
Character Chart


Name: Shirei

Rank/Titles: General Of The Spectral Order

Age: 9020 (Was nineteen before his death and remained in an unconscious state for nine thousand years more.)


N.O.G.B Unit #1 (Made of a specialized metal that can survive the temperatures created by lightning or being hit with the brunt force of an explosion. Adding to the fact it is very durable and surprisingly nimble all sensory functions and touch-based reactions can be changed.)


Logical Precognition(Uses logical estimates and guesses to predict movements from living creatures. It can be inaccurate or tricked depending on how fast or erratic the thing being predicted is.)

Electrification (Can make electricity course through any limb of the upgraded N.O.G.B Unit. Is strong enough to knock or even kill a normal human being. Can be ineffective against things or beings resistant to electricity.)

Enhanced Limb Strength (Direct's more power to the limbs granting better mobility when it comes to speed and the ability to react to incoming threats.)


BRF-P (A Pistol that uses a built-in battery that can be charged while held by a N.O.G.B Unit. Shooting plasma bullets that can be stronger than normal bullets are usually slower as well. This pistol has a normal and burst fire mode.)

Pinpoint AC (An Assault Rifle that uses a built-in battery that can be charged while held by a N.O.G.B Unit. It shoots plasma bullets that are usually stronger than normal bullets but are slower as well. This rifle has amazing accuracy at close to mid ranges and has an insanely high rate of fire.)

Perception Smoke Bombs (These bombs explode into purple smoke that can cover a very large area despite their size. Despite how hard they make it to see the smoke bombs are see-through by all N.O.G.B Units.)

Plasma Blade (A mechanical hilt that when powered on will create a beam of pure plasma forming a blade. Instead of using sharpness like a normal sword, this blade uses heat to cut through things. While highly effective against flesh and non-heat resistant materials it still has issues cutting through special elements.)


[Deuteragonists ]

Name: Asami

Rank/Titles: First Commander Of The Spectral Order

Age: ???


Human Body (Very physically fit and is capable of producing above-average feats.)


Foresight (When activated the user is granted sight and vision beyond logical bounds. Depending on what they focus on the user can predict future events up to an unknown amount of time. If focusing on a specific person they can also read intentions and emotions to an extent.)


SZ-Mk 1 (A pistol that uses a built-in battery that can be charged while held by a N.O.G.B Unit. Shooting plasma bullets that can be stronger than normal bullets are usually slower as well. This pistol can shoot normally or can have its trigger held down for a powered upshot.)

MFV Sniper Rifle (A unique type of sniper rifle with a specialized function. Bullets for this sniper are inserted into a magazine unmade. Using a screen on the side of the body the user can then have a specific bullet from premade choices made almost instantly inside of the gun to suit their needs. This varies from explosive to normal penetrating shots.)

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