
Star Wars: The Banished

A guy is reborn in the star wars universe before the phantom menace, he is in the body of a brute-like creature with a system to help him conquer the known galaxy.

ForceofTheFire · Films
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After the debacle of freeing the slaves has been cleared up I had waited for them to wake up and when they did I offered them to take the slaver's ship to sell or to take. I stayed in the shadows whilst discussing this, I am not sure they would approve of a giant bigger than a Wookie looking down on them.

They agreed to take their captor's ship, I made sure it wasn't bugged just so they wouldn't be tracked and enslaved again.


They had been gone for several hours as I had made my way back to my ship. I looked at something interesting in the store of the system while walking back, an outpost or rather a choice between a Banished or Covenant outpost. I think given the fact I am now Atriox embracing the Banished will probably be quite fun. The outpost itself is quite big, it houses 350 Brute Minors, 50 Brute Officers, 10 Brute Captains, and 1 Hammer-wielding Commander, and given I am the Chieftain it stops the commander from taking that title.

These Brutes also come with a fair few grunts and Jackles sprinkled throughout the squads. There is also a complement of vehicles with about 10 ghosts and 1 Banished Wraith. All personnel came with weapons and equipment consisting of Brute Shots, Mangler Squads, and Spikers, some are even carrying Brute Plasma Rifles.

The Outpost itself is self-sufficient and harvests energy from both the parent star and the core of the planet to produce extra arms and vehicles. The Outpost itself will produce 10,000 system points a day, as long as there is personnel that is operating inside the outpost. You can have ten of these on a planet, after the tenth is built a space station will be available. If the space station is built over a planet it will be recognized as my planet, pretty neat stuff.

This all costs a surprising 100,000 system points which is half of my current amount. The one thing I noticed through this is the distinct lack of any Elites among my recruits. Looking through some of the options in the system to remedy that I have a fair few options...

{Sangheili Silent Shadow Squad (With Equipment)} 50,000

{Sangheili Honor Guard Platoon (With Equipment)} 40,000

{Sangheili Zealot Squad With {Equipment}} 30,000

The options are sick, as an avid Halo fan these are so cool to see but if I am being completely logical about this the Honor Guard Platoon is the best option for my situation. The Silent Shadows although effective I don't need anyone assisted at this time, the Zealots work in the same way but are less effective. This leaves me with the Honor Guards, and in that second I bought it from the store. Accessing my inventory I pulled out a beacon of some kind pressed the button and threw it on the ground in front of me.

The second that happened 15 Honor Guards clad in Banished colors sprouted from the beam of light and immediately kneeled in front of me.

[Honor Guard]"Chieftain," the Elite says while kneeling respectfully.

[Atriox]"Rise, you all will be my guards and will escort me to any destination I need to go to until I say differently," I said in an authoritative tone making sure they heard my orders.

[Honor Guard]"Yes Chieftain!!" he said standing allowing me to pass in between them all, they all tail me back to the outpost.

Timeskip 2 Days

At the moment I am waiting another two days to place another outpost done a couple of miles to our current west, that location is on a side of a mountain making it difficult for an assault, but I was brought out of my thoughts when one of my guards interrupted my thoughts.

[Honor Guard]"Chieftain, scanners have indicated an unidentified ship had entered the system. What are your orders?" he asked curiously.

[Atriox]"It depends on the vessel, lure it to an ambush spot 10 miles from here. Use a distress signal, hopefully, they bite if so then we will dispose of the crew and scrap the ship for materials."

[Honor Guard]"How many forces shall I rally?"

[Atriox]"All of us, we will plan for the ambush when we get there."

[Honor Guard]"Yes Chieftain," he says and slams the staff or spear on the ground in acknowledgment.

[Atriox]"Let us see who came to say hello," I said with a grin forming on my face.

POV Death Watch Scout Ship

[Pre Vizsla (Holocomunicator)]"There are precious resources in this system stay vigilant commander, even though it's uninhabited be careful, failure will not be accepted in Death Watch," he said in an authoritative tone.

[Commander]"You worry too much but I will take it into consideration," he says as he cuts the Holocall.

The ship he currently occupies consists of about five other Mandalorians like him outfitted with traditional Beskar armor and the usual gadgets. The mission they are currently on is to scout out a new planet for what could be a possible gold mine of resources and money.

As he ponders his thoughts it is broken by the beeping of the nav console.

[Commander]"A distress signal here? That's strange I thought this place didn't have life, redirect us to that beacon with any luck we can steal their stuff or get information about the surrounding area"

[Pilot]"Yes Commander, we will touch down in 30 minutes, shall I land us close?"

[Commander]"Yes I would like to be in and out with whatever down there," he said cautiously.


They came up to what looked like some abandoned camp. It was early quiet as all six Mandalorians started to look for tracks as to what happened.

[Commander]"Look around try to find something they left behind"

As they were looking one of the Mandalorians moved a rock and found a blue and orange circular-shaped object. As soon as he lifted the object and began to glow and flash as if he activated whatever it was, not long after that an echoing explosion was heard.

The Mandalorian with the object was completely vaporized regardless of the Beskar that was meant to protect him.

The second the explosion rang out every other Mandalorian was pierced with some kind of energy weapon, the only one spared this fate was the commander himself as he turned to see all of his brothers killed with as much of a flick of a wrist, that was how quickly it devolved into despair.

As everyone dropped dead whatever killed them disappeared back into the undergrowth.

Just then footsteps from what sounded like a giant sounded out in the commander's ears...




The commander turned in the direction of the footsteps and immediately fell on his ass in complete terror at the creature standing above him, It only got worse when the weapon he carried activated in a blood-red hue, before slamming it on the commander's chest area killing him and putting him out of his misery.

POV Atriox

I had to send all my forces back as it was only a scout ship. We could deal with them with just me and my guards, and as predicted went extremely well. We got our hands on some Beskar that I could use to sell in the system store for some points, not to mention the ship which we brought back and stripped for parts then sold whatever was left to the system.

{Congratulations you completed hidden missions}

{Kill or capture six Mandalorian scouts}

{Reward 50,000 system points}

Great in conjunction with the scrapping of the Mandalorian ship and gear which I got 50,000 points, that means I have enough for my next Outpost.

Then let's aim to get that space station around the time the plot starts, which I think would be a decent amount of time to prepare myself and The Banished. If I am prepared enough getting control of the Lucrehaulks may not be that difficult.

Let us see where this takes us then...