

Cadaver the Hutt's palace

Cato Nemoida

It was night on Cato Nemoida, and yet the palace of gangster Cadaver the Hutt was bustling with activity. Guests were mingling about, talking with each other or stopping to grab another drink or exotic snack from passing waiters. Excitement was in the air as each of the guests was hoping for a big score from the auction that was soon to happen, where they would have the chance to purchase dangerous and illegal weapons, creatures, and spices for a decent price. Even the Hutt himself, who was seated on his throne in the back of the room, was relishing the incredible amount of credits he was going to receive from the dealers and gang members who had joined his gathering that night. The joy would not last.

Suddenly, one of the guests unholsters a well-hidden blaster and fires multiple times into the air, turning the crowd's excitement into panic in a matter of seconds. Cadaver attempts to retract his throne into the wall to hide, but the assailant, revealed to be a Mandalorian in dark grey armor, fires at the controls, destroying them, then charges toward the Hutt, dispatching any guard that got in his way with his blaster or a well-placed blow to the head or neck. The Hutt's guard droids moved forward to intercept, but were gunned down by a second attacker, this one a Trandoshan in a yellow pilot suit. As the second joined the first at the foot of the throne, the Hutt begins to desperately plead for mercy, only to realize it was falling on deaf ears as both attackers raised their blasters. These weren't ordinary attackers, they were bounty hunters, and whoever hired them wanted the Hutt dead.

"Remember," the Mando said to his partner, "We're splitting the reward for this one, Bossk."

The Trandoshan, Bossk, only snarled in response. Then just as the Hutt could cry out for reinforcements, the two hunters aimed their guns at the Hutt and pulled their triggers simultaneously.