

I don't own star wars.

"Girls, Caradoc. Caradoc, Girls." I introduced everyone quickly as we walked onto the ship, I absently stroked Onara's head as she leaned it into my hand.

Scarlet, Yura, Milky, and Baleen stared at the tall warrior wookiee looking rather impressed. "Okay…" Yura said slowly as he politely nodded his head to them. "So, where's Roland?" she asked, but noticed Caradoc's and my expression immediately and frowned. "…Oh."

"Cipher 3, A sith, and a squad of troopers…" I said sourly, pacing a little. "Roland was my grandfather… my bitch of a mother's side of the family." I scowled, "She sent all of that to kill him. What the fuck is she planning?"

"Uh, Aiden? Why is Mr. Caradoc here?" Milky asked politely, eyeing his weaponry.

"He is… was a friend of my grandfather." I said faintly, "And he'd probably be handy to have around."

"Well, I'm not discouraging that." Scarlet said impressed, "…But where are we going to put him?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little surprised. "We have room."

"Yeah. Shared rooms." She noted. "And by that logic, I would be bunking with him."

"If sleeping arrangements are a problem…" Caradoc noted imposingly, "I can sleep in the hold."

"Let's put him in the kitchen he can sleep on the couch." Milky smiled pleasantly. "It's not like he needs to change his clothes or anything." She added eying his furry muscular frame up and down.

"I think we're getting off-topic…" I mumbled quietly before looking around, "Actually where are Xalbaia and Short-round?"

Caradoc sniffed angrily at Xalbaia's name but I ignored it as Yura helped me with taking off my armor. "She's trying to weaponize her tranquilizer chemicals into an aerosol grenade for you… they are literally sleeping off the first attempt."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead, "…Well fine whatever, we'll get them up to speed later. Right now, we…" I frowned as my com began ringing. I stared at my pocket. And took a very deep breath… "…I better take this alone." I said softly. Knowing in advance who it was…

I walked passed the nervous-looking girls heading towards my room and shutting the door behind me. Not realizing that Onara had followed me almost completely silent. Then I answered the com…

"…Zero." I said flatly, staring at the vibrating line that made up his voice.

After a palpable moment of hesitation "…Roland is dead?" he asked, but already sounded like he knew the answer.

"…He blew himself up." I replied, then there was a very, very long silence and for a moment I wondered if he had hung up. "…Zero?"

"…I'm sorry for your loss Aiden." He said, sounding both unconcerned and concerned at the same time. I'm not even entirely sure how he could. But I could tell even over the com that his mind was whirling in chaotic thoughts.

"Why didn't you tell me he was my grandfather?" I asked, unable to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"…Because I needed you to go. And if I told you he was the father of Altora would you have?" I didn't answer him, I honestly don't know. I'd like to think I would but… the far more likely answer was that I didn't want anything to do with my bitch of a mother. "…Regardless Aiden… this is problematic. I'll have to call you back."

I turned off the com before he could hang up on me and tossed it away, letting it clatter on the wall. Onara placed her head into my lap and whined softly as I stroked her head. I sat there for a moment just petting my sort-of dog… before getting up again and leaving the room. I was almost to the kitchen when…

"YOU DID WHAT!?" abruptly Caradoc came hurtling upside down from the doorway, shrieking/roaring in utter terror as he crashed into the hold as I watched in utter shock. Even Onara seemed startled.

"The fuck was that?!" I shouted surprised as a very angry Milky stomped from the kitchen after him. Scarlet and Baleen, failing spectacularly, tried to hold her back, their feet skidding on the floor. Yura looked slightly humored as she walked after them. "Yura? Explain please?"

"Oh. Caradoc was regaling us with how he tried to kill you by dropping you off a lift." She said casually smiling at me, "Milky was explaining why he should never do that again."

Milky tossed Baleen and Scarlet aside and charged angrily at Caradoc who somewhat surprisingly stood his ground once he got back to his feet. He caught her punch in his hand and held her steady as her other fist came around and he caught it as well, they grappled. Milky's sexy muscles flexed and rippled dangerously in her shirt and short-shorts. She was actually struggling against Caradoc, which was impressive in itself. The big wookiee actually smiled as he held her back, apparently intrigued by a woman who could do this sort of thing.

"Good strength." He said, "But no technique. Not used to fighting?" he pushed, she skidded back a little as a look of pride appeared on his face as she valiantly, (and angrily) resisted. "You got the drop on me. Now I'm paying attention." He suddenly pulled back, and Milky stumbled as she lunged forwards, not expecting the sudden lack of resistance as he flipped her and slammed her onto the floor, landing on her back.

"OW!" she whimpered annoyed, glaring up in angry disbelief at the wookiee who politely, and promptly, helped her back up.

"Milky are you alright?" I asked, quickly approaching her as she pulled her hands away from Caradoc.

"Of course-!" but she paused, looking at me as if realizing something and then frowning, "not… that hurt…" she whined a little, sniffling as I wrapped my arm around her and walked her away.

"Come on let's go lie down." I said, a little concerned. Glaring at Caradoc who had at least looked apologetic. Yura however watched me lead Milky toward their room with a faint smile on her face. "Here you go." I said as we neared their quarters only for her to keep pushing me.

"I want to sleep in your bed." She said a bit childishly, "I want to stretch out."

"Alright." I replied, whatever she wanted.

"…Carry me?" she asked, pouting and I couldn't resist. Lifting her bridal style towards my room and carefully lying her down on her back in my bed. As I tried to pull away her arms wrapped around me and held me close. Making me gaze into her yellow eyes, "…Stretch me out…" she said lovingly, spreading her legs apart and slipping my hand down her stomach. Purring.

"Milky." I said softly, "I can't believe I'm saying this… but I'm really not in the mood." The look of utter hurt on her face, quickly changed my mind. I couldn't say no to her. Probably to any woman on the ship really. "…Okay but only a little petting…" and I slipped my hand under her shorts and quickly found her wet pussy, already flooded and ready.

"But I want you inside me…" she whimpered softly, nibbling at my neck as she suckled gently. "…Aiden you'll feel better." I kissed her, distracting her as her hips expertly moved under my hand. Trying to entice me further and begging for more as I moved my fingers in and out.

She kept staring at me, her mouth opening and panting as she squirmed erotically on the bed… whimpering gently as her body twitched impatiently desperate to orgasm. Normally I would want to plow away at her tight, loving pussy but… it didn't feel right.

"Mmmn!!" she bit her lip and came hard on my fingers while suppressing a scream, her whole beautiful body quivering with her release as she flooded my fingers. I kissed her, pinning her to the bed with my mouth as she moaned around my probing tongue. Her hips lunged into the air as she rode my fingers to completion, and finally, I pulled away leaving her satisfied.

I pulled my hand out of her shorts and licked my fingers as she watched through hazy eyes. Then slowly she lifted her shirt, letting it rest on her breasts in a crumpled heap and showing off a lot of her impressive underboob. "Aiden…" she said softly, "…It will make you feel better…" she squeezed her breasts tightly together with her hands, "Just use me a little…"

My erection bellied my thoughts, but I was hypnotically pulled forwards, straddling her tight muscular stomach as I pulled my cock from my pants and slipped it between her cleavage. She moaned lovingly as my hands joined hers on her big round breasts, squeezing my cock between them intently as I began thrusting. Poking out between them as her tongue lapped away at it, tasting me as I used her breasts to get off.

I stared down at adoring yellow eyes as her pink tongue tickled me as often as she could, purring slightly in her chest as she smiled lovingly back up at me. She felt me throb between her tits, and she grinned expectantly at my cock, thrusting desperately between her. She pressed her breasts harder together as I squeezed, she moaned. "Cum." She begged, whimpered, and pleaded as if she was desperate for release, not me. "Cum in my titties…" she opened her mouth and panted "Fuck them. Cum inside them. Make them pregnant…"

I was pushed to the limit. I squeezed her breasts hard, she screamed in a little pain but looked enraptured with happiness as I slammed my hips against her jiggling breasts and released a load of seed onto her face. Her eyes closed blissfully as rope after rope of my sperm splashed onto her milky white fur… marking her. Her tongue slowly licked around her mouth, giving my cock head a quick kiss as I pulled away and she lowered her shirt.

"…Feel better?" she smiled, sitting up as I got off her.

I smiled faintly at her, physically I did… but emotionally I felt guilty. I wasn't going to tell her that though. "Yeah I do Milky… thanks." She grinned happily at me before getting off the bed and heading towards the shower to clean herself off.

"…Aiden?" Yura's voice pierced my mind and I turned to her standing in the doorway looking nonplused at what had happened. She was too used to it by now. She sighed sadly, "What did Zero say?"

I shrugged and walked past her, "He'll call me back…" she put a hand on my shoulder, I turned to face her.

"…You okay?" she asked, legitimately concerned. I shrugged, I wasn't sure myself.

"Eventually. Let's just find something else to do. Let's get Caradoc situated." She seemed a little hesitant and just blowing my feelings off, but she nodded and followed me back to the kitchen where Baleen and Scarlet were speaking excitedly with the wookiee.

"So you crushed the AT-ST's with tree logs? I don't believe you…" Scarlet said smiling as the wookiee drank from a large almost bucket-sized glass of water.

"No way…" Baleen said, sounding impressed herself. "Was Roland really so stupid as to send an entire scout unit after one wookiee?"

Caradoc shook his head, "Well he said he wasn't…" the wookiee chuckled, "He said it was an idiot officer who wanted to get a little glory himself… but I always had my suspicions." He seemed a little distant, forlorn even. "…He had a habit of embellishing in the bars, regaling tails of imperial heroism…" he sniffed indignantly, "…He was a nightmare the first year." He added, taking a drink.

"…Why would Altora want him dead?" I asked, he looked at me and shrugged. "Why now?"

"We always prepared for the day… we imagined she would. But a few years in we simply realized that she wasn't coming and just started… living…" he shrugged again. "But as to why now? I simply do not know Grandson of Roland."

"You can call me Aiden." I said with a wave, sitting down next to Yura. "And this is Yura, Scarlet and Baleen." I said introducing each girl, "You don't have to be so formal…"

Caradoc seemed to burn their names into his memory as Onara sat down watching him, her tail slowly moving back and forth on the floor. Absently he stroked her head, her she moaned contentedly at the attention. "And the Cathar?"

"Milky. We call her Milky." I replied.

"And she is your mate?" he asked, curiously stroking his fur like a beard.

"Uh…Yes?" I replied, scratching my head sheepishly. As both Yura and Scarlet gave me playful looks, and I felt I needed to just get it out of the way. "Yura and Scarlet are… as well." I said slowly. They seemed satisfied with my answer as Baleen rolled her eyes with a knowing smile.

Ignoring the fact that I had multiple 'mates' he continued. "And there are two more… Xalbaia-" he scowled slightly at her name, "And Short-round?"

"Yes." Yura replied nodding.

"…Roland told me stories of the doctor. He said she was… scatterbrained, but dangerous." He frowned, "Can you really trust her?"

"Right now, I'm the only one willing to protect her so… yes, for now at least." I replied, "She's made a lot of enemies…" I scratched Onara's head and she panted happily at the attention. "She needs a few friends, reluctant or otherwise."

Caradoc snorted but didn't comment, we sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again. "What do we do now?" he said, looking at me. "…Captain?" he asked hesitantly, as if unsure if that was my title.

"We will…" I paused, suddenly unsure. Zero said he'd call me back. But did that mean we should stay? I could just pack everything up and go to tattooine. Get some paying jobs that wouldn't cause emotional turmoil.

…But Cipher 3 and Kaath-Tyi were on the planet…

"…I want to kill those fuckers who killed my grandfather." I said suddenly, and everyone watched me carefully.

Caradoc snorted but seemed to agree. "I agree… but it might not be as easy as you expect. I imagine they would have tried to recover Roland's body and extracted themselves by now." He seemed to be thinking, then I remembered Roland saying that Caradoc was/is a tactical genius, perhaps he was coming up with a battle plan.

But he scowled and shook his head, "…No. The more I think about it the worst the idea becomes. Perhaps the best option would be to catch them in orbit and shoot them down. But I'd imagine they would be long gone by now."

My hands were moving before I could control myself and they slammed onto the table. Yura jumped next to me in surprise. "Fuck." I said.

"Not that we would want to tangle with a sith." Baleen said suddenly, "We're not stupid. I wouldn't even try it without a lightsaber and a jedi or two…" Yura frowned at that and nodded slowly in agreement as Caradoc yowled in his own frustration.

"…Then I want us gone." I said suddenly getting up from the table. "…Tattooine. Let's go home." I said, Yura and Scarlet watched me a little nervously, but Caradoc nodded his assent. "There's no point in staying here. I fucked the job so let's just go find a new one and hope Zero isn't as big an asshole as I'm starting to believe he is."

"…Should we maybe call Newt?" Yura asked, following me out of the kitchen. "Maybe she could…"

"No." I said firmly, unsure of where the words were coming from. I never really thought about it before but… "Newt is his daughter… let's just…" I lowered my voice to a whisper, "Keep it to ourselves for now."

"Aiden it's Newt." She said a little scandalously, "She wouldn't just…"

But I shook my head… feeling a little sick and dirty. My own paranoia on the matter overriding my brain. I just didn't know anymore what to think, I just wanted to lie down, hug my girl or girls in bed and just blissfully slip away…

I wanted to believe Newt cared about me. But with everything that was happening; Zero becoming more aggressive, my bitch of a mother killing her own father, all of the back room dealing was getting to me… At the end of the day Newt was Imperial… I didn't care about the empire anymore, only about my family… and now I wasn't sure if Newt was a part of that.

Suddenly my worries seemed to vanish as Yura's hands caressed my face. And I was pulled out of my thoughts by her soft hands as she gazed into my eyes. She pressed her forehead against mine and for a moment everything was better. "…Just take a deep breath." She said softly, "Breathe with me."

For a long moment, we took simultaneous breathes. She smiled at me and pulled away. "…I think a nice paying job will help you through this…" she said softly, "Let's try to get the old Aiden Kane back…"

…Aiden Kane… Kane…

"…Firemane." I said suddenly, and she stared at me a little unsurely.


"Aiden Firemane… I think I like the sound of that better." I said firmly. "…What do you think?"

She stared at me, but slowly she smiled again, "…As long as you're Aiden it's fine with me." She kissed me softly, grinning at me.

"…Yura Firemane has a nice ring to it too…" I said suddenly, pulling her close to me and kissing her a little fiercer as my mood seemed to improve with each caress.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh? Are you proposing?" she asked cheekily, "I expect something expensive, and I demand a big wedding." She held out her hand as if inspecting an imaginary ring on her finger as I gripped her buttocks tightly in my hand.

"…Thinking about it." I replied seriously but she seemed to just blow it off.

"Let's just go home." She said, kissing me again and pulling away. Leading me to the cockpit as I sat down next to her and she started up the ship. "…You know." She said suddenly, "…Caradoc opens up some serious possibilities…" she said, and strangely laughter began echoing around the ship from the kitchen.

"Well a warrior Wookiee does give us some prestige." I noted and began mimicking her movements absently, trying to learn the proper technique to fly the ship.

"Well no… I mean for you." She said as our engines revved up and we took to the skies, "You don't have a lot of guy friends you know."

"I don't need guy friends I have Short-round, and Urai and… uh…"

"Okay sweetie… Short-round doesn't count we pay him to be here…"

"We pay him?" I replied surprised, I thought the amount of scrap and wires he raked in was what kept him here.

"And Urai is your only guy friend… you need to have a guy's night out." She said firmly, glaring at me. "I think it would be good for you… and the girls and I can go out and bond!" she said, suddenly warming further to the idea. "Something to help us all relax."

"…If you say so…" I mumbled sourly, eyeing the ship com, "…What do you even do on a guy's night? I've… never really had any friends back on Dromund Kaas." This was true, my bitch of a mother as I later found out was one factor… But apparently, everyone was so scared of angering my overprotective sisters that they kept their distance.

"I don't know… sabaac?" she replied shrugging, "Maybe you all could go out shooting at a range? I'm sure you'll think of something." She watched me for a moment, and… you know I could tell she was concerned. Sometimes Yura walked a line that was a little hurtful, but she always meant well. She smiled faintly at me, "Come on Aiden Firemane… you can suck it up. You'll have fun…"

I sighed… there was little else to do now but wait or take a job, so I dialed up Urai on the ship's com… maybe he'll say no to the idea.

End of Chapter.