
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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6 Chs

Reborn In a Galaxy Far Far Away

[MC] "Ahhh, my head, what the hell happened?" remembering some sort of fall, recalling bits of information but not much making him unable to see a full picture of what happened. Small flashes of a boy falling down a set of stairs with laughing teens behind him occupy his fragmented mind, slowly but surely seeing what had clearly just transpired. After collecting his thoughts he observed his surroundings now not being the bottom of the previously mentioned stairs.

[MC] "Wow where the hell am I?" he says while looking around the pitch-black space completely devoid of all light, it almost is as if he had entered through a black hole with how little visible light there is. You could easily assume he had gone blind and is the reason for the apparent darkness.

Sitting up fully trying to get a sense of his immediate surroundings in this desolate place, for a moment he thought he was dreaming but there was a clear flicker of light directly in front of him. With no other option, he slowly limps towards the light that is becoming brighter and brighter with each step.

[MC]"What the hell kinda stairs did I fall down?" he says in exasperation with the situation.

Almost as if he went through a door the light completely enveloped his person almost taking his eyes out proving he was in fact not blinded by the fall. The void of white looked acutely similar to the previous black void of the area previous, however, this was dominated by a big table with an older gentleman behind the desk reading something on a piece of parchment.

[??]"Ah, you finally have arrived just give me one moment and I will promptly explain your situation." he says with an air of confidence, almost like a ruler or king of some kind. The man began to finish up on whatever he had seen on the parchment he had on the table, set it down, and gestured the young man to a chair that had manifested out of thin air.

[MC]"What is this am I dreaming or in a coma or something?" he said while being completely bewildered by his current surroundings.

[??]"Yes well unfortunately or fortunately you have died from the fall you may recall. It seems some of the unsavory sorts decided to push you down a flight of stairs, and you hit your head at the bottom instantly killing you and saving you from any pain" he explains nonchalantly as if there had been nothing wrong.

[MC]"I.. I... I am dead, but what about my parents my sister hell even my tosspot of a brother... you mean to tell me I will never see them again?" he said almost grabbing at any sort of hope possible while choking on his words, tears threatening to spill out in a wave of pure dread and sadness.

[??]" Also those pricks that pushed you got charged for murder and the other two got charged on something else trying to hide your body, fortunately, a passerby heard the commotion and reported them." he said with a hint of sadness.

[??]"If it makes you feel any better you had everyone attending your funeral even your brother, all of your family lived happy normal lives and passed of old age. Your sister went on to become an expert in her field and launched and was leading the first mission to Mars which was successful. This made her an icon among the world and her country, she still grieved her death until she herself passed but it never consumed her to ruin her in any way but instead strengthened her resolve to make the best of her life for her big brother." said the ethereal man even showing a tear to express his sadness as to what had happened.

[MC]"Well... it's great that she lived a long life.. she was always what drove me... it's great hearing she succeeded. What happens now that I am dead, do I go to Heaven or Hell?" he said with a hint of concern and a pang of sadness still reeling from the earlier bombshell.

[??]" Neither. You will be given a third choice which every reasonably good-hearted people receive upon death... Reincarnation into a world of your choosing or more specifically fictional worlds that you know of. The only problem with this is you can't be human... so what do you say the first two options or this one, you will also get a few bonuses to go with you" trying to incentivize him more.

[MC]"That sounds great but why not human? I can't be that hard to make a new body no?" he says with genuine confusion written on his face.

[??]"Well, with reincarnation I am not allowed to create a new human body from nothing even if I transfer your soul to it, it will remain a doll and you will become robotic and die much earlier than usual. What we will use to decide your race is this wheel here." he says gesturing to the newly created wheel, there were a lot of options, almost too many to count. Some of them are weak but some are strong. The main continual factor is these are characters and not just the race itself, an example of this is people like Tartarus from Halo, Thanos from Marvel, and many others all of which he knows.

[MC]"So let's spin it I guess," he says with a tentative expression. The old man nods and waves his hand spinning the wheel, the names of all the characters flashing past too quickly to pick up. The wheel gradually slows down, tick by tick. It stops with the character Atriox, the villain from both Halo Wars 2 and Halo Infinite both of which he played extensively. That is a good character if the world is something hostile in terms of the world though he was already going to ask to go to the Star Wars universe anyway so it all works.

[??]"Good character and the universe you picked will be an interesting endeavor. Yes I can read your mind so don't worry," he says getting a nervous nod and laugh from across the table.

[MC]"Wait... will I inherit his mindset or will I stay me?" he says clearly worried.

[??]" Kind of. By that I mean some things that come with the race itself like growling after a hard-won fight or in conversation a low growl if you are irritated by small things. You will also gain the characters battle IQ and general intelligence but your mind will still be your regular old self. Just the benefits if you think about it that way" he explained alleviating his worries.

[MC]"You said something about getting bonuses, not including the race and choice of the world what did you mean by that?" he asked with intrigue.

[??]"You will be given a system that is relatively overpowered allowing you to have fun along the way. The functions are simple things like Status showing your basic stats with your name and skills you obtain. An inventory that is basically an infinite storage space allowing you to store anything inside but nothing ridiculous like a building or ship. A store that allows the purchasing of anything in the universe that you are in plus the character's universe so no infinity gauntlet, though if you got a Marvel character then fair game. You also have a summon page with the same rules as the store with the whole universe thing, the page itself allows you to summon characters from the respective universes as long as they either don't exist or are long dead, meaning no summoning Sidious or Yoda, also summoned characters are completely subservient to you and only you like the Guardians in Overlord. These two sections of the system will work off a points system, to get system points can range from anything like convincing a person of something or conquering a planet, there will be things to assist with that. The last thing will also play into the points as mentioned, a Mission page with just cause and effect consequences meaning no being a slave to your system." he explains in great detail trying not to leave anything out.

[MC]" That's pretty fantastic and pretty overpowered but I am not complaining, one question though. It has been bugging me ever since I wanted to go to the star wars universe. I have resigned myself to not being force sensitive so in light of that can I request you make me a wound in the force, this will prevent any mind control or really any force effects entirely." he asked with relative caution.

[??]" Granted and yes your correct you won't be force sensitive or at least enough to be a Sith or Jedi." he said.

[??]"I think that's everything, Race, World, OP system, and the request, yeah I think that's it but if I have forgotten I will contact you when you are in your new world... ahh that's what it was in the Star Wars universe would you like to be placed?" the old man inquires.

[MC]"Hmm... that's a tough one, I think... I'll go with Naboo somewhere in the forests out of the way of people and Theed, I don't want to be too close to the capital." he said airing on the side of caution.

[??]"Well that's everything done from my knowledge if I remember anything I will let you know, take care and have fun in your new life Atriox." the old man said with a grin.

After he finished his sentence a bright light enveloped me again and cut out like a light plunging me into complete darkness. After a while I eventually woke up, I saw trees and a bright blue sky with the primary star beaming onto my skin.

I sat up to take a look at myself and my surroundings, a lake was right next to where I lay, I brought my hands up seeing the distinctly brute-like look, people will probably mistake me for a strange-looking Wookie, gradually crawling over to look in the lake to see my reflection. I looked exactly like I saw in the game, it was surreal and quite invigorating.

Letting out a small snort before saying...

[Atriox]"Time to get to work," I say with a massive grin on my face.