
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Films
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126 Chs

Chapter 29

Padme and the naboo security forces were storming the Theed royal palace with little resistance. Most of the battle droids that had been in the palace had left to try and deal with the chaos that Spark, Crow, and Clank were causing in the city.

They had taken control of the hangar allowing the naboo pilots to get in their fighters and launch them towards orbit to join the battle in space. As they had been leaving the hangar the same black robed Zabrak from Tatooine had appeared and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had left to fight him.

Padme and the of naboo fighters had managed to fight their way through most of the battle droids still defending the royal palace. They were now well on their way to capturing Nute Gunray.


Bravo squadron of the Naboo royal space fighter corps was accelerating through space towards the droid control ship in orbit above the planet. As they were approaching the control ship, the second trade federation battleship activated its hyperdrive and jumped out of the system.

"Did you see that? The second battleship just retreated" Bravo two asked over the comms.

"Why would it do that?" Bravo five asked confused.

"Probably took one look at us and ran off terrified" Bravo four laughed.

"Guess thinks just got a bit easier" Bravo two said.

"Stay focused. There is still a battleship out there that we need to destroy." Bravo leader admonished the rest of the squadron.

His point was made when the droid control ship launched a swarm of vulture droids as well as beginning to fire its point defence turrets at the approaching fighters. The Twelve fighters of bravo squadron were soon outnumbered and began taking evasive manoeuvres.

A blast from one of the droid control ships point defence turrets hit bravo ten causing the fighter to explode into a small fire ball. A vulture droid shot down bravo seven after the two fighters engaged in a short dogfight.

"Stay together. Don't let them draw you out on your own." Bravo leader said through gritted teeth. The battle had only just started, and he had already lost two of his fighters.

A group of twenty vulture droids were grouped up ready to charge straight at Bravo squadron, when a defender class light corvette appeared seemingly out of nowhere and flew straight through the middle of the formation of vulture droids at high speed.

As the corvette flew by it fired it blaster turrets on full auto with pinpoint accuracy. After only on pass the corvette had reduced fifteen of the twenty vulture droids to floating chunks of scrap metal.


After the intervention of the Speedy vagabond the space battle began turning in the favour of the naboo forces. The corvette was destroying groups of vulture droids at a time and giving the fighters an easier time attacking the droid control ship.

Despite this the bravo squadron were having a hard time penetrating the Lucrehulk's heavy armour. Their blasters just bounced off the battleship's armour and their proton torpedoes only did minimal damage.

The only ship doing any damage was the Speedy Vagabond which was launching its own missiles against the battleship.

As the battle dragged out the number of fighters from bravo squadron being destroyed was increasing and now only seven remained. So, when Renn noticed eight Naboo star-fighters on the sensors he was a bit confused.

His confusion grew when the mysterious new fighter started spinning wildly before ending up in the hangar bay of the droid control ship. He assumed that would be the end of things but soon after explosions started blossoming out of the battleship and the mystery fighter flew back out of the hangar bay with a huge fire ball following him.

As the mystery fighter flew back to the rest of the Naboo fighters Renn realised that the person flying it was Anakin.

The droid control ship detonated in a huge explosion, giving the Naboo forces victory in the space battle. With Space secured the Naboo star-fighters and the Speedy Vagabond returned to the planet.


Back on the ground the droid army started powering down after their connection to their control ship was severed by its destruction.

The Gungans fighting in the plains started celebrating. They had been on the verge of loosing the battle so their enemies suddenly powering down was a welcome surprise.

The Naboo security forces also started celebrating. They had captured Nute Gunray and secured the royal palace and watching the droids collapse just cemented the fact that they were victorious.

The only one unhappy about the droids powering down was Clank.

"No. No. NOO!" Clank yelled as he kicked at the collapsed battle droids. "It can't end this way. Get back up, fight MEEE!"

"Its okay, its over we won." Spark said patting the distort droid on the back and trying to console him.

"Not like this. Why? Why?" Clank cried.

Crow had re-joined the two and was now watching the scene from a little distance away. 'Why did I get stuck with these two?' he questioned in his head. For Crow this was yet another example of the galaxy conspiring against him.


While the fighting had stopped on the rest of the planet there was still a vicious fight going on in the palaces power plant.

Obi-Wan was waiting anxiously for a ray-shield to be lowered so that he could join the duel happening between his master and the mysterious sith. He was cursing the slowness of the ray shield in his head as he watched the sith overpowering Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon had managed to claim an advantage on Tatooine by using the environment to his advantage but now, trapped in an empty room with the sith he was forced to compete solely with his skill with a lightsabre and so the sith's strength and ferocity was making things difficult for him.

Obi-Wan screamed in horror as the sith managed to get past Qui-Gon's guard and stabbed him through the chest. As if the universe was rubbing salt in the wound, the ray shield stopping Obi-Wan from helping his master lowered just as he was stabbed by the sith.

Obi-Wan charged forward and attacked the sith in a rage. He was able to push the sith back, but his rage made him sloppy and the sith was able to kick him into the melting pit that was in the room.

The sith walked calmly to the edge of the pit, confident in his victory. His confidence quickly left him when Obi-Wan leapt out of the pit, igniting his lightsabre as he jumped and cut the sith clean in half.

He had been able to grab onto a ledge in the wall of the pit, which is what allowed him to jump up and cut the sith. He was now standing and watching the sith fall to the bottom of the melting pit in two halves.

After he confirmed the sith was delt with he ran over to his master to check to see if he was okay. Tears filled his eyes as Qui-Gon breathed his last after making Obi-Wan promise to train Anakin as a jedi.