
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Mission Accomplished

"I might not have muscles but dear lord is my mind exhausted." Laying on the ground without moving an inch, Shirei turned back into his human form. Standing over him with a smile was Asami as she offered to help him up. "But we did it. I personally thought it was pretty fun." Grabbing the hand she offered, Shirei sat up and looked at the defeated Golem.

"Ya... It was pretty fun." Suddenly the two of them heard a voice through their comms. "I'm fine by the way thanks for asking!" Turning their heads, they saw Kazuma standing behind them with his sword on his back. "Oh hey are you ok-" Shirei tried to say something. Kazuma held up his hand. "Nope too late to act like you care. Lets just get the stupid thing from inside of the ruins."

Kazuma trudged on ahead both Shirei and Asami looked at each other before laughing slightly and following behind him. As they made their way through the entrance of the ruins, things became darker. Although he didn't have night vision, Shirei could still rely on his body's sensory-based functions to get around.

Kazuma had natural night vision thanks to his skill Farsight while Asami was naturally used to exploring and maneuvering in dark places, so she managed. "So what exactly are we looking for?" Hearing the question coming from Asami, Shirei slowly looked around. "I don't remember exactly what happened in the episode past the golem part. There should be a vault somewhere in here though that houses what we are after."

After saying that, the three of them continued to move cautiously through the one-way tunnel. As they moved further from the entrance, the tunnel got larger and larger. Suddenly Asami heard a weird crackling sound. Having keen hearing, she immediately pulled her 'BRF-P' pistol from her waist. "Hold on I just heard something."

"Hmm?" Kazuma and Shirei stopped moving as they began looking around. "I don't see anything. Are you sure you're not just acting paranoid?" Kazuma looked over towards Asami and said that before his eyes widened. "Behind you!" Hearing his warning, Asami instinctively rolled out of the way while turning around.

Falling from the ceiling of the tunnel was a creepy doll-like creature with glowing red eyes. Spotting it, Asami didn't hesitate as she pulled the trigger on her pistol. The entire tunnel flashed with a blue light as a smoking hole appeared in the doll's head as it instantly collapsed and stopped moving.

"What the fuck was that?" Kazuma seemed the most weirded out as Asami stood up and walked over to it. "Some creepy mannequin doll thing?" Tapping it with her foot, it didn't move an inch. "Well, it's dead now." Reeling back her leg, she kicked it further down the tunnel shattering it against a wall."

"Well at least there aren't anymore of them…." As his last few words trailed, Shirei looked down the tunnel and began to see multiple red eyes beginning to shine and appear on the roof. "You know for someone who's watched a lot of anime, you sure know how to raise a bunch of flags." Kazuma called Shirei out as he responded, "To be fair I watched some pretty normie shit."

Without warning, all of the dolls began scrambling towards the three of them. It was like a wave of bodies as their heads and limbs twitched and bent in inhuman ways. "That's just traumatizing!" Opening fire first, Asami began shooting with pinpoint accuracy, aiming for their heads.

With each shot, one would fall to the ground, but another would take its place. "Crap their fast." Kazuma saw over a dozen of the dolls suddenly leap towards him, pulling his sword off his back. "Don't come over here you creepy bastards!" Not being able to swing erratically because of the tunnel's size and not being able to use his sword's full strength either, Kazuma was forced to limit himself.

Swinging his sword in front of him, the blade channeled his Mana into a blade of air. Flying forward violently, the air blade cut through the doll's bodies like butter. "Got Em." Just as those dozen dolls shattered against the ground, even more, began to appear. "There's too many." Both Kazuma and Asami took a step back as Shirei reached for the weapon on his back.

"Come to papa you bald bastards." Pulling the Pinpoint AC Assault Rifle off of his back, Shirei's body immediately began diverging power into the gun. Aiming for the majority, he pulled the trigger as the entire tunnel began to glow blue. In a hail, plasma bullets began ripping through the swarm of dolls.

The ever-approaching swarm continued to get closer but was then quickly mowed down. Kazuma and Asami handled any that slipped past Shirei's barrage. After a good five minutes had passed, the gunfire and blade swinging finally stopped. Inside the tunnel, everyone was standing in front of a literal pile of mangled limbs and shattered doll bodies.

"Wooh that was close." Kazuma let out a breath as Shirei slung his gun back onto his back as he viewed what was in front of them. "I think that was the last of them but stay on guard and don't split up." The other two nodded as the group continued to make their way through the ruins.

Soon they came across a room that Shirei explained was created by a Japanese reincarnator from the original story of Konsuba. There were a bunch of creations scattered in different rooms throughout the entire complex. Of course, Shirei didn't need to take any of these inventions. Even though they were created through a special ability, they couldn't hold a candle to the Hub.

Sticking together, they explored each and every section until finally, they came across what they were there for. Entering a room, they saw it had a bed, a desk, and whatnot. Clearly, someone used to live here a very long time ago. And at the end of this room was a door metal vault door that stood out from the stone walls and medieval style.

"There it is." Pointing towards the vault door, both Kazuma and Asami peered around him. "Finally I was getting the creeps walking around this place." Kazuma walked up to the vault door but then saw the keypad next to it keeping it shut. "Oh come on." Asami walked up to the keypad and turned to Shirei. "So do you know the password?"

Shirei smiled as he grabbed the plasma blade from his hilt. "The password is... Open!" Powering on the blade, Shirei slashed at the door once at full strength. "Sesame!" Swinging once more, Shirei left a clear, glowing orange X formation on the structure of the door before powering the blade off. Tapping the door with his palm caused it to fall apart as Shirei looked back at them.

"See password." They stared at Shirei before finally going in. "So this is what we were after?" It was a large, mostly empty room that had a blue neon light pattern across the floor. The stone or metal used for everything was impossibly smooth and in the center of the room was a glass capsule.

Next to the capsule was a control panel with a single button. "Woah…" Kazuma's eyes locked onto the figure inside of the capsule. Inside was a woman with long red hair and an amazing figure. By all means, she was an ideal type for certain men, and that included Kazuma. Immediately he started drooling due to it as he stared at the capsule.

"Oh calm down did you forget that its not an actual human." Asami looked at Kazuma and rolled her eyes before looking back at Shirei. "So did we come here for her because of the android situation or because you wanted a girlfriend." Shirei laughed slightly as he grabbed Kazuma by the color, stopping him from moving forward.

"Hey what's the big idea!" Kazuma yelled at Shirei as he tried to move but couldn't. "Where here so we can make androids not have fun. Besides I'm not into BDSM and I doubt you two are either." Hearing the words BDSM, the two of them looked towards Shirei, confused. "The person who created her and this entire place was a masochist so the golem shares in his… Tendencies."

Hearing that, both Kazuma and Asami looked at the capsule in a new light. "Well then since you're the leader you should go and deal with this." Immediately Kazuma took a step back behind Shirei and pushed him forward. "Ha..." Asami scoffed at Kazuma, causing him to glare at her.

"Ya whatever." Shirei calmly began to walk towards the capsule and pushed the button on the control panel. In an instant, the capsule began to disappear, letting out an icy cold mist. The female golem inside slowly woke up, opening her eyes, and took a step forward. "Please identify yourself, Master." Hearing the girl's voice, Shirei raised his hand.

"I am but sadly I need you to temporarily deactivate yourself." Speaking quickly, the golem seemed to understand. "I see very well." Closing its eyes once again, the golem went limp and fell to the floor. "There we go easy as pie." Both Kazuma and Asami blinked. "So that's it? Mission Accomplished right?"

Shirei nodded as he picked up the female golem and put her over his shoulder. "Yup once we get this back to the Hub we can have it analyzed. And if all goes well it'll be advanced enough to build the android's foundation on." Giving a brief explanation, the three of them made their way outside of the ruins, being exposed to the light of the outside once again.

"That was exhausting." Stretching her body, Asami yawned. "Well at least it's over with." With Kazuma's words, Shirei began to lead them to where he had the ship park. It took a few minutes to arrive there but all the same, they made it. After getting on board, it didn't take long for the ship to begin taking off.

Redirecting itself as it floated in the sky, its engine activated and pulsed as they reached full thrust. They had once again left the Konosuba world in a flash as they made their way back to the Spectral Hub. After activating the docking process with no issues, Shirei could finally relax. Walking into the Spectral Hub, Shirei told Kazuma and Asami to join him when they were done resting as he b lined his way to the Control Room.

"Hey AI I need your assistance." Entering the control room, Shirei heard the AI's voice respond to him. [Welcome back. How may I assist you, General?] Shirei placed the female golem he was carrying on his shoulder onto the holographic table. "Can you scan this and see if it can be used as the base foundation for androids created by the 'Android Creator' function?"

After a brief pause, the AI's voice responded. [As you wish. Beginning scan now…] A elongated light shot down from the roof above the holographic table and slowly began moving across the golem's body. [As a warning, I should inform you that even if this can be used as a base foundation, the Spectral Hub does not have enough power to fabricate such a thing.]

Hearing the warning, Shirei brushed it off. "It's fine we're in no rush so letting enough energy accumulate thanks to our new Energy Output should be a simple matter." With that, the AI went silent once more as it continued to scan the golem. Shirei sat back in his chair as he heard the doors to the control room open and close. "Is it scanning it?"

Asami walked up beside Shirei and leaned on his chair, watching the AI running scans. "Yup. This is a pretty big step forward and will definitely make our goals easier in the future." Turning his head slightly, he saw Kazuma was nowhere to be seen. "Where did he go?" Asami responded uncaringly. "He said he wanted to look around more. He doesn't have any authorization so it should be fine since he can't do anything."

Shirei nodded lightly as he heard a voice coming directly from the AI into his Hud. [The being known as Kazuma Satou has a 82% compatibility rate for a Rank in the Spectral Order listing. Do you wish to proceed?] Reading the notification, Shirei was surprised and also impressed. It took the AI a long time to analyze Kazuma due to his character and how he acted.

If he had to guess, it was his actions helping them fight and achieve their goals that sealed the deal. While 82% was pretty high in the grand scheme of things, Asami got 94%. 'I guess she's a special case or something. So exactly what rank is he qualified for?' Asking the AI this question, Shirei received an answer shortly after. [The Rank of Lieutenant Commander. This position will put them in direct subservience to a Commander.]

"Eh?" Seeing it wasn't the rank of Commander like he got initially and Asami, but Lieutenant Commander Shirei was a little shocked. Hearing him, Asami asked him what was going on as he explained. "Oh?" A small smile appeared on Asami's face as she asked the AI to bring up the Spectral Order ranking list.

Soon a holographic bracket showcase showing Shirei at the top as General and Asami below that as Commander showed a Commander would have one Lieutenant Commander under them before the ranks really began to spread out. "Hehe, well he did say he was a fan of Sci-Fi." Asami's smile turned slightly sinister as Shirei knew exactly what she wanted to do.

As all of this occurred within the Spectral Hub, something else occurred an inconceivable amount of distance away in an entirely alternate dimension. A being that had no true physical body seemed to have been disturbed. "Three of the people I reincarnated have died. That shouldn't be possible with their abilities… Unless there has been outside interference."