
Stains of Destiny

In the city that never sleeps, an accidental wine spill binds Emily, A passionate student, to the enigmatic billionaire, Alexander, in an unconventional contract of revenge. As they navigate a dark twist of fate, secrets unravel, and an unexpected love story emerges. ‘Stains of Destiny’ is a captivating tale of love, secrets, and an unpredictable journey that will keep you hooked till the end.”

Bisma_Hussain · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Fateful Gala

"Seriously guys? Is it really mandatory?" Emily's voice carried a hint of skepticism as she trailed behind Julie and Sarah along the bustling shopping street. The two friends walked with an air of excitement; their pace brisk as they weaved through the crowd of shoppers.

Julie and Sarah exchanged surprised glances as if Emily had just spoken a foreign language. Their steps didn't falter as they continued to move swiftly, scanning storefronts for the perfect dresses. Sarah's tone held a note of incredulity. "Emily, it's not just mandatory; it's essential. This gala is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You have to make the most of it."

Julie nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with determination as she sifted through racks of dresses. "And besides, you deserve to feel beautiful and confident."

Emily sighed, feeling increasingly out of place as she struggled to keep up with her friends' enthusiastic pace. She understood their intentions were nothing but kind, but she still couldn't shake her reservations about the entire gala affair. "I appreciate your support, really, but I'm just not sure about this whole dressing up thing. It's not really me."

Sarah chuckled; her arm linked with Emily's as they moved swiftly through the bustling street. "Well, Emily, sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. This is a chance for you to experience something different, something extraordinary."

Julie added, her fingers grazing the fabric of a particularly exquisite gown. "And who knows, you might even enjoy it. Trust us, it'll be worth it."

Emily reluctantly nodded, realizing that her friends were only trying to help.

Sarah paused and turned to her, a playful grin on her face. "And by the way, you were the one who said you don't have a dress to wear. Now what's the problem?"

Caught off guard, Emily tried to explain her predicament. "You see, when I said I didn't have a dress to wear, I meant I don't have anything formal. I wasn't prepared for this."

Julie and Sarah exchanged knowing glances but didn't respond. Instead, Julie began pulling dresses off the racks and thrusting them into Emily's arms, and Sarah joined her with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Emily stood awkwardly in front of the mirror, a mountain of dresses piled in her arms. Julie and Sarah communicated through exaggerated eye rolls and head shakes, silently agreeing that each dress was not suitable.

Emily, oblivious to their silent conversation, made lame excuses for each dress. "This one is too sparkly," she mumbled, holding up a sequined gown.

Julie playfully feigned shock, pointing at another dress. "Oh, and this one is definitely too royal for you, Emily."

Sarah added, "And that one over there is just too... pink."

The more dresses Emily rejected, the more Julie and Sarah seemed to find, as if they were on a mission to prove her wrong. The boutique owner couldn't help but watch the scene with amusement, stifling laughter behind her hand.

As the pile of rejected dresses grew higher, Emily began to feel like a contestant on a game show, with Julie and Sarah as the relentless judges.

  Sarah, holding up yet another dress with a twinkle in her eye, teased, "What about this one, Emily? It's...unique."

  Emily examined the dress in Sarah's hand, which appeared to be a vibrant and slightly eccentric creation with a riot of colors. "That's...uh, not really my style."

Julie, holding back laughter, added, "But it's perfect for making a statement. You'll definitely stand out in the crowd.

Emily hesitated, realizing she was losing this battle. "Okay, fine, I'll try it on. But if I look like a walking art exhibition, don't blame me."

With that, Emily disappeared into the dressing room with the eccentric dress in hand, leaving Julie and Sarah in stitches of laughter. They continued to scour the boutique for more options, still holding out hope for that one perfect dress that would transform Emily into a gala-ready goddess.

Inside the dressing room, Emily stared at herself in the mirror, struggling to come to terms with the whirlwind of change happening in her life. 

Outside the dressing room, Julie and Sarah exchanged excited glances, finally sensing a breakthrough. They shared a silent understanding that this dress could be the one. The boutique owner, who had been observing the entire spectacle with amusement, discreetly approached them.

"Your friend is quite a character," she remarked, her eyes twinkling. 

Julie nodded with a grin. "That's Emily for you."

Emily stood in front of the mirror, her expression a mix of bewilderment and annoyance as she examined her reflection. The dress was undoubtedly unique, with its bold patterns and colors that clashed in the most eye-catching way possible. It was far from what she had in mind for a formal event.

Julie and Sarah tried to suppress their laughter as they approached her, but their wide grins gave them away.

Sarah couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter. "Emily, you look...incredible!"

Julie chimed in, "Absolutely stunning! You're a walking masterpiece."

Emily sighed, feeling a tad defeated. "Guys, this is a business gala, not a carnival. I need something decent, not attention-grabbing."

Julie and Sarah exchanged glances, trying to hold back their amusement.

Emily couldn't help herself. She blurted out, "I hate this dress."

Julie and Sarah burst into laughter, their infectious giggles filling the boutique.

Julie, still chuckling, passed a sarcastic comment. "Oh, Emily, you'll make a fantastic impression on Alexander. He'll want you to be his personal dietitian in no time."

Emily's patience wore thin. "That's it! Both of you, sit down." She motioned for them to take a seat in the boutique's waiting area.

Ignoring their puzzled expressions, Emily set out on a mission. She scoured the racks, pulling out dress after dress with determination. After a few minutes, she triumphantly held up a sleek, elegant gown that was perfect for a business gala.

The dress was a deep midnight blue, with a tasteful V-neck and a subtle train that added an air of sophistication. Its simplicity was its strength, exuding confidence and grace.

Sarah and Julie exchanged disagreeing glances. Julie seemed pleased with Emily's choice, while Sarah appeared somewhat disappointed that it wasn't another eccentric outfit.

Emily didn't wait for their approval this time. She headed back into the dressing room, determined to see if this choice would meet her standards of decency.

The boutique owner, who had been discreetly observing the trio's amusing antics, couldn't help but smile. Friendships like these were a rare and beautiful thing. 


The upscale venue was a sight to behold, alive with an electric atmosphere. Guests, donned in their most exquisite attire and mingled and savored champagne in eager anticipation of the gala's opening speech. Crystal chandeliers cast a soft, warm glow on the opulent surroundings, and the murmurs of conversation filled the air.

Julie glanced at her watch, then back at the empty seat next to her. "Where on earth is Emily? She's missing all the excitement."

Sarah, her eyes scanning the room, frowned. "And her phone is still unreachable. That girl has a talent for disappearing at the most inconvenient times."

As the opening speech drew nearer, Emily's absence began to weigh heavily on her friends. The room pulsated with energy, but a sense of disquiet settled over Julie and Sarah. Emily's mysterious vanishing act cast a shadow over the glittering affair, leaving them perplexed about what could have possibly kept her from an event that held the promise of altering their lives with opportunities.

Then, as if to divert their attention from their concerns, a collective gasp rippled through the room. All eyes turned toward the entrance where a man had just arrived—a man who was, without a doubt, the evening's most anticipated guest.

"Look…  Look, who is here" someone murmured. 

Alexander Caesar made a grand entrance that could only be described as regal. Tall and commanding, he exuded an aura of power and allure. His features were sculpted as if by the hands of the gods themselves. Blonde hair, impeccably coiffed, added an air of sophistication. He wore a formal beige suit with a crisp white shirt that set him apart from the sea of traditional tuxedos. A pair of mysterious sunglasses concealed his eyes, adding to the air of enigma surrounding him.

Julie leaned closer to Sarah; her voice hushed with excitement. "Wow, he's even more captivating in person. It's like he's descended from Olympus."

Sarah nodded; her eyes glued to the spectacle unfolding before them. "And that beige suit is a bold choice. He's redefining elegance.

As they watched Alexander's every move in what felt like slow motion, Sarah couldn't help but add, "Did you see the way he entered? It's as if the room is his domain, and we're all just guests in his world."

Julie chimed in; her gaze fixed on the billionaire. "And his presence—my goodness, it's almost... hypnotic."

They exchanged a knowing look, their excitement bubbling over as they continued to dissect Alexander's every gesture and nuance. 

  Their fascination with Alexander only deepened as he effortlessly navigated the room. He exchanged polite nods and brief words with various guests, his charisma leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to engage with him.

  Each gesture, each interaction seemed like a carefully choreographed performance, and the room buzzed with a mix of admiration and intrigue.

Sarah couldn't help but marvel at his ability to command attention without uttering a single word. "It's like he has this magnetic pull, drawing everyone in. People are practically tripping over themselves to catch his eye."

Julie nodded in agreement, her gaze never leaving Alexander. "And did you notice how effortlessly he handles the crowd? It's like he's been doing this his entire life."

Julie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she whispered to Sarah, "I heard he rarely attends public events like this. We're witnessing something truly extraordinary."

Sarah nodded, her voice filled with awe. "It's like catching a glimpse of a shooting star. People spend their whole lives waiting for this moment."

As the gala continued, the room seemed to revolve around Alexander, his presence a magnetic force that drew everyone's attention.

And then he gracefully moved through the crowd, his every step seemed to resonate with a sense of purpose. Camera flashes popped, and reporters jostled to capture every moment of his presence. The media frenzy surrounding him was nothing short of a spectacle.

Julie and Sarah, who had been watching Alexander's every move with rapt attention, couldn't help but gasp as they spotted Emily's hurried entrance. "Ahhh... where is he going?" Julie whispered, her eyes darting between the departing Alexander and the arriving Emily.

Sarah, equally captivated by Alexander's enigmatic departure, leaned in closer to get a better view. "I have no idea, but it's like he's vanished into thin air."

"Look, there she is—right on time," Julie taunted, spotting Emily's entrance amidst the chaos.

Both Julie and Sarah were still entranced by Alexander's aura when Emily impatiently joined them and whispered, "What did I miss?"

Julie and Sarah, caught in the trance of Alexander's enigmatic presence, turned their attention towards Emily as she joined them. They exchanged quick glances, their faces still flushed with excitement.

Julie couldn't help but tease, her voice a hushed whisper, "Emily, you won't believe it! The man himself—Alexander Caesar—was just here. He's like a mythical creature, and he vanished right before our eyes."

Sarah added, her eyes wide with fascination, "It was like watching a real-life magician. One moment, he was here, and the next, poof! Gone."

Emily tried to maintain her disinterested facade. "Well, I'm here for the networking opportunities. Not some elusive billionaire."

  After Alexander's spell broke on Julie, she asked Emily with a playful grin, "Where were you, turtle? Why are you so late?"

Sarah joined in the good-natured ribbing, adding, "Yeah, we thought you'd miss the whole show. You won't believe who we just saw!"

Emily rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I had a minor delay, okay? I'm here now, and that's what matters."

Julie leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial as she murmured excitingly, "I can't believe we just witnessed the great disappearing act of Alexander Caesar. Trust me, you'll be hearing about it for weeks."

Emily couldn't help but let out a small sigh of exhaustion. She leaned in closer to Julie and Sarah and confided, "Alright, enough of this Alexander chapters. I am so tired already, this city's traffic and the buses... I just can't. I have to use the toilet."

Julie and Sarah exchanged concerned glances as Emily expressed her fatigue. Julie tried to persuade her, saying, "But the opening ceremony is just around the corner, stay."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Em, don't miss it. It's supposed to be spectacular, and who knows, maybe Mr. Alexander Caesar himself will make a grand entrance."

Feeling the urgency of her body's demands, Emily whispered to her friends, "It's an emergency, please try to understand, my peach."

Julie and Sarah couldn't help but giggle at Emily's choice of words. "Alright, go on," Julie said, waving her off. "We'll save your seat and keep an eye out for any billionaires lurking in the restroom."

With a grateful smile, Emily hurried off to find the restroom, little aware that this seemingly ordinary pitstop would soon lead her on an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.