
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Escape (1)

Author Note: Hope everyone enjoyed their winter break although mines were basically just a barrage of homework D: Anyway back to your regularly scheduled program.

"Would you believe me if I said you're hallucinating?" Turning towards Asami who seemed to still be in a motion of confusion and disbelief Shirei saw her shake her head. "Ya, no way in hell." Hearing her Shirei sighed in his heart before giving a roundabout answer. "I guess you can say I'm a bounty hunter though I don't really do it for money or anything. I just go after people causing 'issues' you could say."

Narrowing her eyes when she heard Shirei Asami peered at him. "To me, that sounds like you're a hero." Shirei briefly paused when he heard Asami say that before replying. "Not really but if you want to see it that way sure." Tapping on Shirei's metal head Asami continued to observe him as she spoke. "So what are you going after All For One next or something?"

Getting slightly irritated from her tapping Shirei pushed her hand away. "No, at least not yet. He's strong and there are a lot of things I need to do before I can fight with someone like him." Asami's eyes widened slightly when she heard Shirei actually considered her idea. "Wait seriously? I was joking that you really plan on fighting All For One. Are you crazy?"

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it I'm going to have to fight him eventually. I doubt even my luck can stop something like that from happening and I'm pretty lucky." Asami stared at Shirei before opening her mouth preparing to speak until a voice interrupted her. "A robust claim. I am most interested in seeing you try to fulfill it."

A bone-chilling voice caused Asami to freeze along with Shirei who recognized the voice. Trying not to panic he quickly scanned the area around him from the streets to the windows and even the nearby rooftops. But nothing was there, just he and Asami were the only ones in the area.

"It's a shame you two had to kill such an interesting character. An elemental quirk that was able to slowly grow stronger was so very intriguing. However, a robot that can disguise itself as a human and an orphaned girl who is able to outsmart even my best is a worthy replacement." Stopping his search briefly, Shirei looked over to Asami.

She was almost visibly shaking and All For One's voice was echoing from all around them. 'This must be one of the quirks he used to have. Some kind of out of body experience maybe? It would explain how he can manage an entire city of criminals as he does.' Despite him trying to be rational, he knew how bad of a situation this was.

They were lucky All For One didn't have some kind of teleportation and he assumed he didn't since they were not dead yet and All For One's next words confirmed that. "Looking for me is pointless. I'm not within miles of you. In Fact, I'm still in my room enjoying a wonderful view of my city."

Shirei's thoughts began to race as All For One spoke to them before a single thought was singled out due to his last sentence. "Though it might be worth leaving this view behind to meet you two in person...." Reaching out he quickly grabbed Asami by her arm and bolted. All For One wasn't here now but just the fact he had attracted his attention was a good enough reason to leave.

'I should have thought more about how to deal with All For One before this encounter but it's too late now.' Having a position locked in through his HUD Shirei was headily directly northwest cutting through empty alleys and streets. Snapping out of her fear-induced shock Asami realized that they had already been running for over five minutes.

"Hey- Wait where are you going? Once All For One puts out a severe order nowhere in the city is going to be safe his word is the law to the criminals here." Hearing Shirei already knew that which is why they weren't staying in the city. "We're not going to be staying here, we're leaving the city."

Shirei had let go of Asami's hand since she had snapped out of her shock and could run on her own. "But all the other cities and towns nearby are miles away! Well, be caught before we make it out of All For One's influence." Shirei and Asami spotted a large group down the street as they quickly ducked behind a building.

"It's up to you if you want to follow me or not but I don't plan on staying on this planet." Panting Asami looked over at Shirei with widened eyes. "Hold up this planet? You mean you're from space or something?" Thinking about it made sense. Though Shirei hadn't done anything too bizarre, the weapons along with the technology he had were way beyond what modern technology was capable of.

"Is that really what you're focusing on? The most dangerous man in the world probably wants to take me apart and find out how I tick. And who knows what he's planning to do to you." If he was remembering properly Asami has already caused enough issues for the people in this city to get her killed dozens of times over. Once All For One is done with her she will be killed no doubt about it.

Realizing that as well Asami shook her head. "Fair enough. But is going to space really the only option?" Checking around the corner Shirei made sure it was safe before continuing to make his way back to his ship as quickly as possible. "Asami you know for having street smarts like you do I doubt you actually know why All For One is so dangerous huh?"

From the original story, not a lot of people actually knew about All For One and One For All let alone their abilities. And with All For One being almost at his prime he doubted he would be so bold to expose his abilities and risk someone dethroning him. Reacting to Shirei's question Asami thought to herself and shook her head.

"I mean I guess not now that I think about it… For some reason, his presence was something no one could shake. He was a terrifying force always at the back of everyone's mind as unbeatable. The fact he has the four biggest criminal factions under his thumb is proof of that. I happened to have gotten a glimpse of him once… The image was enough for me to resend any thoughts I had of messing with him."

Shirei supposed that made sense as they continued to run down the street. "Well you're not wrong All For One is powerful just not for the reason you believe."

As Shirei began to explain All For One to Asami in the center of the city inside of his room All For One placed a glass on the table next to his chair. Other than him no one else was in the room as he began to talk to himself. "Now where exactly are you two planning to go? Are you simply running mindlessly or do you have a plan in mind?"

A smile grew on All For One's face as he slowly stood up. "Chasing down mice in a maze should be quite fun especially after they destroyed my only source of entertainment." With both events happening at the same time Shirei and Asami had spent the last half of an hour making their way to the edge of the city, remaining undetected most of the way.

In that period Shirei was able to tell Asami what he remembered about All For One. Most importantly of course is his ability to steal, give, and merge different quirks together. Hearing it all in full Asami was left in a state of disbelief. "Well shit putting aside the fact he is named after his own quirk that's insane."

Shirei agreed as they finally reached the edge of the city being greeted by a wall. On the other side was not a large forest with mountains ranging in the distance. "Exactly why I'm leaving before the situation gets any worse. So are you staying or not?" Hearing Shirei repeated his question from earlier, Asami ended up responding with one of her own.

"Before that I want you to answer something though it's a little more like a request." Shirei shook his head showing he was listening. "I already owe you for saving my life so If you say no I won't blame you or anything. But if you're serious about killing All For One would you let me help you?" Shirei froze for a moment before double-checking what Asami had said.

"You want to help me kill All For One? After everything, I just told you about him." Asami almost shook her head immediately, not waiting for a moment. "Look I might be scared of him but that doesn't mean I'm ok with how things are. He's ruined… A Lot of things, some personal, some not, and you're the first person I have met who I actually believe has a chance to beat him."

Since Shirei didn't have his human form active at the moment he couldn't display the sly face he was making but in his head, he was thinking to himself. 'Is it because this is a different universe or the fact it's based on an anime cause this seems like a plot point in all case and purposes.'

Shirei did not respond right away due to one reason alone.

He couldn't describe how many times he would yell at certain Main Characters for making dumb decisions in the heat of the moment. Just because someone asks doesn't mean you have to say yes and though he was willing to save Asami and bring her the hub didn't mean he would fight All For One just to do so.

'Hmm… I doubt even if I get more energy than last time that I would be able to come up with a way to kill All For One in a few days. Wait for a second… Once the hub is upgraded I can eventually go to a universe of choice if I remember correctly. That plus the fact this place is years behind the events of the main story means…'

It was slightly confusing to think about but Shirei put two and two together. Supposing he upgraded the hub he could go to an MCU where Iron Man isn't dead yet and the events of endgame haven't happened. But he may also travel to a different one where Iron Man had died years ago.

'But… At that point, I would be hopping through timelines in other words.' Shirei's thoughts lit up as a voice escaped from his thoughts. "Time Travel..." Asami didn't hear exactly what Shirei said and leaned in closer before speaking. "What did you say I couldn't hear you?" Removing himself from his thoughts he looked over at Asami.

"Alright, I'm fine with that. I planned on doing it anyway so I won't turn down your offer to help." Shirei's voice sounded a lot more chipper despite him not being able to show it as he held his hand out towards her. "Huh really? I thought I would have to convince you a little more than that."

Knowing Shirei was referring to the gun he had handed to her earlier she threw it over to him as he turned to face the wall. "Not really not counting all of the actual benefits I haven't had anyone to talk to other than an AI for a while now." Hearing that Asami was ready to open her mouth before just shaking her head deciding not to ask.

Shirei on the other hand took a step back from the wall cutting the city off from the forest. Asami followed his lead and did so as well. The wall was made of stone and was about fifteen meters tall along with that it was pretty thick. The only reason Shirei got in so easily was he spent time looking for an opening but time isn't on their side at the moment.

Holding the 'SZ-Mk 1' with both hands he flipped a switch on the side before pulling back the trigger. Instead of firing the sound of energy being transferred into the gun was followed by an electrifying ball of energy appearing in front of its barrel. The ball of energy grew to the size of a person's head before Shirei felt content and released the trigger.

A shockwave traveled from the gun's barrel as the ball of energy blitzed towards the wall. Immediately it began to glow a deep orange and red as the ball collided with the stone. A second later an explosion echoed between the buildings as smoke and chunks of rock flew everywhere. A large hole had appeared in the wall letting the forest on the other side become visible.

Whistling Asami looked at the melted stone surrounding the hole. "Why the fuck didn't you do that when we were fighting the lightning McFly." Shirei let out a chuckle as he walked up towards the hole. "Well, I needed him alive along with the fact it drains a ton of energy." Following Shirei, Asami raised a brow. "Well, I still can't believe you're a r-"

Suddenly Shirei stopped walking as he randomly tossed his gun back to Asami who fumbled to catch it. "Why are you giving it back to me?" The answer to the question came when she suddenly froze. Her eyes slowly trailed upwards above the tree line of the forest. It was still night so the moon floating in the sky perfectly highlighted a figure standing in the air.

Looking down at the two of them All For One in his prime was dressed in a suit as he gently put his hands together. "It's a pleasure to finally see you two in person. Although we haven't really met before the both of your combined exploits have… Interested me. Now then why don't you tell me exactly where you planned on running off to."

I know the Universe hopping is a little fast right now but that's just because the MC is still getting shit together. I can promise around chapter 20 things are going to pick up speed and the exciting parts will begin.

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts