
Star Wars:Eternal

Appearing in the void, John finds himself in front of a strange floating text. With a mission to fulfill and a system as a guide, John begins his new life in the star wars universe. Watch how John changes fate and leads the galaxy to a new era. ************** (English is not my main language, I just use a translator to help anyone who wants to read the story, but I'm writing just for fun, so don't expect to much, and if there's something you don't like, just don't read it.) ************** (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property,just my own character) ************** (Disclaimer:i do not own the cape image,it's just something that i found on google,the character won't be exactly that way, but it's a good general idea)

Barruch · Films
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27 Chs

Chapter 24:Back To Naboo

After saying this, Yoda closed his eyes as if he wanted to hide the pain in them, as a jedi he could not show how much his former apprentice's betrayal affected him while Windu started to face me with an impassive and suspicious expression.


"That red lightsaber you used, how did you get it, and why is it red?", He asked while narrowing his eyes, while still holding the lightsaber off in his hand.

I sigh when I see this, '' it seems that you still don't trust me, this lightsaber was from the sith that Qui-Gon and I killed, I intended to purify it before, and use it temporarily until I could create my own ''

he frowns at my answer, "can you purify a lightsaber that was bled by the Sith?", which I answer with a simple nod, he raises his eyebrow with my casual answer," but how did you manage to keep using this lightsaber? using someone else's saber is already a nuisance, it must be much worse when the negative emotions of the sith are infused into the crystal ''

I shrug my shoulders at this,and an angry expression appears on my face '' I just have a mental strength capable of resisting this, even though I froze for a second there, and took away the chance to eliminate the sith '', remembering that irritates me a little,I really should have purified this before.

At that moment the same female Jedi that I helped approaches and begins to report.

'' Sir, most bounty hunters were either killed or capitured, while only three of us were killed including the one killed by the sith, although many were injured, according to a preliminary investigation, they were all supposed bodyguards of several important figures in the senate ''

Plo Koon seemed very irritated by this, '' this sith had deep connections within the senate to be able to do something like this, but what really worries me is how we haven't been able to feel him all this time ''

Yoda opened his eyes at that moment, and spoke slowly, "A veil in the force, a sith ritual technique used for hundreds of years, hides their presence, and clouds the view from the side of the light."

'' That means the Sith have been planning their return for a long time, this is even worse than I expected, '' said Windu with a grimace, wondering how many more plans the Sith would have already prepared.

'' Well, we can worry about that later, my priority is still the queen, so I'll leave the rest to you, we still have an illegal invasion in progress to resolve, '' I say before starting the walk towards Padme , who is talking to Panaka and the maids, they seemed to have heard about what happened here, and came to protect the queen.


One day has passed since the battle in the Senate, and strangeness, little has been said about it, even though Palpatine, now known as Darth Sidius had his photos and information released along with a reward, it seemed that there were many people trying to push the entire situation under the carpet, showing once again how corruption is rooted in the republic.

We are currently in the queen's chambers, in the meeting room, Padme was in her royal robes, with the maids around, Panaka and I behind her as bodyguards, in front of us was Chaceler Valorum who somehow managed to get out of the living battle in the senate.

"Supreme Chancellor, I suppose you came up with the answer regarding the request to send help to Naboo?", Padme asks, her voice slightly cold, she doesn't seem very happy with what she saw in the Senate lately.

Valorum had a bitter expression when he replied, '' Yes, Your Majesty, after the situation calmed down yesterday, we had an emergency meeting, and at that meeting the trade federation was found guilty, although the punishment was postponed, '' he began. sweating cold at that moment with Padme's gaze piercing her body, I laughed inwardly, she is really scary when she gets angry.

Swallowing dry, he continues, '' His request to send aid to Naboo was also discussed and approved at this meeting, many sympathized with your situation, probably fearing that the same could happen to them, so a fleet of the repulic is being prepared for be sent,but ... '', his expression gets complicated at that moment.

Padme narrows his eyes when he sees the chancellor's complicated expression, "How long before this fleet reaches Naboo?"

Valorum shows a complicated expression when getting up, '' Someone had moved the fleets to the outskirts of the galaxy in advance, even the closest one took us 3 weeks to prepare and get to Naboo ''

Padme closes his eyes painfully before and seems to murmur to himself, '' I was still hoping that corruption in the Senate was not so strong, that the stories I grew up hearing about how the republic was good for the galaxy were not lies, and that we could still fight it, but I'm really disappointed. ''

'' Forgive me, Your Highness, but my power in the Senate is limited, all I can promise at the moment is that I will try everything to speed up the sending of aid, '' he says before getting up and leaving the room with his retinue. guards.

Padme just watches him leave before getting up and walking to one of the windows overlooking the metropolis of Coruscant, '' we need to go back to Naboo, I don't know what exactly I was expecting from this trip, that we would arrive in the Senate and they would come running to help us on the same day, I should have stayed with my people, where my place is '' she said with determination

"Majesty, if we come back without help you will be forced to sign the treaty," Panaka says concerned about the queen's safety.

'' I will not sign any treaty, my faith and destiny will be no different from that of our people, '' she says with determination, '' prepare the ship captain '', she says before going to her personal quarters, probably to change again with Sabé.

I decide to use this time to talk to Shmi once again, I find her in one of the guest rooms, she seemed to have rejuvenated during her stay here, along with the fact that she was wearing a simple dress that one of the maids had given her instead from the slave rags, she looked quite pretty.

'' Can we talk for a while? '' I ask after leaving my thoughts.

'' Sure dear, come in, '' she says gently, she really looked happy.

'' We are getting ready to go back to Naboo, and I wanted to ask what you intend to do, you told me you wanted to open a workshop, but did you decide where you would do it ?, I suggest you go to Naboo, it is a very peaceful place it's great to live ''

She seems to weigh my suggestion seriously, before saying, "I prefer to stay here in coruscant, even though I can't see Annie, it calms me to know that I'm close to him"

'' Well, Qui-Gon is likely to help you meet Anakin from time to time, and I will also try to help with that, so it doesn't really matter where you end up ''

'' Thanks for helping me and caring so much about me and Anakin, honey, I really don't know how to thank you, '' she says with a gentle smile.

"I already said that this is not necessary, as this is the case, you can stay here in the queen's chambers for the time being, as soon as we resolve matters in Naboo, I'll be back to help you with your store ok? I need to go now ''

"Okay, I'll wait here, stay safe dear," she says with a kind smile as I get up and leave the room.


A few hours have passed and we are arriving at the boarding platform where the Queen's personal ship awaits us for the journey back to Naboo.

Descending from the transporter vehicle and landing on the platform, we can see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan near the ship waiting for us, it seems that the council sent them to help Naboo's situation.

Increasing my senses through force, I can pick up a little bit of their conversation.

'' It's not disrespect, master, it's the truth, '' Obi-Wan says

"From your point of view"

"The boy is dangerous, everyone felt it, why don't you?"

For a moment, think that they were talking about me, until I heard what Qui-Gon said next and understood that it was about Anakin and the supposed prophecy.

"The boy's fate is uncertain, but he is not dangerous, with the right education and training, he will become a Mighty Jedi, now we must prepare, the queen's commission is coming," he said, leaving no room for discussion.

As we approach, Sabé now disguised as a queen is the first to speak, '' I appreciate your help in these times Jedi Master ''

"It is our duty to help keep the peace, although I do not understand what you hope to achieve by returning to Naboo right now", Qui-Gon says, while looking at me, perhaps hoping that I had some plan,

'' Let's go to the Ship, we'll talk on the way to Naboo, '' Sabé says before heading towards the boarding ramp with everyone following.

Padme disguised as a servant approaches Qui-Gon at that moment.

'' Master Jedi, how is the boy?, Anakin? '', She asks curiously, she really created a friendship with the boy who helped her out of Tatooine.

'' He's fine, getting acquainted with the Jedi temple at the moment, and soon his training will begin, '' Qui-Gon replies.

Padme gives a small smile, "good, I know he will became a good jedi, as is his dream".

"Yes, I believe that too," Qui-Gon agrees with a smile.


A few minutes had passed and we were already in hyper-space towards Naboo, everyone gathered in the ship's meeting compartment, with Sabé sitting on the small throne, with the maids and Padme behind her, Panaka, Qui-Gon, Obi- Wan and I were in front of her, so a discussion started about what to do once we get to Naboo.

'' as soon as we land, the federation will try to arrest you and force you to sign the treaty, '' Panaka says trying to convince the queen to wait for help.

'' I agree, I still don't understand what you hope to achieve with this, '' Qui-Gon says, tacitly agreeing with Panaka.

'' I will recover what is ours! ''

'' We have no army, Your Majesty, besides that we are few '', Panaka says.

"In addition, Obi-Wan and I can only help to protect you, we cannot win a war for you" Qui-Gon says seriously.

Sabé had talked to Padme before,so she knew what her queen wanted her to do, so she slowly turned to Jar Jar, who as a citizen of Naboo, was accompanying us back.

Putting her eyes on the clumsy Gungan, she says''Jar Jar Binks! ''

Jar Jar jumps when he hears his name being called, almost falling in the process, before pointing at himself and saying, '' me?, Majesty? ''

"Yes, you're going to help me a lot," she says mysteriously.

Qui-Gon narrows his eyes and seems to come to a conclusion, '' I see ..., you intend to bring the Gungan together to defend Naboo, but that is still not enough, all they can do is buy time'' he says as he strokes his beard in a contemplative gesture

'' Yes, in addition to the fact that we still need to deal with the fleet in space, they control all the droids on land, '' Obi-Wan goes on to say.

I can see Padme frowning beside the queen, she had no plans for that part, she then turns back to me, incosiently giving me a puppy look, hope that I could help clearly visible in her eyes.

I smile when I see her cute expression, and I tell everyone, "you don't have to worry about the fleet in space, I'll handle it myself"

Everyone is surprised by my words, Padme gives me a huge smile, as if she expected me to say that.

"And how exactly will you deal with them, young friend?", Qui-Gon asks me curiously.

I laugh a little and say with a mysterious smile''you must have realized that using droids against me is the worst choice anyone can make, and I will teach them the worst possible way hehehe ....

This chapter is like a small compensation for the cliff, and an interlude to end the invasion.


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