
Date Night: Mirai

I don't own Star Wars

"So… I'm your date?" I asked the beautiful Mirialan woman who excited the bathroom with my sister.

"Yes. We've established this." She replied rather kindly, adjusting my tie as I tried not to look down at her very easy to move in dress. Mirai was actually really busty… it was usually hard to tell in her armor. "Circe is going with one of her Co-stars, Rudolf Bassin as his plus one. And since the studio didn't want to make special arrangements for Circe I got her ticket and I'm allowed to bring a plus one.

"…So… are we going to have a good time? Or protect Circe?" I asked trying to make sense of yet another predicament I found myself in. "…And who's Rudolf?" I said annoyed, glaring at my big sister as she made herself look gorgeous, Rattletrap snapping holo-pictures of her. but tastefully. Glamour shots at most.

"A friend. A very good friend." Circe replied, smiling knowingly at me, "Who I assure you little brother has NO interest in me. It's just a matter of convenience."

"And a little drama and publicity for the tabloids." Mirai added, looking me up and down approvingly. "As usual Roland you're clean up nice."

"Thanks." I said, still thinking about this Rudolf guy. "You look real pretty too Mirai. Wish I could see you like this more often." She grinned sweetly, brushing my shirt as she went to collect her things, her purse, make-up kit, hold-out blaster… "Should I have a weapon?" I asked as Nike, eyeing the two glamorous-looking girls for a moment entered, handing me mom's lightsaber. "Here." She opened my jacket, as my suit was custom fitted by X-E to carry it, and slipped the hilt into a perfect fitting pocket. "Take this just in case."

"I need to cut up this Rudolf guy?" I replied as she chuckled, "Got it. And hey Rattletrap tell X-E nice work on the suit."

"Hey I helped!" he shouted, tapping the tacky krayt dragon head belt buckle. "You'll thank me for this later Bro."

I sighed, "…Well if it'll breathe fire on this Rudolf guy sure."

"Well no. Not exact-" but Circe interrupted him.

"Roly. Seriously he has no interest in me." Circe replied, taking one of my arms as Mirai took the other. "…He might ask YOU out to dinner though…"


We walked outside as Circe's butler droid, (who she apparently named Alfred, I didn't get it) was waiting with the hover limo. He was shined, polished, and strangely wearing a tie and a chauffeur's hat. "Good evening Sir and ladies." He began, courteously, opening the door. "We will arrive promptly at the Nebulous Theater in precisely 30 minutes. We all got in the speeder as the others waved us off.

"Don't wreck my house." Circe smiled at them, "And I'll invite you all to my next opening."

"Sweet!" Rattletrap shouted as the limo took off.

We sat in the speeder as Alfred drove. Circe however was staring at my chest, right at Mom's lightsaber, and I realized that I was going to have to explain that if she asked. She suddenly looked at me with her green eyes, "…Where did you get a lightsaber?" she asked suddenly as Mirai tried to feign interest.

"… It's mom's." I replied as her eyes widened in surprise. "…Newt gave it to me. She's the one who sent me dad's rifle."

She was oddly silent, as if unsure of what to properly say. Mirai's eyes went back and forth between us, and she cleared her throat. "…So. Will Rudolf be meeting you there?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Do you even know how to use it?" Circe asked as Mirai sighed, annoyed that she had failed.

"That Jedi, Jon Nee Nox taught me some basics… besides Mom taught me to use one with a vibro-blade. I'll be fine." Circe frowned at me, "Don't look at me like that…" I replied, not meeting her eyes.

"You can yell at your brother when we get back home." Mirai noted, "We should enjoy the evening…" she then sat next to me, smiling at my sister. "Besides. I'm finally getting my date…" Circe snorted rather indignantly as we flowed into heavy traffic. Alfred humming softly to himself as he drove.

"You keep saying that. How exactly did you 'earn a date' with me?" I asked as Mirai laughed.

"I kicked her ass." She said confidently, grinning smugly at Circe who merely returned the smile… that was a dangerous smile.

"…I went easy on you because I liked you. I won't next time." …Was it suddenly very hot in here? And not just because Mirai looked like a sexy femme fatale from one of Circe's Spy Wars movies?

"Alfred, I don't suppose you could drive faster?"

"I'm afraid not Master Roland." The droid replied, "The speed limits are quite apparent." I sighed, confined to sharing a speeder with a quickly escalating situation.

Rudolf was a handsome, boyish brunette man who met us just outside the theater as the paparazzi took pictures of my sister with him. He kept shooting me odd looks, I guess I should be flattered. But he played the part well, smiling and waving to the crowds with Circe as she signed autographs for fans. In fact, she drew so much attention I don't think anyone noticed me or Mirai, which I guess works out.

"So, is it like this all the time?" I asked as Mirai's eyes expertly looked around.

"Parties and movie openings? Yeah pretty much." She smiled at me, "Occasionally she does some filming. I think I was cast as an extra in one of her films recently, I played 'Scary ass Mandalorian #1.' In Children of Tattooine. Fun fact, we filmed everything on a set on Coruscant." She added, that was an interesting fact.

"Thank you. Thank you!" Circe smiled, signing a young girls' book as she walked on, "We're going to be late! Thank you!" she grabbed my hand and led me on as Mirai snatched me back and we entered the holo-theater.

"Actually, what are we seeing?" I asked as we were led to a private box. I sat down between Circe and Mirai as Rudolf sat to Circe's left.

"A horror movie. Night in the Shadowlands Part 4" Circe replied, "I have a small role, but they still like me showing up to these things. Rudolf here is actually the man guy."

"So I probably won't die until the end." He said rather unimpressed as everyone else began to fill the seats below us. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. Either way.

"Spoilers." I mumbled disappointedly as Mirai giggled.

"Don't worry Roly you can hide your eyes if you get scared." Circe smirked as Mirai tried her hardest not to laugh out loud as I glared at Circe.

"I'm not 5 anymore Circe." I grumbled but she just smirked, "Seriously knock it off."

"Would you like to hold my hand?" she teased.

"I think he'd like to hold mine." Mirai noted as I groaned into MY hands.

"I hate you both…" I mumbled as they laughed together the opening credits rolling as some nameless actress got her head torn off by the movie monster.

…Okay. Full disclosure… I don't do well with horror movies. I know. its weird, with the amount of crap I've been through, horror movies creep me out. Still, I refused to grab my sister's hand, thoroughly keeping them to the armchair as Circe came and went in the film. Four bodies later and I was at the edge of my seat, as the monster, a crazed wookiee, came at Rudolf's character with a energy saw… then it just got sort of silly from there… Rudolf found an energy saw and there was an energy saw duel.

"Caradoc would wipe the floor with that wookie." I mumbled under my breath as Circe giggled, trying to keep her calm as Rudolf coughed.

"Shush…" she said with a humored grin. "Just hold on for a little longer it's almost over."

"You two are ruining the awesomeness of an energy saw duel." Mirai noted rather annoyed, "Just enjoy the moment."

"Yes ma'am." We said together as she elbowed me.

"See if you're getting lucky tonight." She said rather smugly. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. But the monster was defeated, the sequel was hooked, and soon enough we were making our way out of the building and to the car. Rudolf waved us off, as the star of the movie he would need to stay. But we could go. And we certainly didn't waste any time as we got into the car and Alfred took off.

"So, who's up for food?" Circe asked pleasantly as I undid the tie around my neck.

"You don't want to go home as soon as possible to check on everyone?" I asked curiously, as Circe brushed off my concerns with a handwave. "They could be pawning your clothes as we speak." I said, trying to seem convincing but I don't think even Rattletrap would do that.

"Nah. And interrupt your date? That's no fun." I sighed, leaning against the window and talking to Alfred.

"I don't suppose we can go any faster?" I asked as Circe and Mirai shared a conspiratorial giggle.

"As stated before, Master Roland I'm afraid the Speed limits are very strict… that's odd." He said suddenly concerned.

"What's-" but before I could finish… the world spun as something crashed hard into our speeder and we crashed hard onto one of the many district platforms of the city planet. I was bleeding from a cut on my forehead as I sat up. I was in pain… but suddenly my stomach fell. "Circe!" I looked around, she was unconscious, a strip of metal had pierced her right shoulder, but she wasn't bleeding prominently. Mirai, looked very dazed, but functional, growling angrily as she bound her leg with a torn strip of her dress.

"S-S-S-S-S-Sorry Sir-sir-sir-sir-sir…" Alfred circuited. "We-we-we-we have an univited-guest-guest-guest…"

A clawed scarred hand tore through the speeder and grabbed me, dragging me from the speeder and tossing me onto the ground outside before re-sealing the metal with monstrous strength and trapping Mirai and Circe in the speeder.

Vargoss dropped down from the wreckage of the two crashed cars as sirens could be heard in the distance, pedestrians began to scream, running away from the scene as Vargoss rubbed his mangled wrist.

"Hello, runt." He said abruptly… and charged without warning.

I dodged his claws easily as he swung his arms left and right, but it felt like he wasn't even trying. Like he was moving too slow. "You…" I began, but he was making it difficult to talk. "Hurt my sister!" I roared angrily and dodged a wide slash, I pounded into his side with my fist, and he flinched. Then with a heavy uppercut, I slammed my other hand slammed into his jaw. He stumbled back, Giving me room.

Mom's lightsaber hummed to life as he actually seemed both confused and impressed. "I'm going to kill you for that!" I roared, charging at him.

I swung. He dodged. I swung. He dodged… he was fast. He moved so quickly as if predicting each of my moves before they happened. Skipping away easily as my lightsaber slashed easily through the flooring, sparks flying as he kept moving.

"Big talk. Little Man." He said abruptly, his back hitting the wall of a building as I brought the lightsaber down…

His scarred left hand went up, like that would stop-

Mom's lightsaber hummed in his grip as he caught the lightsaber. "…How the fuck-"

His other hand slammed into my face as it molded against it, sending me spiraling away with my lightsaber spinning out of my hand… I stared at his hand, blood leaking from my nose as his skin was burned away, revealing a sleek piece of metal underneath. He grinned at me… it was unnerving.

I reached for the saber as he charged again, and AMAZINGLY, it flew into my hand as I rolled to my feet, coming down at him as his arm went up again and again, deflecting the lightsaber and shredding the sythskin off his mechanical arm.

"What is that thing made off!?" I growled, as he easily deflected my lightsaber. Almost all of his sythskin burned away now, he tore off the rest. His arm gruesomely welded to his shoulder as he flexed his clawed fingers.

"Phrik. Cortosis. Beskar…" he said, listing off the metals known for resisting lightsabers. "Now... hold still!" he snarled, dashing quickly towards me and closing the distance as I defended myself. His fingers slashed three tiny scratches across my cheek as I brought down the lightsaber on him, he shifted slightly rolling away and keeping low as I singed his vest… he tore it away, bare-chested now he came at me again with snarling teeth.

He caught my wrist, punching me hard in the side before sinking his teeth into my shoulder… it fucking hurt. I slammed my own hand into the side of his face, but he just bit tighter. He lifted me up and body-slammed me onto the ground as his teeth ripped into my shoulder.

Then I went low. My knee shot up and railed between his legs as he yipped with a high-pitched squeak, releasing me long enough to get him off me, getting to my feet and ignoring the blood flowing from my shoulder. Then I could hear the sirens, the authorities were coming.

"…Time to clean up." He growled, and rushed me again, I swung my lightsaber it grazed his face by mere centimeters, he gut-punched me, grabbed my head, and reeled his own back before lunging forwards…

Everything went black.

I was being dragged when I awoke. My hands were bound, my mouth was gagged, and that asshole's claws dug deep into my ankle. Not only that but the tracker bracelet Newt had put on me so long ago was gone. I was bleeding in his hand, my eyes slowly came into focus… metal walls… so a ship probably. There were dozens of scum and villainy types standing around, watching as Vargoss dragged me on… until I heard pneumatic doors open and I was tossed before a greying red-headed human woman, her face not heavy with age… but her eyes still a vibrant green.

I knew who she was and I never even met her before. Altora Kane.

"Vargoss you impress me. But I could've sworn I told you to kill him... yet you bring him to me alive anyway…" my grandmother said slowly. Strutting down her throne-like bridge command as dozens of engineers ran about.

"He's worth more alive." Vargoss said as she glared at him.

"Not to me." She noted flatly.

"Not yet." He added, tossing her a datapad. "Malisis wants him alive. Sent someone to seduce me into delivering him to her." he stomped on my back, pressing down on me as he leaned forward. "So. Trade her for something with him… and pay me. We're done." He added.

She glared at him coldly, he was unimpressed. "…Are you sure I can't convince you?"

"He was boring." Vargoss replied with not a trace of emotion. I felt… oddly insulted, and increasingly pissed off.

"That's a shame." She noted sourly, transferring credits to the datapad as she tossed it back. "I could use a man like you."

"Yeah. But I don't like you." He noted almost childishly, and raking his foot claws across my back, he walked out.

Her green eyes roamed over me in disgust, glaring angrily at me as she spat on my face. "You look just like your bastard Father. Take him away, perhaps I can rip some sort of information out of him before I give him to Malisis. I might as well get something out of this…"

I glared at her, and spoke, she tilted her head to me. "That asshole hurt my sister." I said and her rather elegant eyebrows rose slightly in curiosity. "…I'm going to kill him. And you." I said firmly.

She smiled, it twisted my stomach. "Please. Like father like son…" she waved her hand, "And like him. You don't have the balls…" and her lackeys dragged me away, leaving a trail of my blood behind me. "And somebody clean this shit off my floor!" she shouted dismissively, disgusted at the fact that I had bleed all over her floor.

They bound me to the wall, hanging by chains as they crudely tended to my injuries in silence before leaving me there in my cell… I sighed softly to myself. Closing my eyes… I wonder if Circe and Mirai are okay. I wonder how the hell I'm getting out of this? If I'm getting out of this… the only real benefit is I could violently ask my 'grandmother' where the chemical formula is…

…But I was pretty fucked. I couldn't help but laugh… when everyone kept referring to this as a 'date night' I thought it would end with me getting fucked in a different way… fuck that was tacky.

Fuck this sucks.

Fuck I hate this shit.

Fuck I hate myself for ALWAYS BEING SHIT!!!

"FUCKING FUCK! THE FUCK!!!-is that noise?"

I was still wearing my suit… and my belt buckle was beeping… then it was silent. But it vibrated slightly, every couple of seconds. My heart leaped into my throat… he didn't? No. How?...

"…Rattletrap I'm getting you a picture of Circe in a bikini…"

End of Chapter.


"I'm giving you a full day's treatment of Holo-girls you brilliant jawa Bastard!" Nike laughed, lifting Rattletrap into her arms and kissing his cheek as we stood in the SIS medcenter. "You tagged ROLAND!"

"Well yeah. I figured I should track all of his stuff." Rattletrap replied as I watched them operate on the unconscious Circe. Mirai, her head bound in bandages and armored up stood silently off to the side. Looking incredibly pissed off. Good. "This blue guy told me to do it in a holo-message a busty blue delivery girl gave me."

…What a fucking minute…

"Rattletrap." I said turning to him as he shot to attention, dropping to the floor as my surrogate son's crew surrounded him. "How long ago was this?"

"Like yesterday." God fucking damn it you slutty blue-boobed imperial bitch.

"And how far away is Roland?"

"Really far." He replied fidgeting, "…Like, far side of hutt space far… but the signal should get stronger the closer we get." I watched as the doctors and surgeons performed carefully as I turned back to them. "…I need a few hours to prepare. Get back to your ship, I'm commandeering your vessel to assist me in getting my boy back." I snarled protectively, walking past them as I called Baleen immediately.

"Scarlet-" She said but I cut her off.

"Hand-pick a squad, the best of your best and meet me at the port. We're going to get Roland back." I said as she saluted… and I made one more call after finding a more private location, on a much more private channel…

"I know…" Newt said immediately after answering, "I'm getting ready to follow him right now"

"I'm suggesting a joint operation, off the books. Need to know. Just like old times" I said, as I squeezed the communicator. "…Can I actually count on you or are you going to be… you?"

"…He's my family too." Newt replied firmly, "…I'll make arrangements… we will meet you at the edge of hutt space around Luna IV and go from there." I nodded, then realized she wasn't using a holo-com so she couldn't see me.

"Understood. Don't be late." It was only after she hung up did I realize… "…Wait… 'We?'…"

End of Chapter.