
Stains of Destiny

In the city that never sleeps, an accidental wine spill binds Emily, A passionate student, to the enigmatic billionaire, Alexander, in an unconventional contract of revenge. As they navigate a dark twist of fate, secrets unravel, and an unexpected love story emerges. ‘Stains of Destiny’ is a captivating tale of love, secrets, and an unpredictable journey that will keep you hooked till the end.”

Bisma_Hussain · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Missed Bus

Emily's morning was off to a frantic start, and she was practically sprinting down the sidewalk, her long black hair billowing behind her like a superhero's cape. Her glass-like skin gleamed under the early morning sun, and her rosy lips moved in a silent but determined chant to herself, "Not today, Emily, not today."

She was the epitome of grace, but right now, grace was the last thing on her mind. Her hazel eyes, which often held a mischievous glint, were now filled with urgency as she watched the bus she was supposed to catch pull away from the curb.

"Aw, shoot!" she exclaimed in a mixture of languages that could only be described as 'Emilish.' It was her unique blend of Korean, English, and occasional bursts of other languages when she was particularly flustered.

As the bus disappeared into the distance, she cursed herself for not setting multiple alarms and for staying up late the night before, indulging in her guilty pleasure of binge-watching K-dramas. "Why, oh why, did I have to start a new series last night?" she mumbled, her frustration evident.

Just then, her phone chimed with a message, and she fumbled to answer it, her fingers slightly trembling from the adrenaline rush. It was from her friend, Sarah, who had a knack for knowing when Emily was in a morning crisis.

Sarah: *(Text)* Hey, Emily! Running late again?

Emily chuckled, despite her annoyance, as she typed a quick reply. 

Emily: *(Text)* You know me too well, Sarah. Missed the bus. Again.

Sarah: *(Text)* Haha! Don't worry, you'll make it. You always do.

Emily felt a little lighter, her friend's words giving her a boost of confidence. She checked the bus schedule on her phone and calculated that the next one would arrive in about fifteen minutes. With a resigned sigh, she leaned against a nearby lamppost, shifting her backpack to a more comfortable position.

As she waited, Emily couldn't help but admire the city around her. It was the one and only New York City, a place of endless possibilities, a place where she had come to fulfill her dreams. Yet, it was also a city that constantly tested her, pushing her to her limits. 

The bus approached and she took a deep breath, ready to face another day of challenges and triumphs in the vibrant, bustling streets of the Big Apple. The missed bus was just a small hiccup in the grand adventure of her life, and she knew that as long as she had the determination to keep moving forward, she would find her way in the city that never slept, no matter how many buses she missed along the way.

Emily finally arrived at her college, a place where the dreams of countless students collided in the vibrant heart of New York City.

As she stepped inside, the bustling energy of the place enveloped her, washing away the lingering frustration of her bus misadventure. Students hurriedly traversed the corridors, their animated conversations a symphony of diverse accents and backgrounds. Emily navigated this microcosm of the city with practiced ease.

Just as she approached her locker, a cheerful voice called out her name, lifting her spirits. "Emily!"

Turning with a radiant smile, Emily beheld her friend Sarah approaching, a beacon of light in her day. Sarah had a talent for making the sunniest of dispositions seem even brighter, and her warm welcome was just what Emily needed.

"Sarah!" Emily exclaimed, and they embraced as if they hadn't seen each other in ages.

Sarah was a bundle of effervescence, with bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. She couldn't resist teasing Emily, "Started watching a new drama, didn't you?"

Emily laughed heartily, shaking her head. "You know me too well, Sarah."

As they strolled toward their first class, Sarah steered the conversation toward a humorous tangent. "So, Emily, how's your love life? Any cute boys to rescue you from your struggling life yet?"

A mischievous twinkle lit up Emily's eyes, and she leaned in closer to Sarah, feigning secrecy. "Well, I've been diligently manifesting a romantic savior in my life. But so far, all I've managed to manifest is a microwave dinner and a stubborn Wi-Fi connection."

Sarah burst into laughter, causing a few heads to turn in their direction. "Ah, the struggles of modern life! But don't worry, Emily, I have faith in your manifestation skills."

Their playful banter continued as they reached their classroom, the joviality of their exchange effectively dispelling the last remnants of Emily's earlier frustration. 

Once settled into their seats, Emily's earlier oversight hit her like a lightning bolt. Her eyes widened, and she leaned in to whisper to Sarah with a sense of urgency, "Sarah, I forgot to pay the electricity bill again!"

Sarah raised an inquisitive eyebrow, her amusement unmistakable. "You and your occasional forgetfulness, Emily. It happens to the best of us. We'll get it sorted."

However, Emily shook her head resolutely, her determination shining through. "No, Sarah. It's time for me to get my life in order. I don't want to keep struggling like this forever. My dream is to lead a stable life and become a dietitian."

Sarah nodded with empathy, her blue eyes reflecting unwavering support. "I believe in you, Emily. We'll figure it out together."

Their playful banter continued, making the classroom a livelier place. Emily was grateful for a friend who could turn even the most mundane moments into an adventure.

However, their conversation was interrupted when a student entered the classroom, the urgency in his demeanor catching everyone's attention. He approached the professor and whispered something inaudible in the older man's ear.

The professor's brows furrowed, and he nodded, gesturing for the student to take a seat. He then cleared his throat and addressed the class. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received an important announcement. There has been a last-minute change regarding the chief guest for the business gala scheduled for tomorrow evening."

The room buzzed with anticipation as the professor paused for dramatic effect. Emily and Sarah exchanged curious glances, wondering what could possibly be so important.

The student who had delivered the message took a deep breath and announced, "The new chief guest for the gala is none other than the renowned businessman, Alexander Caesar."

The name sent a ripple of excitement through the classroom, and Emily couldn't help but notice Julie, the girl sitting in front of her and Sarah, practically swoon in her seat. Julie was well-known for her obsession with celebrities and wealthy elites.

"He's so handsome and dashing," Julie whispered to the girls, her eyes shining with adoration. "I've read so much about him in the tabloids. It's like a dream come true!"

Sarah, however, raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Julie, you should be careful. Alexander Caesar is not just known for his looks. He's also known for his ruthless business tactics and his mysterious personal life."

Julie rolled her eyes, clearly not bothered by Sarah's warning. "Come on, Sarah, don't be such a buzzkill. A man like him can't be that dangerous."

Sarah leaned in closer, her voice hushed but determined. "You've heard the rumors, haven't you? The stories about how he rose to power, the secrecy surrounding his dealings, and the fact that he's never been photographed without his signature sunglasses."

Julie waved off Sarah's concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Rumors are just rumors, Sarah. Besides, who wouldn't want to meet a man as fascinating as Alexander Caesar?"

Emily, who had been quietly listening to their debate, couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. She had always been focused on her studies, but the mysterious aura surrounding Alexander Caesar intrigued her.

"So, what are the rumors, exactly?" Emily asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Sarah hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well, some say he's involved in international espionage, others think he's part of a secret society. There are even whispers that he's made deals with the underworld. No one really knows for sure, but his reputation is shrouded in mystery."

Julie, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by these rumors. "See, Emily, it's all just gossip. People love to create stories about someone as enigmatic as Alexander."

The debate between Sarah and Julie continued, and the rest of the class watched with interest as the two friends presented their contrasting views on Alexander Caesar.

Sarah leaned in, her expression earnest. "Julie, I'm not trying to ruin your excitement, but there's a reason people are cautious about him. He's not just mysterious; he's powerful, and with power comes responsibility."

Julie crossed her arms, defending her stance. "You're such a cynic. Don't you think you're exaggerating? He's just a businessman."

Sarah countered, "He's not just any businessman. He's a tycoon who's made deals that no one can even fathom. There are allegations of connections to organized crime, unexplained disappearances of his rivals, and the fact that no one has ever seen him without those sunglasses is…odd, to say the least."

Emily couldn't help but be drawn into the conversation, her curiosity piqued. "But why the sunglasses? What's he hiding?"

Julie shrugged, her infatuation with Alexander undeterred. "Maybe he just has sensitive eyes or wants to maintain an air of mystery. Besides, people love a good mystery."

Sarah sighed, knowing she couldn't convince Julie otherwise. "Just be careful, Julie. You never know what you might get into."

The professor, having witnessed the spirited discussion, decided to steer the conversation back to the business gala. "Regardless of your opinions on our guest of honor, I expect all of you to conduct yourselves professionally at the gala. It's a fantastic opportunity to network and learn from some of the best in the industry."

Despite the spirited debate between Sarah and Julie about Alexander Caesar's mysterious reputation, Emily pretended to be uninterested in the whole affair. She kept her focus on her notebook, occasionally doodling in the margins as if the conversation were of no concern to her.

When the professor asked the class who planned to attend the gala, Julie raised her hand enthusiastically, practically bouncing in her seat. Sarah raised her hand too, but her attention was on Emily. She knew her friend well enough to sense that Emily might not be as disinterested as she pretended to be.

"Emily," Sarah said, turning toward her with a knowing smile. "Are you planning to attend the gala?"

Emily hesitated for a moment before giving a nonchalant shrug. "I don't know, maybe not. I have to work on my thesis."

Sarah wasn't convinced and leaned in closer, her tone teasing yet persistent. "Come on, Emily, spill the beans. What's the real reason you don't want to go?"

Emily hesitated before confessing sheepishly, "Well, to be honest, I don't have a dress to wear."

Sarah grinned, delighted that Emily had finally admitted the truth. "Ah-ha! I knew it! You see, Julie, our Emily is just too shy to admit that she wants to meet the mysterious Alexander Caesar."

Julie chimed in with one of her trademark corny jokes, "Emily, you know what they say about meeting mysterious businessmen in New York, right? It's always a shady business!"

Sarah and Emily burst into laughter, and even the professor couldn't help but smile at Julie's sense of humor.

With a wink, Sarah turned to Emily. "Don't worry, Honey pie! We'll find you a dress. Money's not an issue."

Emily's eyes widened in surprise at Sarah's offer. "Are you sure, Sarah? I can't let you spend money on me."

Sarah shook her head, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "Emily, we're friends, and friends help each other out. Besides, I have a feeling this gala might be more interesting than we expect."

Julie added with a grin, "Yeah, who knows? Maybe you'll even catch Alexander Caesar's eye." 

Emily blushed at the thought but couldn't help but smile at her friends' unwavering support and their ability to make even the most mundane situations hilariously entertaining. As the class continued, Emily found herself looking forward to the gala with a newfound sense of excitement. Who knew what adventures and mysteries awaited her?