
Star Wars: Rise of Naboo

Carl, an older man, is desperate to find meaning in life before he dies. He sets out to travel the world and finally find something worth all his suffering. Unfortunately, he dies at the terminal and never begins his world tour. The gods take pity on this ancient and tortured soul and offer rebirth in a new cycle of reincarnation in the world of his choosing. Given the opportunity to finally forge his path, Carl sets out to become a legend in the Star Wars Universe. Carl is granted three incredible boons from his native reality, and nothing will stand in his way!

Mike_McDonald · Films
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Chapter 2: Early Years

Life fell into a comfortable routine. Mom worked most afternoons into the evening, giving me plenty of time to cultivate my Force ability. I took the approach that this ability was similar to the Eastern Cultivation techniques in my previous world's religions and fiction. Midi-chlorians were from my recollection present in all living beings in this universe and only helped force users to sense the Force and 'speak' through deep meditation. They were not the power of the Force itself, but it's messengers, so even with a low midi-chlorian count, I could still cultivate my ability to use the Force. In the months since my birth, I started to reinforce my body with the Force, seeing it as a similar substance to Chi that, while insubstantial in itself, could make me more 'real' to the universe and, therefore, more powerful. The concepts were way beyond what a baby should be thinking and pretty far outside of my previous life's experience. I hadn't been very religious as Carl Weathers, but I had practiced Tai Chi in my 30s, and a little into my 40s, and that experience had made me a little spiritual. The Force brought all of that spirituality into focus, and now as Cen Arel, that's my new name, I was connecting a lot of old teachings. It certainly helped that I was a super genius and continued to strengthen my mind as I cultivated. The Force doesn't gather in the body like pure cultivation with Dantians and Meridians. Still, it relied heavily on a person's understanding of the fundamental Laws of the universe to shape reality. The more I dove into my meditations, the more I began to adjust to the ebb and flow of the world; The Force reinforced my body's physical growth to the point that I was at the peak of human potential. I continued to develop my telekinetic (TK) abilities alongside my meditations. Since I couldn't physically work out and with all my genetic flaws fixed, I started to reach out with my mind. Quickly I found that I had a talent for telepathy (TP) as I connected with the thoughts of everyone in the cantina after only six months. At first, I could only pick up intentions and strong emotions like an empath, and as I continued to practice, I read more surface thoughts. I didn't try any influence as I was still a baby and only wanted to practice passive mind manipulation until at least five.

A happy surprise was that with my TP and TK, I could access the holonet and even read the mechanical minds of droids similar to TP. I think this was a combination of TP and TK, along with my old knowledge of computer systems. The holonet expanded my horizons and let me get a headstart on my education, by the time of my first birthday I could read and write, walk around, and talk. My mom was ecstatic and praised her genius son. For the next two years, my schedule was unchanged: Wake and breakfast with mom, studying on the holonet (since she knows I'm smart), Mom goes to work, and I practice my TK, meditation, and sleep for four hours. I didn't need as much sleep as I meditated every day, and I kept my TP and Mechu-deru, ability to connect with machines and electronic, active at all times. This constant training of my mind allowed me to finetune my perceptions and skill by the time I was three.

All of that leads me to today. I was going to start schooling officially. We live in the city of Restuss, a small starport north of the capital of the planet Rori. Restuss is a small city with roughly 20,000 people living here year-round and spice miners and other black-market types floating in and out. We're very independent people and take care of our own since the Republic hasn't done us any favors. The cantina we live in, The Wounded Gungan, is one of the town centers, and I learned a lot about the politics of the area reading minds here. Our local elections are so complicated that no one knows how it works, and it's mostly for show anyway. The leaders keep Naboo's Counsel and Royals happy, but otherwise do very little governing; as I said, we take care of our own, and there is almost no crime. The violent crime that is we help out the criminal syndicates and spice miners so that the city can keep generating revenue. So for most kids in Restuss, schooling was done by tutors or over the holonet. SWU is a weird place for standard education compared to my old life, and most kids learn from parents and the holonet until they either attend an Academy and afterward University or get a job. Most people that go into more technical tasks are trained in the Academies or get on the job training from a military or government. Alice decided that I would be tutored once a week by the local sage, Runa Desyk, and today was my first day.

"Now, Cen, honey, you be good for Teacher Desyk. Show him how smart you are" My mom cooed to me as she dropped me off at Runa Desyk's home/school. It was a typical Rorian home, two stories of plasteel with a gently domed roof made from the local green marble quarried from the mountains. Native flowers grew along trellises to the roof, and a quiet pond sat in the backyard with a willow tree casting shade over a lone bench. It is a perfect spot for a wise sage to teach youngsters.

"I'll be good, mama. I'm looking forward to learning!" I beamed a smile at her and gently pushed feelings of love and contentment to ease her anxiousness. It was hard for her to let go. We spent almost all of our free time together for three years. I love my mom a whole lot, but she was a bit clingy for an older man reborn. I looked around for Teacher Desyk, a man in, m his mid-forties with a graying beard and short-cropped brown hair, and found him sitting on his bench beckoning me over.

"I'll take good care of him, Alice." the smile he gave mom was just this side of flirty. I'd have to see if he was worthy of her attention because she had some fleeting thoughts that he was a handsome man.

"I greet, Teacher," I said, bowing to Desyk. "This student will be in your care." I was using a more formal address that I'd learned was used in the Old Republic for private tuition with a Master. Why not flatter the guy a little, it would make it easier to get on his good side.

"Cheeky kid." He quirked a grin, "Your mother tells me that you are quite the little genius. I have a few examinations for you to take that will determine your aptitude for different subjects. If you score well enough, we'll look into sending you to one of the Naboo Academies for further study when you turn 13."

I take a seat at Desyk's holo terminal to begin the exams. I don't think this will be that challenging since I've studied the basic subjects enough to be at the academy level already. I mean three years with almost unlimited holonet access, I know more now than I ever did about the sciences back on Earth. I plan to use my time with Teacher Desyk to finish up what I consider high school level courses and get him to take me around on 'field trips' to merchants and traders so I can learn practical skills and start earning enough credits to be ready for the events of the 30sBBY.

"I'm done, Teacher!" I hide my sigh and call Desyk over. The examinations were so simple that I jumped forward and finished all that he had on the terminal. I know its risky to be too smart, but I just can't stand waiting around. I was planning to travel the world before I died, and the three years here weigh on my mind. I love my mother, and life here is good, but I know that in 47 years, this city will be a battlefield if I don't change some things.

Desyk is looking over the results and stops cold when he reaches the end, "You're further along than anyone I've ever heard of." he sits to ponder, "There is still some I can teach you. I have the programs and knowledge to get you to a University level in Galactic Basic Standard Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Political Science and Rhetoric. I can get you to fluency in Gungan, Naboo (we speak galactic basic standard), Binary, Bocce, and Durese. These will be useful with any spacers and Nabooians you come across."

"That's generous of you, Teacher. I guess I scored high enough to impress you?" I couldn't hide my smirk. It feels good to be recognized, and I think this will be the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

I set myself a weekly schedule taking into account the homework Teacher Desyk assigned me today. I will be using my mornings for physical exercise now that I was more mobile. The routine was a 5km jog and Tai Chi until lunch. My mental ability was near the level of eidetic memory, and I could remember most of my previous life. I incorporated many different weapon forms into Tai Chi practice and continued to strengthen my dantian points with the Force. Lunchtime was to go over my academic studies for the day and plan out how to tackle them for the rest of the day. Dinner, I ate with mom when she had her break from the cantina. Finally, I'd meditate for a few hours to consolidate my knowledge and physical gains for the day. This is the plan moving forward.

Quick Mid-week chapter. I should have another one on Friday that will get us solidly into the first Arc.

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