincarnated but that frankly is highly unlikely.

[Thel Vadam]"This is the Jedi we found with the children, her name is Vudri" he informs me.

[Atriox]"Leave us... I will speak with her alone, she is of no threat to me" I growl. After saying that the Arbiter leaves the room, it is now just us and I can tell she seems to be looking at me strangely.

[Vudri]"Who are you... you have no presence whatsoever... it is almost as if you are a void... in all my years of being a Jedi your presence is utterly baffling..." she says clearly confused beyond belief.

[Atriox]"Yes, you are correct in the fact my presence seems strange, I am what is known as a wound in the force, no force power imaginable can affect me be it mind control or lightning so don't try anything. As for my name, my name is Atriox the Warmaster of the Banished. Now your answer to my next question determines if you will survive more than the next few minutes. Why did you leave the Jedi order and are you pursuing the path of darkness?" her eyes widen at the mention of Atriox but I can't imagine why, she then smirks at the mention of the Jedi.

[Vudri]"Oh.. oh ok Atriox... as for why I left, I became attached to a few people, a couple of friends but I may have fallen in love with someone but you may or may not know, you cant have attachments in the Jedi. They rid you of any type of emotion that makes you a person... so I left but that wasn't what made me leave... the younglings did, some of which were forcefully plucked from their families and never wanted to be there, when I found out I had to return as many that wanted to leave as possible but the Zygerrians had to get in the way of that." she passionately explains.

[Atriox]"Good answer, what will you do now because I may have an offer if you don't have anywhere to go."

[Vudri]"Me personally I have nowhere to go but the younglings, I want to bring them back to where they belong, I will hear your offer out but they won't be with me or you."

[Atriox]"I think that's fair enough, you will come back with us to get a ship retrofitted, you will deliver the younglings back to their home and return back to where you got the ship. As for the offer, you will join me and my Banished as we take the galaxy back from the Jedi and prevent a catastrophe in the coming years, do you accept?" I asked, I have no idea why but it just felt like the right thing to do, no real idea on how to explain it.

[Vudri]"I see that as more than fair... and I wouldn't mind getting some revenge on the Jedi, so yes I accept your offer." she says and bows on one knee in front of me.

[Atriox]"Excellent, one more thing I would like to ask... you reacted earlier as if you had heard my name before but I have neither encountered nor seen any Jedi from what I can recall," at this, her whole body freezes in shock at being called out.

[Vudri]"Y...Y...Your name... was something mentioned by my brother once," at this I am intrigued but also counting every possibility as to who she is.

[Atriox]"What was his name?"

[Vudri]"H...His name was Jack" at this my blood runs cold staring at the Zabrak in front of me thinking this was an elaborate joke.

[Atriox]"W...Were you reincarnated?" I asked her, and she immediately looks me in my eyes and nodded.

[Atriox]"Carla? Is that you?"