
Spider-Man of MHA si (dropped for now

azuku120 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


Okay let's do this my name his azuku midoraya I am a man that's was reanceated Into the MHA unversie as the son of izuku midoraya and ochaco and I didn't giant a quirk when I turned five then on my eight birthday my dad went missing in action but when I turned ten I was bitten by a spider which changed my life and and for the past six years I've been the one and only spider man

Night Japan

Spider man pov

Scoping out the out the streets for crime it's been quiet lately even for me no mugging or purse hell not even anyone is out right now I think to myself landing on the building ring ring click (hello?) mum (Azuku what are you still doing out so late i told you to get home 11 its getting to late and plus we want to be. Up early tomorrow to see the super collider go off ) azuku all right yeah forgot about that be home some )

New location home 🏠 arriving through the front door my clothes over my coustime cause try explain to the no4 hero that Ur technically the most wanted and respected vigalinte among some heroes

Mum and where have you been exactly and what have you been doing I mean sometimes u come back with bruises have u been getting into fights she asked worried

Azuku mum I am fine I just had a bad fall on my skateboard I say shrugging and. I am going to bed night

Next the showcase

Mei hatsmue of hatsmue industriay has been working on some sort of machine that going to be indtdouced to everyone apparently it's something high tech

I hear my mum say's trying her hardest to make some small talk since this is technically our family day out

Until an explosion goes off hitting the van reviling a vilian that even heroes seem to struggle with the ( he first appeared when he wanted to fight spider man but after Thier last fight they laid low and apparently their main goal is to get this kill me and most of the heros bring an new era of villainy)

Green goblin hahahaha the machine shall help me achieve my goal he says as the rest of them appear and civilians start to run mum turns to me and tells me to go and she starts preparing to face them I run off to the nearest alleyway and start throwing off my shirt and pants reavling my coustime and spider man swings out the alleyway slingshoting himself across and landing Infront of the green goblin

Spider man) that's enough goblin I am putting a stop to you right now he says getting into his stance

Green goblin) come on then he sneered before rushing forward

Cracrakoom as both Thier fists clash into eachother face Thier sent skidding away a few feet backfliping spider- man fires two webs to the nearest building keeping him steady before slingshoting himself forward and delivering a kick into the green goblin stomach

Helicopter) this is the daily buggule here reporting live from the Ayr and it appears The vigalinte spider man is facing of against the goblin all by himself while the pro hero Uravity is working on evacuation of the cilvians nearby

(Talk section)

Spider man so goblin he says while dodging you went of the grid for a while what's was with that I even thought u got sick of me sending u packing with your handgbag between Ur legs

The green goblin growls I will have u know he says pulling a syringe from the bag before he explains in my hand is what will finally help me kill you he says before stabbing it into his neck and begins growing his body becoming massive (think ultimate green goblin from ultimate spider man) so little spider man have said Ur prayers he says before he backhand spider man sending him crashing through building heh let's see if he gets up from that he grin turned sinister.

Back with spider -man

Uraity spider man. Are u okay she asked movie the rubble of him as she noticed that his right eye lens his shatter along with some of his mask being cut showing eyes and a bit of his her

Her eyes widdien in shock as she notices the faimer eye colour and hair style of her son azuku she mutterd

Spider man silent for a moment before he responds yeah it's me mum he says getting out of the rubble and we can see that his customme as is ripped in various places

He counties speaking look u can yell at me for ntk telling u about this later but I still need to stop goblin I don't know what's is plan is but it involves going into the past to well eresae me before I was born so I am not even sure how this is gonna go but we talk later

Ochaco pull her son into a hug and whisper to him be safe

He nodded before before he shoot of back towards the scene his arms are starting to tire

He drops kicks goblin as he enters sending him a few metres away

Goblin so you're back for more well it's to late spider man I've finally finished it I will destroy this Generation heroes before they ever began as a portal appears but before he goes in webbing hit his back before he felt himself being pulled forward and hit across the face

General scene

The goblin grab spider man before smashing his body into the ground spider man screams ahhhhhhh that right Ur screams are music to my ears goblin says sadisticly

All of a sudden spider man right arm glow as crosses go up his into a sudden rush of pure power he hits the goblin pushing both them into the portal

Spider man pov

Damm it I think I tore some of my arm muscles what was that power he started to ponder as he fights the goblin through the date goblin set to send himself back in time

He hears a distant voice in his head calling him the tenth it's Ur turn now hers before he felt the conction cut off

A/N Ima end it here and uploaded this chapter it might take awhile cause I am figuring out the best starring point to drop of spider man and goblin example they could appear at the usj or I ilasind thanks love you guys and Gal's