
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

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V.1-C.45│Teacher I│

She had capitulated. Submitted.

Loathe she was to admit her fear, but the dark side of the Force particularly enhances negative emotions, further increasing their sway and power over a user.

She was now working under the dark lord known as Vader and she would admit his power was far greater then hers. So much greater that she had no desire to leave him.

She would never admit her obsession because she was drawn to the mysterious man behind the mask. 'If only I could see just what is behind it.'

Drawn to the lull and pull of his power, his presence within the Force was attractive to her at an instinctual level not only because of some spiritual connection but in her own desires as well. She was ambitious and craved power and was not weary of looking to places that were dangerous.

Despite working for the mysterious man for a few months now she had come to know that he was not a cyborg. But she could tell by his movements, she wasn't an academic for nothing.

"Tell me then." Rynalla mustered up her courage when the masked man had come to her again. "Tell me what the deal you wanted to purpose to me was."

Rynalla's resistance had been whittled down until her chances of recruitment were at an all time high. She would do anything for Vader, whether Vader knew this or not did not comment on it.

"I want you to become apart of my research division. There are of course terms and conditions to taking on such a prestigious job but in essence what you will be doing is studying the Force."

Rynalla's eyes start to gain interest other than the fact she is curious about her captor. "Studying the Force? As in the abilities, powers, traits, and other things like that?"

"Yes, but you would be doing so much more."

"What more could you have for me to study?"

"You will come to learn about that once you join. For now I would suggest you take the offer as even before you have the chance to join you would need to go through a very intense training process."

Her anger starts to flare at the insinuation that she would not be up to his standards. "I am fully capable and should not need to participate in anything of the sort. I refuse to do it, you should just give me this position straight away."

"This terms of the agreement between the both of us is non-negotiable." Vader stated simply leaving no room for renegotiation, or simple refusal.

"You leave me no choice."

"You are going to do something drastic?" Vader questioned.

"No, why would I. What I mean is that you leave me no choice, as in I have no other option."

"Right, that did not sound ominous at all." Vader pauses before he continued. "First we will start with..."

The conversation continued between the two before Rynalla eventually gave up not wanting to go to mental warfare with the mysterious monster and tire herself out mentally. She needed her mind as it was her greatest asset and it would seem Vader knew it too.

Certainly joining him in whatever venture she has come into was interesting. She believed that she would stay on Dathomir for a while considering that this planet had been taken over by Vader and his allies the Nightsisters.

It would seem that she was wrong.

The new base of operations was constructed on Tatooine, supposedly a planet that Vader himself had some connection to.

Rynalla was not blind or incapable of putting together the dots to get a picture for herself the situations, events, the basic five w's and how's. Vader was connected to the Skywalker's and by extension the Skywalker Industries and the slave rebellion Vader had helped to orchestrate.

She wasn't there herself, something about still not being up to Vader's standards but she knows that is just an excuse to keep her from getting too deeply involved.

He doesn't trust her fully, at least not yet. Fortunately she had been making progress when it came to training with the dark side but it was slow, not to her liking.

Vader seemingly was powerful, yes she could admit but that did not mean he had the means or methods to reproduce alot of Sith based or dark side based Force abilities. From what she had seen he was only slightly better then her when it comes to knowledge, letting her know that he is not as powerful as he seems.

'I could take advantage of this fact by trying to lure him into some sort of trap to free myself.' Vader had been kind but that did not mean she did not see some of his 'flaws.'

The flaw of kindness is one, but there were others that could be taken advantage of. His greed, most in particular.

With the short amount of time she had spent with him, Rynalla could see his interest in anything and the overwhelming desire to have things. Whether this be things like knowledge, which she can attribute with herself, to material and other things.

She also could tell of his strange connection with the droids and the strangeness of the droids themselves. Albeit it was a very small group among the millions he has.

She was curious at one point and had asked the question. "What are these droids exactly?"

Only Grievous was there to talk to her, or at least she had thought so until she had discovered or stumbled upon why the droids were so weird. "Those droids? They live."


"Yes, they are alive. They were given life and have the ability to use the Force, and all of this was granted by Vader." Grievous obviously knows to not reveal Vader's true identity in front of her.

"How?" Confused and baffled, Rynalla couldn't help the disbelief cross her face.

"How am I to know all of the details. I am no intellectual but a simple military man and my area of expertise is in that area."

Grievous then asked her a question. "Aren't you the one to know things in this area? I am sure you have studied things to do with the Force more than me."

A bit stumped she replied. "That is true, but from what I understand this shouldn't be possible."

"Well that must mean your understanding of things is not up to par with even mine. Vader was right, you do need to be brought up to standards."

After that conversation she had redoubled her efforts in absorbing as much theoretical, practical information and training as much as she could if only to catch up with the insufferable cyborg. 'I must surpass him.'

Rynalla would surpass Grievous simply because she had more potential than Grievous. Grievous was also given the capacity to use the Force like a Force-sensitive could.

She did have an interesting conversation with Vader, and it had been the very last communication between the two that had happened a little after the events that took place on Tatooine. He had asked her on her opinion on how to teach.

A surprising piece of information but she was nonetheless happy to oblige with his request. She now had a way to prove herself and her usefulness and if she did it right she may be able to become much more integrated into the confidants of Vader.

'Only time will tell how far I could go.'

Her actions certainly displayed her determination and stubborn willpower to do what she sets out to do, willing to risk it all for a Sith artifact that may not have been at the location she went too. Of course she would be like this.

"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations." Vader had said once but she would not fully agree to this statement directed towards her. Why?

'Because there is no way I fail.' Arrogance though had become what would be her fall. "And that is the pride before the fall." Again Vader had mocked her.

'I did submit, didn't I?' Rynalla then continued with what she was doing before, making sure that she could impress the towering figure to give her more.


When it comes to teaching children, there are many ways and styles to do so and a teacher would have to adapt their methods as such for each student.

Often thought of as one of the most traditional teaching methods, the teacher-centered methodology, attention is concentrated on the teacher. Teachers are in charge of the lesson and direct all activities.

This teacher-centered methodology would not really suit Anakin's needs because this strategy for teaching is seen to favor passive students. Ideally, he would rather have his students participate actively in the learning process.

There are many other methods but he would have to adjust for each and every student.

There are things he wants to teach and things he wants to pass down to other Force-sensitive children no matter their age, as long as they are not indoctrinated fully there is always leeway.

Many things about the Jedi are unsatisfactory and could be improved upon but Anakin doubts that the Council or anyone else for that matter would change.

Anakin being a complete newbie to teaching others, especially children he had to come up with reasonable ways to be productive and not waste his own time.

The time for the children is important but so is his, so he would need to come up with plans in relation to what students he has. So far he had been doing well as an assistant and had gotten help from a variety of sources.

One being his own Jedi Masters, Qui-Gon Jinn and Mace Windu.

Given that these two had to teach him, they may have insights into what he could do. 'I do have my own plans and methodology but it would be best to ask from someone else with experience.'

Ask away he did.

The first person he had discussed things with was Qui-Gon. "Well, my young apprentice it would seem that you have come to me for some wisdom." Qui-Gon stroked his beard like some ancient Chinese cultivating ancestor.

"Yes Master, I have come for your guidance as I have little to no experience in helping children learn."

"Well, from my understanding most children would dislike the way I approach the lessons. Why? Because they are active, always seeking excitement even if they have been somewhat adjusted to the lifestyle of a Jedi."

"That is true, I get bored sometimes."

Qui-Gon raised his eyebrows as Anakin said that out loud. "Well then I guess we should stop our lessons together, there is not much to learn from me."

"What about me? Is there similarities."

"No, you are actually quite the unique case not only because of your own potential but because of the level of maturity you have over your peers and those younger."

"Makes sense, so does that mean a teaching style similar to Master Windu is what I should do?"

"That is also a no go, because you dont even know what you are going to teach yet so it would be best to wait for that."

"Master Windu is more physically oriented when it comes to his teaching methods, would this not be appropriate for children."

"Sure, if you want to tire them out."

"You have a point."

Qui-Gon pauses before he continued. "If you are looking for some guidance, there may be someone who can help you in these trying times."


"Why, Master Yoda of course. He does after all teach younglings himself and quite often at that."

"I see, then I thank you Master for your time."

"No problem."

Anakin had then gone off to see the enigmatic Master Yoda. 'Yoda is a cool enough dude but is a extremely flawed individual and he may not admit it but I could see through him.'

Yoda and Anakin had a standard relationship between the two but Yoda was weary of him despite Mace Windu speaking up for him given enough time. 'Well, I can see why Yoda would be concerned. Out of everyone Yoda was the most concerned only second to Mace.'

They knew of each other and had interreacted even within lessons but it wasn't anything amazing or insightful. Just that Anakin could see that Yoda was fearful himself alot of the time but was unwilling to admit it.

'Stubborn old geezer, but it makes sense when I remember the characteristics of other old geezers unwilling to change and stubborn to their last breath.'

Adaptability was never really taught within the Jedi, or more specifically the adaptability of themselves to the motions and currents of time. 'Change is inevitable after all.'

"Master Yoda." Anakin greeted the diminutive being.

"Young Padawan Skywalker, come to see me, you have."

"Yes Master, I have concerns regarding my ability to teach younglings."

"Insecurities, I sense?"

"No Master, it is not fear like you are thinking or suggesting but the desire to improve my ability to encourage and improve others."

"Punishment, I am aware, but the Council agrees. Given to you, this duty, you will fulfill."

"Yes Master."

Yoda then begins to explain his own methods and styles of practice to Anakin when he teaches younglings, especially when it comes to lightsaber practice. "Patience, young Skywalker. The key, patience is."

"Students must, MUST be diligent in practice." Yoda says before he continued. "Kept, attention should be."

After a lengthy discussion between the two the learning session comes to an end. "Enjoy, our chat, I did."

"Thank you, Master Yoda for your time."