
sss reincarnated skill

people summoned into a totally different new world with magic ... by a deity in a strange shape of a cube with six sides. But it was not foreseen that they would go to a world of a famous game called " WoldXx " for their survival begins the adventure, conquests and clans that are created with their abilities!In this new world, how will our protagonist fare?

arthur_ · Fantaisie
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skill rank S!

In 2009 an amazing game called worldXx was created, it was an amazing first person pc game , amid frequent updates this game remained as 3 best selling game of all time until 2019.

This year marked the disappearance of 37% of all active players, a big stop, but no one knew the real reason.


A counter hovered above a forest, actually above a clearing, this one that was full of people, getting a little closer you could see who they were.

They were all humans, they seemed to be around 15 to 20 years old, it was strange to be in the middle of a forest and even stranger to be all together, there must have been about 30 teenagers there.


My name is Diego, but you can call me Dio, that's what everyone calls me, maybe because of my yellow hair?

Currently I am sitting on a log observing these people, everyone was strange about the place, because they were teenagers they knew what an rpg was and also what an isekai was, but it was difficult because they were in a world where everything could kill us.

The difference between them and me, well, I knew what was going on, I knew what that world was, and even with all the shock of being summoned, I'm actually okay.


this game is pretty famous, but it wasn't the game that was famous, it was the mods, the mods put the whole rpg system into the game, everything you could imagine, everything!

This world is the game, but they shouldn't forget, it's also real life, getting stabbed hurts, nobody wants that, but if you think this is the game, you will surely die to the first human you see.

this world is alive, a real world that exists under its own laws and gods, you must never forget that.

how do i know this, well, i am the creator of the greatest worldXx mod!

- a few minutes earlier -

A blue room formed, it was empty, but only for a few seconds.

Some of the blue segments of the room broke loose from the floor, the fragments came together into a ball, it was a very beautiful crystal blue.

A few seconds later something else appeared, it was a gray square that rotated on its axis, on its sides there were eyes that joined 1 to 6 like a normal die.

-hate- the side of 1 eye spoke.

The blue circle glowed as the die spoke the words.

- consciousness seems correct - now there were 3 eyes facing the circle.


Dio opened his eye, even though he didn't have it in that form, he saw that blue space and just couldn't think of anything, why was it there?

-he can't speak, he has no mouth.

the cube spoke the obvious, after a few moments the familiar screen finally appeared.

[do you want to start?]

The screen opened in front of him, after a few seconds the screen glowed blank before disappearing.

Nothing appeared in front of him, like a screen or something, but something inside his head, the so-called character creation.

quickly the blue ball molded itself, formed a young man, he must have been 19, was considerably handsome, had white hair and was thin, for now without any clothes.

now he could open his eyes and see the whole room, it looked like the game to him.


class: none

magic: n

strength: n

armor: n

agility: n

intelligence: n

skills: n ]

-I see, so I am reincarnating.

he let out a smile, that information entered his head, but, it was too quiet.

[wisdom exceeded!!!]

[understanding of the world out of the ordinary!!!]

[beginning process of modification]

those red screens posted alerting a system error, was it because of his knowledge of the game?

[rewards earned reached 88% by recalculating]

What happened next was strangely funny, a blue screen appeared in front of him that showed only one gift, the ones that came in a square box wrapped in red and white.

He moved his body and clicked on the box.

[reward number 1!

skill rank: S acquired!]

dio fell to the ground while holding his chest and blood came out of his mouth.

-rank S!!!

Rank skills were already powerful, now rank S.

[skill acquired: epitaph]

''huh? epitaph, I don't know that one, must be because it's not a game anymore''

[skill epitaph unlocked skill: eyes of heaven!]

and again he was on the ground with his mouth coming out blood and his hand on his chest.

-don't die yet human, you haven't even been summoned.

the cube spoke up.

"Actually, I shouldn't even be excited.

the smile on his face faded.

I can die in the game I sacrificed three years of my life!

He stood up, he needed to be able to overcome everything!

-what else?

- Actually, that is your choice, look human, your case is special, you actively helped in the creation of this world and should be respected as such, but, I can not do it, know that I have great gratitude to you.

the cube spoke looking eagerly at dio.


His body was teleported from the room to another room, now he seemed to be in the middle of a forest, he looked up to find a counter, it marked exactly [90:34] a common number.

-this will be a massacre.

the truth is that many of them were noobs or simply had never played the worldXx mods to understand that world.

a world created wrapped in mods and fantasy that was perfectly a complete novel world.

''this is how it starts, everyone having fun, laughing and enjoying the world, but from the information I got from that cubic being this counter means the ''easy mode'' time we have, the time where if we die we will be reborn and no monster is even remotely difficult, I will take advantage of it''

His thought only became more real when he saw a woman, to his right was she, perfectly sculpted the image of that person, the nicknamed queen of battles, she was like that because no one beat her in pvp.

He saw her clicking on some things in the system and then disappearing.

''Shit, there are other advanced players here, if I can't get minimally strong one of them will kill me!''

he quickly opened the system to use teleportation, another thing that was only possible in easy time.

his body turned into particles and then disappeared.


Elsewhere in the forest he appeared, frightening some wild animals by his sudden appearance.

-I thought I was going to get the advantage for being an advanced player, but there are others, if I want to survive there are two ways.

1: own strength and intelligence or maybe luck.

2: join forces with others.

'I hate to say it but it will have to be the second one, shit.'

Her heart was beating fast, her hands started to sweat and soon that infernal tingling appeared, she was going into a panic attack! even in a magical world it was still incredibly bad in pressure situations.

He lay down in shock, his eyes began to water and his chest could no longer suck in air, he was entering his own personal hell that he called his past life.