
Star Wars: Silver Angel

Follow James silver in his journey across the Star Wars Universe I am writing this for Fun, I understand that I will make errors and mistakes. I hope you enjoy and if you don't then you can stop reading at any time. if you think the story should have gone in another direction please create your own and I would love to read it. (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property, just my own character) (Disclaimer: I do not own the image it's just something that I found on google)

James_fanfic · Films
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Qui-gon & Obi-wan

[Level Up - Basic Lightsaber components received]

I stared at the text for a second, I might be able to build my own lightsaber with this but as it says Basic components I doubted it would be that easy. Still I had to start somewhere and this would be of help in any case.

I once again focused on the battle, thanks to all the droids trying to squeeze themselves in through a small opening I was able to kill more and more as time passed, kind of made me feel like I was in 300 instead of Star wars for a moment. Unfortunately it seemed that killing the same enemy over and over again decreases the amount of XP you receive from each one.

Still using TK to throw around droids and even using Mechu-Deru to have them turn on each other was quite enjoyable. After half an hour of fighting only 14 battle droids all under my command were left surrounding the opening.

I quickly jumped to three of the guards who had been injured, using my Force heal skill to patch them up, some of the guards started to mutter angel while looking at me placing my hand on their wounds and the wounds healing over at ridiculous speeds.

"They are waiting for reinforcements before they try another attack" I could feel their number building up outside the palace. Fortunately I could also feel Gui-gon and Obi-wan reached the city with a gungan I quickly identified as Jar-Jar binks in tow.

I stored the 14 droids I had under my control and the broken ones around me in my inventory, the guards all looked surprised to see them disappear, but seemed to have just accepted it as an ability of the force.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan started to head to the palace as the droids pushed for another attack.

"Your Majesty, the Jedi are on their way" I used my force lightning to created a bottleneck around the door, rushing in was simply suicide, but the droids had numbers on their side, If Qui-gon and Obi-wan didn't arrive soon I would be out of Force Points. If that happened I would have to rely on the guards to hold the door for almost 10 - 15 minutes for me to fully recharge.

Feeling them reach the room I stopped the force lightning and used TK to freeze all their movements when a green and blue light could be seen through the smoke, dismantling the last couple of battle droids left at the entrance.

The two entered the room and headed straight for Sabe. Thankfully due to my healing ability we hadn't lost a single man or woman, With a small hand movement I used all the broken droid parts and various other broken parts to plug up the hole in the door. I knew it wouldn't hold the droids for long, but if everything went as planned we wouldn't be here for long.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan both looked at me in surprise and confusion before turning to each other and giving each other questioning looks. I could feel the force move around them as the had their silent conversation.

I Ignored them and walked to stand beside Sabe with Padme just behind me. It was obvious that both Gui-gon and Obi-wan were thinking they weren't told of any Jedi protecting the queen and that they have never seen me before. Someone as young and as powerful as me should be well know within the Jedi order. I could feel them examining me with the force, and a whole new look of surprise popped up when they couldn't feel the light or dark side around me, only a pure feeling of the force.

As they both seemed to have lost themselves in the mystery that is me I turned to Sabe and started off the dialogue.

"Your Majesty, this is Jedi Master Gui-gon Jin and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi" I made a slight bow and gestured to each of them as I spoke.

Both of them visibly shook as they heard me introduce them.

"You are the Ambassadors of the supreme chancellor are you not?" Sabe asked breaking them out of their confused minds.

"Yes your highness, although the negotiations never took place, we should contact the republic and report this as soon as we can" Qui-gon quickly focused on the situation at hand while Obi-wan still had his eye on me.

"They're blocking all communications and transmissions" said the Captain

"Master, we will have to take a ship off word" Obi-wan quickly suggested.

"The hanger is nearby but we will meet heavy resistance" Sabe said to Obi-wan

"Nothing we cannot handle your Highness" Obi-wan spoke with a slight smugness in his voice.

"Do not be so overconfident, young Padawan" I said looking at a now slightly irritated Obi-wan.

"This way" Captain Panaka said opening up a side entrance. We quickly moved towards the hanger, I kept quite as I moved behind Sabe, making sure I kept Padme behind me at all times. Qui-gon quickly positioned himself to my side, he seemed to be suspicious of me.

"Hello there young one, I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be familiar with me and my apprentice, have we met somewhere before?" He asked with a small smile but I could feel his suspicion and weariness.

"No, but I am aware of who you are" I stated keeping pace with the captain.

"Oh, I wasn't aware there were stories of us out here on Naboo" he let out a small chuckle. "What exactly have you heard my young friend?"

I took at quick look at him as he was intently looking at my face, trying to catch any hints or clues he could.

"Qui-gon Jin, Jedi Master, Heliost Clan, learned lightsaber combat from Jedi Master Tera Sinube, later assigned as a Padawan to Jedi Master Dooku, offered a chance to join the Jedi Council, Refused, Does what he feels is right. Jedi Master to Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi" As we were short on time I quickly spit out facts of his life in condensed words.

"Who is your master?" Qui-gon seemed to less cautious of me now, perhaps he was under the impression that only another Jedi could know so much about him, or maybe it was something else, either way it was a good step in the right direction.

"The Force is my master, it taught me many things about this universe" I told him not changing my expression or tone staying steady and calm the whole way through. I respected Qui-gon more than maybe any other Jedi because as I had said before, he does what he feels is right, and while he might follow the code of the Jedi, he doesn't limit himself by it.

"Hmmm I was sure you must have been a Jedi I had no knowledge off, for someone not part of the order you sure do know a lot about me" he was obviously asking me a question there without actually asking.

"You are someone worthy of my notice" I stated to his surprise. I couldn't see any arrogance or smugness on his face as I answered him, which only confirmed what I had just said, he was someone worthy of my notice.

"Master" Obi-wan called over Qui-gon as we reached the hanger

"We need to free those pilots" the Captain quickly said pointing over to the 20 or so pilots kneeling before a squad of droids.

"All of you wait here for a moment" I spoke before Obi-wan could give his line, leaving them all by the door I walked calmly towards the commanding droid.

"You all need to run after those rebels" I pointed out of the hanger entrance and activated my Mechu-Deru skill overwriting their orders with my new ones.

"Roger Roger" "Everyone after them"

All the droids started to run out of the hanger, all of them almost comically falling off the cliff at the end of the hanger. I let out a small snigger as I saw them all run after imaginary rebels and suddenly found themselves falling. I must admit that I could have take control and stored them but I wanted to have a little fun.

"Come on" I waved to the captain and the others as they all rushed over, the pilots all sprung in to action as well.

We quickly boarded the the ship, I looked around with fascination, I have never seen the inside of a ship except for in the movies. I closed my eyes and used Mechu-Deru to feel the workings of the ship, all the components, all the little wires. It was obviously well maintained I could only find a few minor faults that wouldn't impact the ships performance at all.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan both started to stare at me, they could obviously feel my use of the force spreading around the ship, I wasn't sure if they knew of the Mechu-Deru skill or not but they obviously couldn't feel anything dark about my ability and seemed more interested in my use of the force than anything else that was going on.

The ship took of towards the blockade and as per the cannon we received a hit. "We're Hit, our shields are getting weaker, the generator is damaged and we have a leak in the fuel line" the pilot quickly read out his damage report.

R2-D2 and the other astro droids made their way out to repair the damage.

"We are losing droids fast" Obi-wan said looking at the screen. Only me and Qui-gon had calm expressions, as if nothing that was happening was effect us as all. I knew why I was so calm but he either doesn't care about dying or he knew that we would survive.

Looking over at Padme she was looking at me as if expecting me to do something, I gave her a small nod which seem to have made her relax a bit. But she still looked nervous as R2 was now the only droid left.

"Shields are back. That little droid did it, setting shields up to maximum" the pilot said rushing us straight through the blockade.

"The hyperdrive is leaking" he added noticing one of his instruments was moving unusually fast.

"We will need to find a settlement to repair the damage and refuel" Qui-gon said calmly.