
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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The Banished

It has been six months since the attack of the Mandalorian scout ship, meaning that there are only six months until the beginning of the canon timeline.

I have seemingly exaggerated how long I need to be prepared for the inevitable reveal of our faction. A couple of things have happened over the past half-year, the first thing is I have fully claimed this planet as my own and even renamed it to what the Brute homeworld was called 'Doisac'. The planet was claimed not long ago when the space station was built, the station itself is comparable to the Imperial and Republic stations from the Star Wars The Old Republic game, the difference is the technology present is far superior in comparison.

The shields present could withstand an attack from a half-dozen Venators without any support, not only that the station itself would win as the offensive batteries would shred the Republic ships with little to no assistance. Speaking of assistance, I was finally able to get my first ship, but the type of ship shocked me a lot...


{Space Station Built: 250,000 system points consumed}

[Atriox]"System, can I rename the planet?"

{Certainly Atriox}

[Atriox]"Ok, then rename it to... Doisac, It was the Brute homeworld name from the game... it seems fitting"

{Planet renamed, also Atriox you have a reward}

[Atriox]"Oh what is it"

{Reward received for establishing your first planet}

{Enduring Conviction (Banished CAS Class Assault Carrier}

{The specifications of the ship are as follows:

Class: CAS-class Assault Carrier

Role: Flagship

Length: 5,347 meters (17,540 ft)

Width: 2,118 meters (6,950 ft)

Height: 746 meters (2,450 ft)

Engine: Repulsor Engines

Slipspace drive: Equipped

Hull: Nanolaminate hull plating (Equipped with energy shields)

Armament: Energy projectors, Plasma turrets, Pulse laser turrets

In-Service: Human-Covenant War, Post-Covenant War Conflicts

Participated Battles: Second Ark Conflict

Known commanders: Shipmaster Let 'Volir

Affiliation: Covenant (formerly), Covenant Separatists (formerly), Banished

The ship itself will come with a full crew and the accompanying Shipmaster Let 'Volir}

[Atriox]"So...so... so I am not dreaming am I, the reward for my first planet is an Assault carrier, I need to catch my breath..." I said totally bewildered and exasperated, this thing could be considered a dreadnought, especially this early.

[Atriox]"I... I assume this won't be a regular occurrence on every planet although I wouldn't say no" I asked curiously.

{Because this is the first planetary conquest you are rewarded from then on its like this:

5 planets claimed: CCS Battlecruiser

10 planets claimed: CCS Battlecruiser (Truth and Reconciliation)

25 planets claimed: Space Foundry

50 planets claimed: CSO Supercarrier (Long Night of Solace)}

[Atriox]"Ha ha... those are some great rewards, especially for galactic conquest"

Flashback Over

Yeah didn't expect the Enduring Conviction to be my reward but this could easily turn a republic or separatist fleet into chunks of rubble. I even have an experienced Shipmaster as well, meaning battles in space will be also a lot easier.

I also had the privilege of seeing the first battle in space with this beauty if you can even call it a battle, a few months ago there was a small pirate fleet heading through our system chasing another vessel. The Enduring Conviction was cloaked but still in weapons range in case there was an opportunity to help.

The craft they were chasing looked like a starship of a Jedi but I never found out who it was. The pirate fleet consisted of a few fighters and a bigger transport which presumably contained slaves of some kind.


[Let 'Volir]"Warmaster, a pirate fleet and what seems to be a civilian craft has entered the system, what are your orders?" he asked looking at me sitting on what could be mistaken for a throne on the bridge of my Flagship

[Atriox]"Keep us cloaked, get close enough to open fire but hold until the civilian ship is a safe distance, get me what type of ships are in the pirate fleet Shipmaster"

[Let 'Volir]"Yes Warmaster"

Our ship gradually got closer to the space battle or rather space chase currently going on. As we got closer the civilian or unidentified person was getting ready to jump and the pirate fleet was too far to catch them, now was the perfect time to intercept.

[Atriox]"Eviscerate the small pirate ships and stun the bigger one, once we are sure that they can't fight back send in the Phantoms to board" at that moment someone came from the door behind me.

[Thel 'Vadam(The Arbiter)]"Warmaster, may I participate in the boarding process" the Elite says, he is wearing the same armor from the second Halo game and he is my right-hand man at the moment, he had been managing the space station above Doisac but was currently onboard our Flagship.

It's quite surreal even when I had seen him the second I summoned him.

[Atriox]"Yes, you may proceed just take into consideration there may be slaves on board, I would like to keep them alive... Arbiter"

[Thel 'Vadam]"Of course Warmaster," he says as he walks to prep him and his squad.

[Atriox]"Shipmaster keep the fools stunned until The Arbiter can board, and also get Escharum and Decimus on a Holocall."

[Let 'Volir]"Yes Warmaster!" the shipmaster replies while opening the Holocall.

Both Escharum and Decimus appear in front of Atriox, immediate they bow before him showing the level of respect he has garnered by using the system. These two I had summoned shortly after we ambushed the Mandalorians, I had just ordered them as de facto leaders of different outposts on Doisac but when we expand lower down chieftains will have that job.

[Escharum & Decimus]"Warmaster!! we are here to serve"

[Atriox]"Good to see you both, I trust the facilities I left you in charge of are running smoothly?"

[Escharum]"Yes Warmaster our excavation on the most eastern outpost is proceeding well, food and supplies have been delivered a week past and we currently have a surplus, if any other outposts need food and building supplies we can supply, other than that no problems have surfaced"

[Decimus]"Yes Warmaster the western side is in much the same position we are free to lend support to anyone in current need, the supply of Phantom dropships has not slowed and is making good time in terms of our quota."

[Atriox]"Excellent work the both of you, and given the performance I would like Decimus to take a few Phantoms and scout nearby planets in our system, if I remember correctly there are five in total. Scout them out for suitable outposts in the future. As for Escharum, you will take over for the Arbiter on his post in the Space station, make sure they don't fall behind on training, and be sure to do an equipment sweep."

[Escharum & Decimus]"Yes Warmaster, we will do this to the best of our ability." as they say that I cut the holo call.

[Atriox]"Shipmaster, have Pavium and Voridus take over from Decimus and Escharum"

[Let 'Volir]"Yes Warmaster!"

Now let's see who is on that transport, hopefully someone interesting.

Through this story, I will make it known that Covenant tech is superior to anything in star wars, forgive me if that isn't the case.

ForceofTheFirecreators' thoughts