
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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6 Chs

System & First Fight

[Atriox]"Time to get to work," I say with a massive grin on my face.

{System Integrating with host...}

{Integration Successful. Hello Atriox I am your system, I will do my best to assist you in your goals}

[Atriox]"Great, by the way, I am not calling you system so I will give you a name if you wish." I asked in a polite tone.

{Yes you can give me a name Master}

[Atriox]"Well then how about...Carla, it was my sister's name... I feel it would help me throughout my journey" I said in a sad but also hopeful tone, getting over not being able to see her again will be tough but she wouldn't want me lingering on that feeling, I mean she moved on even if not entirely.

{Thank you Master for bestowing me the name of your sister, a true honor it is!}

[Atriox]"You're welcome, also none of that master crap I will eventually consider you a friend, master just doesn't fit just call me Atriox." I said in a way that left no room for arguing.

{Certainly Atriox}

[Atriox]"My first question is how long until The Phantom Menace kicks off."

{One year today}

[Atriox]"That gives me time to establish a foothold, then ten more years before the Clone Was kick-off. Also, quick question, will I find it difficult to kill in this body?"

{It will be easier given the original Atriox could kill with little to no issue}

[Atriox]"Well that's comforting... Also is there some beginner gift pack or something"

{Yes, would you like to open it Yes/No}

[Atriox]"Yes," I said, a small window appeared in front of me showing what is contained in the beginner gift.

Atriox Armor Set/Expert Skill in Heavy Armor

Atriox Mace/Expert Skill in Mace Handling

Beskar Spear

50,000 System points

X70 Phantom Starship/Expert Skill in Piloting

After equipping the armor from the gift pack which looks badass, I summoned my new ship in the nearest open space.

The ship materialized as if it was there the whole time. Entering the ship itself, it looked like it did in the game (Star Wars The Old Republic), and surprisingly I didn't bump my head on anything even being 8ft 5 inches. Eating in this new body is strange and way more animalistic than previous, at the moment I have generally been relaxing for a couple of hours inside my new ship.

[Atriox]"Might as well check my stats... *Status*" as I said that a window popped up like a video game displaying every bit of information I need.

Name: Atriox

Age: 21

Height: 8ft 5 inches

Job/Occupation: Chieftain

Cash/Money: 0 Credits

Ships/Personal Vehicles: X70 Phantom

Droids: None

Force Abilities: Force Immunity [No force abilities will affect the system user, examples being force choke, force push, and force lightning. Others are included.]


Heavy Armor Mastery: [Equipping heavy armor feels like putting on regular clothes and increases regular resistances by more than double, in terms of effectiveness.]

Mace Mastery: [A natural at handling and using a mace in combat with no equal in this field, attacks are more potent and do more damage.]

Spear Mastery: [A natural at handling and using a Spear in combat with no equal in this field, attacks are more potent and do more damage.]


[Atriox Armor Set]

[Atriox Mace]

[Beskar Spear]

Title: Chieftain [Inspires fellow Jiralhanae in battle and gives them all boosts in combat when the Chieftain is present. The Jiralhanae will always follow the Chieftan even until death.]

[Atriox]"Pretty overpowered stats, well I am not staying on Naboo now that I have a ship." after saying that I plugged coordinates in the nav computer for the nearest uninhabited planet. Also with the stealth capabilities of this ship, I will be undetected by both Naboo and any rogue freighters I find on my way.

Timeskip (2 Weeks)

POV Slavers:

[Leader]" Oi, send a distress signal out to someone we need fuel, Jabba will have our heads if we aren't on schedule." said the leader of the slaver group.

[Slaver]"Yeah man no problem, just let me know if anything goes awry." the man said in a bored tone.

[Leader]"The rest of you keep an ear out and an eye on the merchandise, they are worth more than you morons... Well, get to it!!" the leader harshly pointed out to many of the grunts in the group of slavers.

The slaver group in itself consists of the leader and right-hand man along with 10 grunts escorting 5 high-priced slaves. Two twi'lek females and the other three human males. They've been transported for quite the distance and are on the way to Tatooine, seemingly the slaver's ship must have run out of fuel whilst on the journey.

POV Atriox [MC]

Exiting hyperspace after a fortnight's journey to this planet was long, nothing to really occupy my time with part from sparing with a dummy. The dummy in question is a lot more durable than I had envisioned.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the ship began beeping, this was a distress beacon but on a hidden channel. That meant it was slavers or someone like a bounty hunter of some description, the more likely theory would be idiot slavers.

[Atriox]"Then let's go pay them a visit, I wanted to try this body out in combat anyway, I also free slaves so you know... win-win," I said directing the ship down to the location of the beacon.

Just before landing, I initiated a short-range planetary scan, just giving me the go-ahead before I step outside. I would love to breathe and not suffocate, two weeks into my new life.

After stepping outside the ship I am greeted by a rush of fresh air, not sunshine given at the moment it is nighttime, the slavers or whoever it is will be 1 km north of my current location. I have brought my mace and equipped all my armor, some would mistake me for a giant.


Reaching the destination, the culprits are in fact slavers. The slaves themselves are on their ship given they aren't outside, twelve slavers most spread out and easy to pick off.

Coming up to my first victim, he is faced the other way but he will be able to hear me which is quite unfortunate, sneaking as best I am able to until I reach the first man. Grabbing him by the head, my hand covering his mouth, lifting the man up breaking his back over my knee killing him instantly from the force. Immediately bringing the mace out seeing that the rest are alerted, and igniting the maces energy properties with a bright red hue.

[Slaver]"What the hell is that thing..."

[Leader]"KILL IT KILL IT I WON'T GET ANY MONEY FROM THIS!!!" exclaimed the man in charge of the band of slavers

As the man starts to panic, I grin in amusement at how pitiful and scummy this guy is. Wasting zero time, with everyone surrounding me I smash the mace on the ground stunning everyone, instantly I have one dead with a swing of the mace, and before too long seven are lying mangled on the ground. The other five, three of which have been paralyzed and the other two in each of my hands. With a swift move of my giant hands, both men fell lifelessly to the ground, the other three attempted to crawl away, but with one slam of my mace, one of the men smashed, and the others died from the electric or plasma current in their body.

All of the bloodshed were done with little to no feeling of guilt or remorse, I mean the guys were pricks in the first place being slavers. After gathering the bodies of everyone and lighting them on fire with some things they had on standby. The communicator I needed to retrieve from one of the bodies as well to cancel the beacon, just so no one comes poking where they shouldn't.

The slaves themselves were all asleep, probably due to the shock collars on their necks. I picked up each cage which look like bigger versions of a dog kennel, setting them outside I sat on a nearby rock waiting for them to wake. I kept them in the cage to figure out what they will do now they have their freedom.

{Congratulations Hidden Mission Save Slaves Completed}

{Reward Granted: 150,000 system points}

[Atriox]"Nice," I said while waiting for the slaves to wake from the shock-induced slumber.