
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

A Request Like No Other

Author Note: I wanna make this clear since I think a few people will be detoured after reading this chapter. The MC is not on the side of Good Or Evil. He is on his own side and that will be made more clear in the next few chapters.

'I feel like shit…'

Lying on what felt like metal different types of textures were rubbing against his back. 'Did I fall asleep on the floor?' At this very moment, he couldn't move his body whatsoever. The roughness of whatever he was lying on sure. But he couldn't feel its temperature or anything that would help give a clue of what it was.

The first thing that came to mind was 'Sleep Paralysis'. It happens from time to time and no one likes it. Your mind would be awake before your body and you would be unable to move, speak, or do anything that involved your motor functions. Don't get him wrong it was terrifying to have your ability to do anything taken away while you could still hear and think but in the end that lasted seconds.

But this was something different. What felt like minutes had passed and he still couldn't do anything. And it was at times like this that the panic began to set in. 'I can't even call for help if I wanted to! What if I'm like this forever…' It was as that feeling of panic began to be replaced with terror that he heard something.

It wasn't like a noise you would hear in the background no it was coming from him like a heartbeat. A systematic amount of beeps continued to go off one after another in his head. Like Morse Code, the beeps continued to go off one after another. Eventually, the beeps stopped, and just when he thought it was over the darkness covering his eyelids flashed white.

It was as if all of his struggles and inputs for his body to move fired from his brain all at once. In the most jolt-like action, his shot opened as he sat up. Because of the sudden motion, his head banged directly into a piece of metal causing him to writhe in pain. "Mother…" Holding his tongue he calmed himself down.

Rubbing his forehead and ignoring the pain he couldn't describe how happy he was to finally move. But it was during his excitement that he realized that something was wrong. For one the floor was entirely made of a strange white metal, a type he had never seen before. It looked as if it had been abandoned for years to the point even rust was spreading.

"This isn't my house..." Becoming more cautious he slowly stood up while looking at himself. He didn't recognize the clothes he was wearing and even his own body seemed strange to him. Taking a good look around the room he saw this place really was abandoned. "Was I kidnapped or something? No, I'm not important enough for all that."

Overall the room looked as if it was meant to be a control room however everything looked shut down. Glancing at the panel seemingly built into this place's walls he had never seen anything like it. "This place looks like it could be the set of some Sci-Fi horror movie. And I'm now officially talking to myself."

Sighing to himself he continued to walk around the room. It wasn't big and it was in the shape of a circle so in the end, you could easily do loops around the entire thing in seconds. But the thing was it was so damn dark. It was because of the darkness that he slowly began to make his way to the nearest window.

If there is someone nearby maybe I can call for help. That was his original thought process but the moment he reached that window he threw it out. Looking out the window wide eyes and stunned his mouth moved on its own. "Holy shit…" Outside of that window was something he never thought he would meet up close.

The vacuum of space and all its glory. Countless star's glittered in the endless abyss. He could see so many different things from this one spot to the point it was overwhelming. Almost falling back from the window he tried to stay calm in this situation. "How the hell did I end up in space! Of all places space! I can't even…"

Thinking back he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary for someone his age. He was on his computer reading like he did every day but next thing he knew he was here. "Ok step one, find a way to get out of here." He wasn't going to get anywhere he kept getting tripped over every time he came across something that shocked him.

Continuing to walk the entire circumference of the room he did manage to find seemed to be a door. However, it was sealed shut and there was no way he was getting through it. "Guess that's the only place in this place I haven't checked." Looking towards the center of the room there was a slight platform higher than the rest.

On Top of that platform was a strange grid table with a singular chair sitting on its sides. Walking up to the platform he made his way to the chair and started looking around. While checking the chair and the table alike he had finally spotted something. Resting on the armrest of each side of the chair was a metal area to place your hands.

"Well, that's a weird design." He said that but then again he wasn't complaining. Since no one was around he sat down in the swiveling chair and was surprised at how comfortable it was. The chair had a perfect view of a large window in the front of the room allowing one to gaze in the vastness of space.

"I guess dying of dehydration in space is the coolest death someone like me could ever get huh." Leaning back in the chair he ended up sliding his hands into the slots in the rest. "Huh?" Trying to move his hands he realized he was stuck or to be more precise his hands were. Slowly the metal began to heat up along with his hands.

The pain was almost unbearable as his hands felt as if they were melting off. "Aaah!" Using all of his strength he removed his hands from the slots only to see they were smoking red to the point it seemed his skin should have been boiling off. Trying to cool off his hand he didn't even notice the sudden humming of machinery.

[System Activation Detected… The Commander of the Spectral Hub has arrived… Commander compatibility is at 99%... Loading 1/82 System Functions…]

Hearing a mechanical voice all of sudden he ignored the stinging pain in his hands and began to look around. Slowly the lights that had been off in the room began to turn themselves on. "What's going on?" The gridded table in front of him as he sat in the chair began to glow and after a few brief flashes from not being in use for so long a hologram-like screen appeared in front of him.

Looking at the screen he saw a side view map of what looked to be a massive structure. Next to that map was a loading bar with the progress being 1/82. On the other hand in the top right there was a flashing alert. He didn't know what he was doing or what was going on but in the act of interest alone, he tapped on the flashing alert.

In an instant tons of different failure and error messages began appearing on the hologram screen as the robotic voice returned. [Failed to load System Functions 8 through 82... Power Supply is critical at 4%... Multiple Critical Failures… Activating Emergency Protocol…]

Although lots of the information flew over his head he could understand most of it. "Spectral? System? I mean it makes sense the AI can't get this place working properly it's a mess. It looks like it's been abandoned for years on end." Speaking out loud he was suddenly surprised by the robotic voice once again but this time its words were more direct.

[Correction the Spectral Hub has been absent of a Commander for as long as it has existed. I Welcome Commander Shirei aboard. Sadly due to technical difficulties I can not greet you in a glamorous way.]

Hearing the voice Shirei didn't know how to respond. "Thank you? And don't worry about the greeting, we're both in a pretty lose-lose situation right now. I don't even know how I got here or what's going on for that matter." Having someone to talk to was nice despite it being an AI.

[I do have information on that matter would you like me to explain?] Shirei's gaze immediately turned bright when he heard that. "Really? Yes please, I can't make sense of anything going on right now." Hearing Shirei's confirmation the hologram screen in front began to flicker as the AI accessed its database.

[Approximately Nine-Thousand Years ago your planet was destroyed. During its destruction, the Spectral Hub was also close to facing its demise. After locating Commander Shirei the System allocated 50% of its remaining power to saving your consciousness while also warping the Spectral Hub to an empty region in the Multiverse.]

In shock from what he had just heard Shirei shook his head. "Wait wait… Nine-Thousand years ago? But I'm only nineteen. Moreover, how am I even alive right now if only my consciousness was saved?" Acknowledging Shirei's questions, the AI went silent for a moment before replying.

[Due to the lack of power the System was not able to save your original body. Instead, the System used all remaining power needed for primary maintenance and System Functions to create a nonorganic body for your consciousness to survive. Sadly the process took longer than expected.]

Hearing that Shirei didn't know what to say. He could have denied it but this AI had zero reasons to lie to him. He was going to die here without food and water and he doubted it had time to make sick jokes considering its own condition. Looking down at his hand in the light he knew something felt different.

"So that's why all the injuries and scars I had on my hand is gone. And why my body felt so different it's because it's not really mine." With that coming full circle, Shirei's expression became more solemn before he spoke again.

"If Earth was really destroyed I guess that means my family and friends are dead as well… Some things don't make sense though. Why did you save my soul out of everyone's on earth?" He was in no way the most capable of people and the idea that out of the billions of people on earth he was chosen was unbelievable.

[That is because you are the only human on earth with a higher than 40% chance of truly completing my purpose. You are from the planet Earth so I am sure you are aware of the concept of fictional universes and words.] Shirei nodded in response he wasn't what you would call an advocator of the arts but he knew of them.

"Like the MCU? Or Universes related to anime?"

[Indeed. While these seem fictional the Multiverse is full of alternate realities where these Universes are real. Events that seem to simply be writing have happened and will happen. However, there is no balance to the Chaos that is now the Multiverse. Being's who proclaim the title of God's give power freely without thinking of the consequences.]

[People in these universes have goals that do not bode well. Beings with the power to erase entire universes from existence roam untamed. People kill without the fear of consequence because they truly think they are outside of every rule and law. No power truly has the ability to keep this Multiverse in check.]

Listening to the AI Shirei felt like he was beginning to understand. If these universes really did exist then Villain's who can destroy planets on a whim may actually get Scott free. And even outside of the original Universes that have issues there are always people in the world coming up with crazy ideas of beings with an insane amount of power doing whatever they want.

"So you're trying to say you have the ability to do that? The power to bring Order to all of that?" It sounded crazy for a single machine to do what the AI was suggesting but it also didn't sound completely impossible.

[Yes that is my only reason to exist. As powerful as a System may be without one to drive it eventually it would fail and even my existence became threatened. No matter what I could never find someone who could truly be trusted to be my Host. The Commander of the Spectral Hub until you Shirei.]

Shirei's eyes widened slightly as the AI went silent for a moment before continuing.

[I ask of you to help me achieve my only reason for existence. Be the first to finally create Law's powerful enough to tame those who have caused the Multiverse to become such a Chaotic mess. That is my only wish and in return, I will serve you in any way I can.]

So Im trying to write a Fan-Fic that is different while still keeping the same excitement. Please give this Fan-Fic a couple of chapters before absolutely deciding whether you hate it or not.

The Anime worlds that are already corrupt in a way are not exempt from this novel but neither is Wuxia world's, MCU, DC, etc.

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