
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Escape (2)

'How the hell did he get here so fast!' Seeing All For One standing in the air without a care in the world just made Shirei was to curse. The only thing keeping him from doing so at the moment was because panicking wouldn't do anything. Lowering his voice he whispered to Asami in the lowest possible frequency. "The ship is just northwest of here so we're going to have to break for it."

Asami, who was next to him, almost choked as she looked at him. "You- I don't know if you noticed but uh... He can fly! How the hell are we supposed to outrun that?" That was the one question even Shirei was asking himself at the moment.

'Ok ok use your head… First, we need to see just how strong he is and then we need to see how much damage we can do to him. If we can just stall him for a few minutes.'

[Data has been compiled. Adding to Local Database… Loading Biography…]


Name: All For One

System Type: None

Host Type: Mutated Human (Too many Quirk based factors.)

Age: 60+

Abilities: All For One (Too many Quirk based factors.)

Universes Travelled: None

Threat Level: 9 (Based on current information.)

Staring at the Biography for a moment Shirei just let the Threat Level sink in. 'If he's a nine then that must mean ten is reserved for your completely fucked with zero hope.' But that meant they could do something in this situation. "He'll probably go after me first so just continuing moving towards the ship and cover me. I'll think of something."

Asami hesitated for a moment before nodding and the two of them counted to three in their heads. All For One simply watched as if it was looking at ants not thinking they could escape no matter how hard they tried. 'Though it will be fun to watch them squirm.' Just as he thought that he saw Shirei and Asami both break apart and began running.

Running in the direction of the ship Shirei made sure to stay in areas with the dentist's trees. As soon as he got into an ok position he began to test the waters with All For One. Pulling the 'PR-2' off of his back he lined up his sights directly at All For One and began firing. Responding to Shirei pulling its trigger the rifle shot a volley of plasma bullets.

Spotting Shirei All For One turned towards him and held out his hand. Quickly a transparent shield surrounded All For One's body. The plasma shots slammed into the shield but unable to break through disintegrated on its surface. "Of course why wouldn't he have a fucking force shield." Seeing that wasn't going to work Shirei began to focus on running while only shooting at All For One from time to time.

"Let's make this more interesting shall we?" Speaking out loud All For One used his free hand and aimed it at Shirei. 'Purple Flames, Heat Manipulation, Potency Increase, and Focus.' Combining four different quirks, All For One's hand suddenly shot a long beam of purple fire towards Shirei.

The fire seemed to have locked onto Shirei as began to fly towards him. 'Alright time to move!' Increasing his speed Shirei began to run as the purple flames burned through the tree line above him and hit the ground where he just was five seconds ago. On impact, the flames flatten themselves out as they exploded outwards.

Everything for over fifty meters was immediately enveloped in a purple fire as trees turned to ash and the ground was scorched. Having just barely gotten out of the blast zone Shirei did not stop running as All For One finally began to move. Chasing after Shirei above the tree line he began using the same quirk combination multiple times.

Dodging both left and right Shirei was just narrowly escaping each explosion. Following this course of action for the next five minutes, Shirei decided to try firing back at All For One while he was firing at him. However as if just trying to crush his spirit All For One showed he could activate his force field at a moment's notice negating Shirei's attacks.

"Oh come on give me something to work with!" Running in the same direction as Shirei, Asami could see the smoke rising above the forest. At this rate, she was almost positive Shirei was going to die. "So much for coming up with a plan." Seeing All For One floating above the forest shooting down at Shirei she began finicking with the gun Shirei handed her.

"Right there was a switch to make this thing stronger." Finding the switch Asami stopped running for a moment and began to take aim while holding down the trigger. A large ball of energy began to build at the end of the gun's barrel as Asami aimed directly at All For One's back.

"This should hit." Releasing the trigger the ball of energy was released and shot forward with enough recoil to knock Asami over as the guns glow dimmed due to the loss of energy. On the other hand, as All For One continued to 'play' with Shirei he put his shield up to block Shirei's incoming fire.

"You know this is no fun if all you do is run!" Despite making it sound like Shirei had another choice it was obvious All For One was enjoying this game of cat in the mouse. Seeing the sadistic nature behind All For One Shirei was prepared to yell and call him out on it. But before he could even open his mouth something made an impact with All For One's force shield.

"What!" Being snapped out of his tunnel vision All For One turned his head to see a ball of energy grinding against the back of his shield.

'It's not going to hold!' Before All For One could recover the blast went straight through the shield creating a hole as it hit him in the back. Although it didn't go straight through him the energy shot exploding on the impact caused All For One's suit to be burned. In the end, a massive scorch mark appeared on his back.

"Greh!" Gritting his teeth in pain All For One turned his gaze to Asami who had already started running again. "That-" Shirei taking advantage of All For One's distraction began shooting at him. And with no shield up due to him losing his focus the shots all his All For One's skin directly.

Activating the shield again All For One's face had turned dark. The smile he had from earlier was gone as his gaze turned sharp. "Those insects actually managed to hurt me." Feeling strings of pain across his body he wasn't hurt too badly but that wasn't what made him angry of course.

"I've played around with them long enough. Before I make any more mistakes it's time I capture them both." Meanwhile, having time to run both Shirei and Asami met back up as they made their way through the forest. "I think you might have pissed him off," Shirei spoke to Asami while laughing on the inside.

"Ya well, I can't tell if that was a good thing or not. If I had to guess he's probably going to actually try and stop us now." So far All For One had been playing with them using only one quirk combination but now that has changed. Once Asami had injured him the games would come to an end.

"True but that also gave me an idea that could technically be considered a plan." Shirei began explaining his idea to Asami as All For One began to search for them again. Having lost them due to his brief moment of confusion he began to take this more seriously.

"Only the girl can hurt me with that gun so she should be my priority. After she's out of the way I'll take her quirk and kill her. After that, I can take my time dissecting exactly how that robotic body works." Shirei's body interested All For One due to not only wanting to see how it was created but also see if it was replicable.

Working with criminals was the only option he had because they were easy to manipulate however they are also unreliable. But an army of beings like Shirei would make his goals a lot easier to achieve. Especially if each one can defeat a person with a powerful quirk. Knowing that he kept his guard up as he slowly approached the ground.

Though it may not seem as such All For One made sure not to use any attacks that could kill a normal person. And even when he did he knew Shirei would be able to avoid them. As he landed on the ground near where he had last seen Shirei he looked around but saw no movement whatsoever.

'If they are not here then that can only mean they continued to head north. I should be able to catch up with them If I-' Before All For One could finish his thoughts multiple plasma bullets shot towards him hitting his shield. "Trying to catch me off guard again?" All For One watched as both Asami and Shirei jumped off the same area of the forest before splitting up.

With Asami circling All For One from the left and Shirei circling from the right, All For One activated a different quirk. 'Life Essence Control, Overgrowth, Jurassic Vegetation.' Focusing his attention on Asami since Shirei wouldn't be able to break through his shield he activated a plant-related quirk combination.

Immediately over six thick vines ripped themselves from the ground next to All For One and rushed towards her. The vines were covered in sharp hair-like needles that wouldn't kill Asami but would definitely make her bleed when they wrapped around her body. "You can't run forever nor can you destroy all six vines at once."

Now that he was being strategic about his abilities All For One didn't notice Shirei quickly running towards him from behind. Just as Asami was about to get caught by the vines she suddenly turned to face the threat showing All For One she had the rifle instead of the pistol. "What?" Shooting each of the vines with a barrage of shots they were destroyed as All For One quickly turned towards Shirei.

'They must have switched when I wasn't paying attention!' At this range this close All For One wasn't willing to take another charged shot like before and in a split second he had made a decision. "Fine, I don't need all of you to survive just enough." Waving his hand in a slice like motion he activated a different quirk.

"Air Cutter!" The air in front of All For One began to compress and sharpen itself before being launched forward. Aiming at the arm Shirei had hidden behind his back the air cutter moved faster than Shirei could react. Looking over at his left arm he saw it was cut clean off. "You underestimated just how many quirks I had."

Glancing at Shirei's fallen arm All For One had a smile on his face only for it to be interrupted. 'Where is the-' Both of Shirei's hands were empty meaning the only other person who could have it was. Turning his head back towards Asami she had already dropped the rifle to the ground and had pulled the pistol from his back pocket.

With a shot charged and ready aimed directly at All For One's face, both Asami and Shirei spoke at the same time. "Gotcha bitch!" The charged shot fired forward with even more force than last time draining the gun of its remaining energy. With his vines out of the way, his mind trying to keep up with the course of events All For One had been thoroughly played.

A face full of rage began to show just as the shot broke clean through his forcefield and exploded directly in his face. With the explosion also being slightly contained in his own shield his face had to endure the full brunt of the attack. Collapsing to the ground All For One let out a scream of anguish causing the entire forest to shake.

Hearing it both Shirei and Asami who were still in shock immediately began to run, not even trying to see if they could kill All For One right then and there. His getting shot in the back was due to a lack of him taking his 'entertainment' seriously. All For One could accept that although it still hurt both his body and pride.

However, this second time was due to him simply being outsmarted. And due to that failure, he had not only been wounded again but he's also been blinded. "Raa!" With his scream echoing as he held his face with both hands All For One's reasoning ended right then and there. 'I'll kill them! I'll kill them both!'

On the other hand with Shirei and Asami running she spoke in a rushed tone. "Hey, are you ok? You lost an arm." Shirei looked at his arm and was receiving multiple alerts about it on his HUD. "Ya I should be fine I'm just glad that actually worked." Hearing that Asami brought up a question. "Im surprised too how did you know that he wouldn't kill you?"

Not really knowing how to answer her Shirei based it off of three things really. One he knew All For One didn't have a regeneration based quirk. Mostly because he would never have gotten rid of it and could have healed his injuries against All Might In the future. Two All For One is not as smart as he is in the original due to him not having suffered an injury or loss.

When he fought All Might for the first time is around when All For One probably began acting cautiously with planning. That along with the fact he's not as old as he was in the original meant he wasn't as intelligent or wise when it came to battles. He was still getting used to abusing his powers however he wished.

And finally, was that All For One was too busy trying to capture them to use any of his more powerful quirk combinations. With all that together outsmarting him was easy enough even if Shirei had to sacrifice an arm to do it. "Well, a lot of things but I won't lie it was mostly due to luck." Hearing that Asami blinked a few times.

"Wait you based it off of luck!" Before Asami could even describe how dumb that was the ground under them shook. "Quirk Combination: Inhabitable Zone…" All For One's voice was heard by the two of them. With their source being All For One thousand of strange plants began to erupt from the ground.

Following after the plants a quirk that caused the ground to split open followed suit. Then a quirk that released a purple mist around All For One followed after that. One after another more and more quirks activated turning the area around All For One into a hellish nightmare. Even without knowing what the quirks did it was evident that anyone who got close to him would be killed.

And it didn't help that the area was slowly expanding with more and more quirks being activated. "You won't escape from me. You two will die here in this forest!" Once again All For One's voice was heard by both Shriei and Asami who could tell he was beyond angry. "Holy shit…" Looking behind them Asami a large poisonous purple cloud with giant venus fly traps like plants as big as buildings destroying everything in sight.

As more and more quirks were used she saw more and more things appear behind them. "He's going to wipe out this entire forest just to kill us… Where the hell is that ship?" Realizing what was happening the ground began to crack as if an earthquake was occurring. During this whole thing, Shirei remained silent until he finally yelled out.

"There it is!" Pointing with his only other arm Asami saw the ship Shirei was talking about. Seeing Shirei seriously talking about some Sci-Fi ship Asami was surprised for a moment but shook her head. "AI open the door now and prepare to take off!" Sending a command to the AI on the ship the engines slowly began to power on as the door in the back of the ship opened.

Turning to look behind them, Shirei saw large spikes of the earth beginning to rise out of the ground destroying everything behind them. "Ok yup time to go!" Reaching out with his remaining arm Shirei picked up Asami and bolted to the ship. "Wha- Hey!" Being carried like luggage Asami was prepared to complain but seeing what was behind them and how much faster Shirei was she shut up.

In the most hurried fashion, Shirei leaped into the back of the ship. Immediately after entering the ship's door closed as the AI took over using the autopilot. As the thrusters went full force the ship began to fly into the air readjusting itself towards the HUB. Because the two passengers inside didn't take a seat they were left ragdolling around in the ship as it aimed itself.

"Ow…" Standing up Asami managed to peer out of the window only to see the plant-like monsters aiming directly for them. The ground where they had taken off from was already destroyed. Falling into ravine-like formations the entire forest was being wiped away by a barrage of quirks. "Hey, can you hurry up!"

And as if reacting to Asami's cry the main engines fully activated themselves and the ship blasted off just as they were about to be eaten. Slamming back against the ship's wall due to the sudden jump in speed Asami held the back of her head. Shirei on the other hand was already used to it as he stood up and made his way over to the driver's seat.

"Well… That wasn't the cleanest getaway... But we're alive."