
Star Wars: Balance Breaker

When a Mutant from Earth (Based on my original novel) gets killed in a freak accident, the universe decides to give them a second chance. They are teleported to Zakuul during the Outlander's escape and are left with a system to guide them and their old mutant abilities. How will Max thrive in this new galaxy, will he become a tyrant or peace keeper? Murderer or protector? Friend or Foe?

ConsumingFlame · Films
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4 Chs

Pew Pew

*Max what is in your hands is not a typical blaster, it is a rifle variant that can fire more powerful and accurate shots compared to the normal blaster. I suggest keeping some distance between you and your enemies to maximise your chances of survival. Note there appear to be two people tampering with the power plant controls ahead, it is safe to assume that it is the Outlander and their companion.*

"Noted" Max responded as he got his rifle ready to fire at any targets in front of him and entered the power plant silently, he approached the control room from its blind spot and said in a commanding tone" The two of you step away from the controls, I have a shot in the head of the blonde woman and I promise you my bolt will hit you long before you can block it with whatever that thing on your belt your hand is moving towards."

The woman murmured "Outlander, we do not have time to deal with an idiotic civilian, keep priming the generator to blow, I will deal with our friend."

The blonde woman then pivoted on the spot with speed and launched herself out of the room towards the location where the voice came from, to her surprise the location was empty.

As she went to turn her head, a blaster rifle's barrel was pressed up against her skull, she shouted" Outlander Hel"

Before Max hit her in the back of the head with his rifle knocking her out, he then put his rifle against the woman's head and shouted" Outlander, step away from the controls or she dies. I have been raised in warfare like most of my species, do not think I'm weak or above killing women."

The Outlander sighed and left the room and moved towards Max, when they got close enough, they said" You are not from Zakuul, that much is obvious and the speed and strength needed to beat Lana that easily is impressive. What do you want with me and why did you interfere in my plans? I need to leave here so I can save my friends and the galaxy from an insane Emperor."

Max laughed and said" I care not for you or your friends however blowing up this power plant would have killed non-combat targets and that is not allowed unless there is a clear reason to do so. You can escape, either way, the loss of life isn't needed, take the woman and leave now."

Before Max handed 'Lana' over he pricked his finger and let the blood drip into her mouth, he then said" She will wake up in two minutes, I suggest you grab her and run while you can."

As the words left his mouth the room filled with Skytroopers, Max smiled and said" Leave now Outlander, I can deal with these on my own, make sure you deal with that Emperor or I will have to."

The Outlander looked at Max in confusion but didn't hesitate to grab Lana and run before Vaylin turned up and killed them both.

The Outlander shouted," I hope we meet again, strange warrior, you are interesting."

They then bolted out of the power plant and headed towards their extraction zone.

Max quickly counted the amount of Skytroopers and counted 12 in his Immediate area with more likely to follow as soon as these 12 die. he aimed his rifle at the one closest to him and mumbled " Glory in life and honour in death."

He then turned on marksman's aim and time slowed down around him while he moved at a normal pace, he flashed in front of the first Skytrooper and destroyed it with its own gun before moving on to the next.

This time he made two of them shoot each other while he shot the third one at range, as time returned to normal. He sped towards the closest trooper and pulled its head clean off while using its body to protect him from incoming bolts. He then retreated rapidly back to the control room and took potshots at the Skytroopers as they closed the distance to him, he hit two of them, leaving six for him to deal with.

As they entered the control room, Max used Marksman's aim again and took three of them out with rapid-fire shots to the head, exhausted, Max knew he had to end things quickly without using Marksman's aim again as it was draining his stamina way to quickly.

He looked at the remaining three Skytroopers and launched himself at them at speed, zig-zagging so that none of them could get a clear shot on him, he smashed the first one in the head with his rifle while grabbing its gun and firing it into the second one.

He then quickly dropped both of his guns and used the first trooper's body to block the incoming bolt from the third Skytrooper, he used his feet to launch his gun into the air and shoot the last trooper in the head.

Mentally and physically exhausted Max fell onto the floor and felt the threat of death wash over him as a young woman walked into the control room, she looked around the room and seeing the dead troopers she turned to Max and said" My name is Vaylin and you have destroyed my toys, where is the Outlander that you have come to rescue? Tell me and you may live to see the day end. Lie to me and I will kill you now."

Max forced himself off of the floor and said" Lady after the day I have had, I would love to tell you where they are however I have achieved glory and need to protect my honour till the day is out. So I can't sell them out however I can run"

Max then smashed the window and jumped into the core of the power plant...

Blaster goes Pew Pew

ConsumingFlamecreators' thoughts