
Stains of Destiny

In the city that never sleeps, an accidental wine spill binds Emily, A passionate student, to the enigmatic billionaire, Alexander, in an unconventional contract of revenge. As they navigate a dark twist of fate, secrets unravel, and an unexpected love story emerges. ‘Stains of Destiny’ is a captivating tale of love, secrets, and an unpredictable journey that will keep you hooked till the end.”

Bisma_Hussain · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 3 : Wine - Stained Fate

The grand chandeliers above bathed the opulent gala hall in a warm, golden glow. A hushed anticipation swept through the attendees as the host stepped onto the stage, the microphone in hand. The opening ceremony of the business gala was about to commence, and all eyes were on the podium.

"Incredible ladies and gentlemen," the host's voice boomed, echoing through the room, "We have a true honor this evening. A man of unparalleled success and influence, a visionary who has transformed the business landscape of our city."

The audience leaned forward in their seats; their curiosity piqued. The host continued, "Please join me in welcoming the honorable chief guest of this evening, the enigmatic Alexander Caesar!"

A wave of applause erupted in the room, filling the air with excitement and anticipation. All eyes turned toward the stage, eager to catch a glimpse of the elusive billionaire. As Alexander walked onto the stage, the room fell silent, captivated by his presence.

For the first time, Alexander appeared without his signature sunglasses, revealing eyes that left the audience stunned. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of greenish-blue, like deep pools of mystery. They held a certain intensity, a hint of secrets hidden beneath the surface.

Emily's friends, Julie and Sarah, sat spellbound, their earlier enchantment with Alexander now reaching a new level. The room seemed to fade away as they, like everyone else, were caught in the allure of his presence.

Julie leaned toward Sarah, her voice barely a whisper. "Did you see his eyes? I've never seen anything like them."

Sarah nodded; her gaze fixed on Alexander. "He's even more captivating without the sunglasses. It's like he's looking into your soul."

Alexander stepped up to the podium, the spotlight casting a glow around him as he prepared to address the captivated audience. His voice, when he began to speak, was a potent elixir, rich and alluring, drawing everyone in like moths to a flame.

"Good evening, everyone," he began, his words a velvety caress of the senses, "I am truly honored to be here with you tonight. This gala represents not only a celebration of business excellence but also a testament to the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to dream."

His voice seemed to weave a spell, each word resonating with power and purpose. He spoke of innovation, of pushing boundaries, and of the relentless pursuit of excellence. His speech was a symphony of inspiration, captivating the hearts and minds of all who listened.

Julie, her gaze still fixed on Alexander, muttered under her breath, "Honestly, if Emily misses this opportunity to see him, I might just kill her."

Sarah, equally exasperated, nodded in agreement. "I know, right? It's like she has the worst timing. If she doesn't show up soon, she'll be the only one who didn't witness this moment."

Their banter carried a mix of amusement and irritation, their eyes occasionally darting toward the restroom in hopes of spotting their tardy friend. On the other hand, Alexander's speech continued to hold the audience in rapt attention, his words flowing like honey, both compelling and persuasive.

"As we stand here tonight," he intoned, his voice a symphony of confidence, "we are on the precipice of a new era. An era marked by innovation, by the relentless pursuit of progress, and by the unshakeable belief that greatness is within our reach."

The audience hung on his every word, each sentence delivered with a calculated blend of gravitas and charm. His speech touched on the importance of collaboration, the power of ideas, and the boundless opportunities that lay before them all.

Julie and Sarah, torn between their admiration for Alexander's oratory prowess and their anxiety over Emily's absence, continued their sotto voce conversation. 

Sarah whispered to Julie, "I mean, he's a billionaire, but he's also an incredible speaker. It's like he's hypnotizing the whole room."

Julie nodded, her eyes not leaving Alexander. "It's a rare combination, for sure. I'm just worried that Emily will miss out on this. She'd never forgive herself."

"In this ever-changing world," Alexander declared, his eyes seemingly locking onto each person in the room, "we must dare to dream, to innovate, and to create a future that is not just successful, but meaningful."

The room was filled with a palpable energy, a sense of possibility that hung in the air like a promise. Alexander's words seemed to have touched every soul in attendance, igniting a spark of ambition and aspiration.

However, amidst the collective enchantment, Julie and Sarah couldn't help but cast worried glances at the restroom. Emily's continued absence was causing them more concern at the moment. Sarah whispered to Julie, "I'm genuinely starting to worry. What could be keeping her?

Just as Alexander concluded his speech with a final flourish of wisdom, the room erupted in applause. The guests were on their feet, applauding not just the speaker's wealth, but the richness of his words and ideas. Alexander acknowledged the ovation with a gracious smile before exiting the stage, his enigmatic aura still lingering in the room.

One group of attendees, seated not too far from Julie and Sarah, engaged in a spirited discussion about the business prospects that Alexander's presence might bring. A woman with a striking red dress leaned in, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Did you hear him? Alexander Caesar's speech was absolutely mesmerizing. I can't believe we're in the same room as him!"

A man in a sharp tuxedo nodded, clearly impressed. "He's not just a billionaire; he's a visionary. I have a feeling this gala is going to open up incredible opportunities for all of us."

Meanwhile, Julie and Sarah, still under the spell of Alexander's speech, exchanged concerned glances that they didn't notice the sudden arrival of Emily.

"Where on earth were you guys? I've been searching for ages," Emily exclaimed, her voice a mix of exasperation and curiosity.

Julie raised an eyebrow, her tone teasing, "Ah, Emily! You were gone for so long that we thought you'd started a restroom revolution or something!"

Emily couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, you won't believe what happened. Some miscreant managed to turn my dress into a watercolor masterpiece."

Sarah burst into laughter. "Oh, dear! I guess it's official now. This is the unluckiest gala day in the history of galas for you!"

Emily just laughed in response with a playful slap on Sarah's shoulder.

Suddenly something hit inside Julie and she couldn't contain her excitement as she leaned in towards Emily, her eyes wide with enthusiasm. "Emily, you won't believe it! You missed out on the most mesmerizing part. Alexander Caesar's eyes are like... oh my goodness, breathtakingly beautiful!"

Emily chuckled at Julie's enthusiasm. "Are they really that amazing? I mean, it's just eyes, right?"

Sarah joined in, teasingly, "Yeah, Emily, just eyes that could probably make any woman swoon."

Julie nodded emphatically. "Exactly! And his speech... it was like he was casting a spell on everyone. You should have been here!"

Emily, still unsure of what all the fuss was about, raised an eyebrow playfully. "Well, I guess I'll have to take your word for it. Can you show me where he is? I'd love to catch a glimpse."

Julie's face lit up as she turned to point in Alexander's direction. "Sure, he was right over there, but..." She paused, her excitement deflating as she scanned the crowded room. "Oh no, he's disappeared into the sea of people. He was just here a moment ago!"

Their conversation was a mix of amusement and intrigue, as Emily's friends raved about Alexander's eyes and his captivating speech, leaving Emily both curious and entertained. 

Emily let out an exaggerated sigh and declared, "Alright, I'm done. This gala is proving to be way too eventful for a single day. Forget about the billionaire, I need a drink."

Julie grinned mischievously, replying, "Sure, why not? After all, we have wine here. Maybe it'll help us find Alexander's eyes even more enchanting."

"Not Again." Emily sighed with her eyes rolling.

With a shared laugh, the trio decided to take a break from the gala's excitement and indulge in some much-needed relaxation. Emily and her friends found themselves in the midst of a lively crowd, mingling with fellow attendees. The atmosphere was electric, and Emily couldn't help but notice the occasional glances and compliments directed her way.

Out of the blue, a dashing young man approached Emily, his eyes filled with admiration. "You're incredibly beautiful," he said with a charming smile.

Emily blushed, caught off guard by the compliment. She stammered a thank-you, her friends stifling laughter nearby. Sarah couldn't resist teasing her, whispering, "Looks like someone just scored a fan, Emily!"

Julie joined in with a playful grin. "Emily, you're becoming quite the celebrity tonight."

The unexpected attention left Emily feeling both flattered and slightly embarrassed. She chuckled along with her friends, knowing that the gala had taken an amusing turn.

The energy continued to flow as Emily and her friends decided to find a quieter spot for drinks. They made their way to a lavish bar area adorned with crystal chandeliers and plush velvet seating.

As they settled in, Sarah couldn't help but tease Emily. "So, Miss Gala Celebrity, how does it feel to have admirers already?"

Julie chimed in with a grin, "I think it's safe to say that Emily is the belle of the ball tonight."

Emily laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. It was just a random compliment."

Sarah playfully raised an eyebrow. "Well, let's toast to the belle of the ball, shall we?" She gestured for the bartender and ordered a bottle of wine.

The bartender poured the deep red liquid into their glasses, and they raised them in a lighthearted salute. Emily took a sip, savoring the rich flavor of the wine. "I guess it's not every day that you get compliments at a billionaire's gala."

Julie grinned, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Maybe you'll even make it to the front page of some gossip magazine."

Their laughter filled the air as they clinked their glasses, enjoying the camaraderie of the moment. The bar area was buzzing with lively conversations and clinking glasses as Emily and her friends enjoyed their drinks.

Amid the enchanting gala, the sparkling chandeliers above them casting an ethereal glow, Emily and her friends had been reveling in a moment of joyous laughter.

Julie, renowned for her quick wit, seized the opportune moment. She leaned in and delivered a quip that resonated with their surroundings, prompting peals of laughter from the trio and those nearby. "You know," she began with a mischievous glint in her eye, "these chandeliers are so extravagant, they make me feel like we're in a palace. Perhaps we've all been secretly transported to a fairytale tonight!"

Emily caught up in the merriment, and laughed heartily, taking a careless step backward just as she exclaimed, "Oh, you're right, Julie! Maybe there's a prince hiding behind one of them!"

Unbeknownst to her, a formidable presence lurked just behind. And then, in the blink of an eye, chaos erupted. Emily collided with an imposing figure, her wine glass soaring through the air in a mesmerizing arc before exploding into a vibrant crimson shower, drenching the person she had unintentionally bumped into.

A collective gasp swept through the hall, and the once-lively gala transformed into a hushed arena of astonishment. Emily, her face a fiery shade of red, found herself in a moment frozen in time, locked in a gaze with the billionaire whose pristine attire now bore the mark of her clumsiness.

The shock of the wine-splattering incident lingered in the air as Emily stood frozen, her face a deep shade of crimson. Julie and Sarah exchanged furtive glances, their expressions a mixture of concern and amusement.

Julie couldn't resist the urge to break the awkward silence. "Well, Emily, if you wanted to make a lasting impression at this gala, you certainly found a unique way to do it."

Sarah chimed in, "Yeah, I've heard of spilling the beans, but you just spilled the wine... all over Alexander Caesar."

That moment Emily realized that it was the time for her soul to depart from her body. She gulped in fear and her eyes were wide open. 

Alexander, his suit now adorned with a wine-colored splotch, continued to regard Emily with his characteristic stoicism. He made no move to react or express any displeasure, his enigmatic presence never faltering.

Julie and Sarah, caught in the midst of the unexpected spectacle, exchanged wide-eyed glances, their mouths agape in disbelief.

In the silence that followed, a muffled chuckle emanated from a nearby table, and a voice whispered, "Well, that's one way to make an impression."

  Another voice chimed in, "It seems Emily here just made history at the gala."

  Emily, her body shaking and her voice trembling with fear and embarrassment, finally managed to stammer an apology. "I... I'm so sorry."

  Alexander's inscrutable demeanor remained unchanged, his piercing gaze fixed intently on Emily. The room seemed to hold its breath, enveloped in a sense of suspense and anticipation.

As the wine-splattered billionaire and the mortified Emily continued to share that charged gaze, the gala attendees couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected encounter would shape the course of the evening, and whether it held more surprises in store for them all.