
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Necessary Laws

[Compatibility Scan Complete...]

[A 97% Foundation success rate has been recorded regarding future Android Creation…]

"Huh?" Shirei was currently in the workshop area of the Spectral Hub when he heard the AI's voice. To his surprise, it took the System longer than expected to scan everything. He was expecting it to take a few hours, but in the end, it ended up taking over a week. In that period, Shirei sent Kazuma back to the world of Konosuba so he could check on Megumin and the others. Every once in a while Asami would go down to visit and relax while Shirei continued to wait.

Seeing the wait was finally over, Shirei let out a sigh of relief. "Finally I was starting to get bored." Overall this time, Shirei really got to feel the full effects of how useful the Extraction Room was. Every day the Spectral Hub required an insane amount of power just to keep running. At the same time, the daily usage had been 'Manageable'. But if he planned on making any big expansions that daily usage would increase.

But now, their energy gain has gone positive thanks to the GoB and Titan Shifting extraction. Over the course of the time he waited, he saw the Hub had accumulated over 200k energy added onto what they already had and whatnot. 'Anyway I should check how much this is going to cost me.' Leaving the workshop, he made his way through the halls to the control room.

Opening the door and walking in, Shirei glanced to his right. Lying down in the corner was Asami though the moment he walked in, she had already opened her eyes. "The scan is finally done, so we ca-'' Before he could finish speaking, he saw Asami was glaring at him heavily. Though it wasn't malicious, it was obvious she was angry about something.

"What?" Hearing his question, Asami sat and stared at him. "Shirei… I don't know if you remember this but I'm not like you! I don't have a cool metal body that lets me feel all comfortable!" Hearing her, Shirei tilted his head. "Ya I know. I've actually been thinking about that and w-" Before he could finish speaking again, Asami got cut off.

"Clearly you don't get it." Standing up off the ground, Asami walked over to Shirei and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Look I don't mind sleeping on the ground ok? I'm used to it but of course that doesn't mean a bed wouldn't be nice. But more importantly!" Asami touched her stomach and showed a pained expression.

"I need food and water! Except for the times I go to visit Kazuma's planet I haven't eaten anything. And where the hell am I supposed to go to the bathroom here? My bladder is going to explode!" Suddenly realization dawned on Shirei. 'Oh right people need to eat. I forgot about that.' Between the whole higher mission thing of creating a place of Law & Order and the constant battles, Shirei had totally forgotten that Asami needed those kinds of stuff.

'Well shit.' Seeing Shirei finally click it all together, Asami let out a sigh as she tumbled back slightly and leaned on the wall behind her. "Im so hungry…" Hearing her, Shirei nodded. "Ok I got it I'll solve this first." This was really an issue, all things considered. While he was fine since all he needed to do was rest his mind every once in a while, the Spectral Hub wasn't exactly human-friendly.

There were no rooms or beds, and you could forget about finding any food or water. Seeing the issue, Shirei wanted to remedy it quickly as he walked over to his seat in the center of the control room and began accessing the Spectral Hub interface. 'Ok lets see.' Quickly Shirei began scouring everything the Spectral Hub had to offer.

Although a lot of stuff was either unavailable or exceeding the limits of what it could do at the moment, he was confident he would be able to find something. But then, after ten minutes of searching, he had still come up blank. "How is there nothing?" Having searched through everything, Shirei came across an issue.

Logically it had literally everything he would want. Even as he looked over it, all Shirei was surprised by the sheer number of options open to him. But no matter what, not a single one of those options was viable to human living. "AI I need your assistance searching for something." In the end, Shirei called upon the Spectral Hub's AI to help him solve this issue.

[How may I assist you, General?]

"Why is there absolutely nothing regarding human necessities. I can't find anything at all." It took the AI only a moment to respond, and that surprised Shirei. [The current displays are limited to Near or Necessary Functions the Spectral Hub has lost. As your main goal has purely been focused on the task at hand, all results were tailored to your goal while non-necessities including Human related ones, were filtered out.]

"Eh?" Hearing the explanation, Shirei could summarize what the AI was saying. He was so focused on other things and never even considered anything else that his results were filtered to what would be useful to him. But now he had Asami that had backfired a bit. Sighing to himself, Shirei banged his head on the back of his chair.

"Ok… Can you unfilter the results please. And please keep them unbiased from now on until I say otherwise." The moment he said that, he heard the AI reply. [Unfiltering Results…] As he heard the AI, he saw the Spectral Hub interface slightly change. What looked like hidden tabs began to appear, and more things that weren't there before now were.

"This… This is more than just filtering results!" Clicking on a specific tab, Shirei could see options to control the Oxygen levels in the Spectral Hub along with its temperature and other things that would affect a living person. And, of course there were now options that involved human necessities.

'I swear if not for the fact the AI was acting that way because of me I would think it was fucking with me.' Some good news, though was that despite there being so many more options, they were also A LOT cheaper compared to other things. I mean, it made sense how a cafeteria could compare to Machine Creator in energy consumption.

And so Shirei didn't complain but instead selected three different rooms and prepared to have them fabricated while also checking the price the Android Creator would require. 'Ok so it's 450k and right now we have around 270k. Personal Quarters along with the Cafeteria and Relief rooms will take 80k. So in just a little over a month we should have enough even with this set back.'

Doing the math in his head for a moment, Shirei felt it was all reasonable. [Three Functions selected for re-fabrication… -80,000 have been used from the hub's current Energy. The remaining energy has been reduced to 187,800.] Just like that, Shirei remembered how it felt to be poor in energy again.

"Hard to believe just a few days ago I have over a million and now…." It's true what they say you have to spend in order to make more, no matter how painful it was to do so. Turning in his chair, he looked over at Asami. She was exaggeratingly clutching her stomach while moaning. "The pain…"

[Personal Quarters: 3% Fabricated]

[Cafeteria Area: 2% Fabricated]

[Relievement Rooms: 5% Fabricated]

[Due to the additional room and space being added to the Spectral Hub Sector #5 and beyond is temporarily unavailable.]

"Just to relax. You can wait a few more minutes right? Or are you going to be dead by then?" Asami raised her hand and only displayed her middle finger, and Shirei took that as a yes. Around an hour later, all of the fabrication's were complete, and it was only then that Asami stopped her grumbling.

When everything was finished, the two of them made their way to the new sectors added to the Spectral Hub. At the back of the Spectral hub, where there originally wasn't anything, were two new hallways, each leading to the Personal Quarters and Relievement Rooms respectfully. And between those two halls was a large door that led to somewhere new.

Walking in, Asami's eyes began to shine. Although not insanely huge, it was by far the biggest space in the Hub. It kept a smooth design as tables and chairs lined the floor along with screens displaying all kinds of foods hung from the ceiling. It honestly had an amazing atmosphere, but of course, that's not what Asami cared about.

In the center of the room was a large pillar that had four-terminal like screens around it. Immediately tapping on the screens, Asami saw all kinds of foods and drinks being shown as options. "It's beautiful." Shirei shook his head and left her to her urges. Leaving the cafeteria, he turned right and headed down to the Private Quarters.

Currently, there were two doors down the hall, one belonging to Asami and the other belonging to him. He had to guess more would be made depending on who else joined them. 'I'll still have to talk to Kazuma about that whole Lieutenant Commander thing.' As he thought that, he entered the room designated his.

Even he couldn't help but be surprised. For something that was branded as non-essential, the Hub went all out making the rooms. They were plenty spacious and had an amazing interior along with a perfect view of all the stars outside thanks to the large window. "I mean I technically don't need to sleep but…."

Transforming into his human form, Shirei plopped down on the soft bed and sighed. "Just as good as the real thing." So for nearly the next month with nothing better to do, it would be safe to say both Shirei and Asami indulged themselves in luxury. It was by far the laziest they had ever been in their lives, and they enjoyed every second of it.

Of course, eventually, the relaxation did come to an end, and that was when the day finally came. "I haven't felt that good for such a long period of time in a while. Did you know those beds came with a massage function? Being massaged while drinking and watching staring at the stars outside my window. That's something I never imagined I would spend my time doing."

Hearing her talk about it, Shirei nodded as they made their way to the same hall the Machine Creator room was located. "Maybe when the time comes that I want to recruit someone I can list those as the benefits." After waiting for so long and having the Android Creator fabricated, it was located right across the hall to it.

Making their way there, Shirei walked in first with Asami following behind him. "So this is where the magic is going to happen huh?" The room itself was rather simplistic looking however, the three strange tube's in the center of the room drew Shirei's attention. On each side of the tubes were multiple mechanical hands just waiting to jump into action.

Against the wall not too far away was a similar screen to the one that was in the workshop for the Weapon Fabricator. "So what kind of rob- I mean android do you plan on making first?" Asami's interest was slightly peaked as Shirei responded. "I have put alot thought into it already. There are a ton of different androids that may be useful in the future but only a few are useful now."

"Our main goal should be establishing a presence as quickly as possible and the fastest way to do so is through military force." Asami looked confused as she asked a question. "What do you mean by presence?" Hearing that, Shirei explained. "So far I've been hoping from world to world to take out reincarnators and people who don't belong so stop them from wreaking havoc. But…"

"In the end that's just a temporary solution to a complicated issue. There's no guarantee after I leave a world that a few years later another one would appear in that world screwing it up all over again. From now on I want to create a force or to more specifically a branch of the Spectral Order in every universe we go to."

Through this, not only will they solve all immediate issues, but if one appears in the future, then they will either be forced to do two things. One realizes that the Universe is under their guidelines and stays in the shadows or two try to go against them and be crushed. Both required a large amount of Military Power, and it needed to be that way even if Shirei or anyone else wasn't there to run things.

Shirei had an example that he liked to use on himself. If you could consider him a police officer, then obviously he had his own set of guidelines to enforce. However, a single police officer does not have authority just because he is one. Mess with the wrong group, and you will get yourself killed.

But it's the fact the government and the police force are behind that officer which gives him true authority. Its also why he didn't bother trying to stop anything in All For One's city. Even if he did it would be temporary until he had proper authority. Asami began to understand that as she looked back at the three tubes in the center of the room.

"In any case this will be the next big step to bringing the Spectral Order back to what it should be." As Shirei said that he walked over to the screen attached to the wall and activated it with a swipe of his hand. As the screen began to glow both Asami and Shirei heard the voice of the AI echo through the ship.

[As these Androids will represent the Spectral Order across the Multiverse they require Laws to follow outside of their own common sense. As General, you must create rules that not just the Androids will follow but the entirety of the Spectral Order will enforce from this point on. Do know these Laws can not be changed in the future and only added to.]