
Soul Manipulator: Echoes of White Tiger

In a world ravaged by the aftermath of the Magic War, Zex, a young mage with a modest star ranking of 1, is sent to Assassin Town for training under Dansi, a skilled assassin. Haunted by memories of his lost mother and facing the looming threat of the Dark Mage, Zex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure. With the guidance of Dansi and the mysterious Heart of the White Tiger pendant, Zex navigates the treacherous paths of politics and magic, forging alliances and confronting ancient rivalries along the way. As he unravels the secrets of his past and confronts the darkness that threatens to engulf the realm, Zex's courage and determination are put to the ultimate test.

SirRuki · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 16 - Shadows of Deception

In the dead of night, the castle halls echoed with the clinking of armor and the muted laughter of soldiers indulging in clandestine games of chance. Among them strode a royal warrior, his imposing figure cloaked in the darkness of the hour. With a stern rebuke, he interrupted their revelry before slipping away into the depths of the castle.

Unbeknownst to him, Zex lingered in the shadows, his keen gaze fixated on the glimmering ring adorning the warrior's hand—a relic of untold power, known as the Doom Bringer Artifact. As the warrior vanished into the labyrinthine corridors, Zex's eyes gleamed with a hint of trepidation and determination.

Swiftly, he made his escape through a moonlit window, the cool night air whipping against his cloak as he darted into the forest beyond. Behind him, the royal warrior gave chase, his steps quickened by the surge of magic coursing through his veins.

In the heart of the forest, amidst the rustling of leaves and the whisper of shadows, the confrontation unfolded. The royal warrior, his features contorted with determination and a hint of desperation, demanded Zex reveal himself and face him head-on.

Emerging from the darkness, Zex's grin sent shivers down the warrior's spine, his aura tinged with an eerie blue glow that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. Ignoring the warrior's inquiries, Zex plunged into action as the royal warrior unleashed the full might of the Doom Bringer Artifact.

With a flick of his wrist, the artifact summoned forth a spectral legion of grim reapers, their baleful presence casting a pall over the forest. Zex's heart quickened with unease as he beheld the sinister magic at work.

Summoning his own powers, Zex unleashed a barrage of Ultima beams, their azure light cascading through the darkness in a futile attempt to dispel the encroaching darkness. Yet, the grim reapers marched on, undeterred by the onslaught.

Realizing conventional magic was ineffective, Zex drew upon his inner strength, channeling his martial prowess and the power of Aura. In a blur of motion, he closed the distance between himself and his adversary, his movements a testament to his newfound resolve.

Summoning the spirit of Dendal, Zex unleashed a devastating Demon Punch that sent the royal warrior hurtling through the air, his body battered and broken. Yet, even in his wounded state, the warrior remained under the thrall of the Doom Bringer, his eyes ablaze with dark intent.

Undeterred by the flames that engulfed the forest, Zex stood unscathed, his resilience a testament to his unique abilities. With a knowing smile, he declared, "Magic doesn't work on me," before absorbing the warrior's essence, rendering the Doom Bringer powerless and inert.

As dawn broke and news of the attack spread throughout the castle, tensions simmered among the nobles, their fears stoked by the specter of impending doom. Yet, amidst the chaos, Prince Jun emerged with a steely resolve, vowing to uncover the truth behind the royal warrior's demise.

Under the cloak of night, Zex ascended to the roof of the castle, where Prince Jun awaited him amidst the whispers of the evening breeze. Silhouetted against the moonlit sky, they stood as silent sentinels, their thoughts shrouded in the weight of impending decisions.

As Zex pondered their next course of action, Prince Jun broke the silence with a voice tinged with resolve. "It's simple," he began, his words carrying the weight of determination. "We hunt a legendary beast and pin the blame on it."

Zex's eyebrows arched in curiosity, a faint smirk playing upon his lips. "Sounds like we're playing the part of the villain now," he mused, his tone laced with dark amusement.

But before Zex could delve deeper into the implications of their plan, Prince Jun's expression darkened, his gaze clouded with a veil of bitter memories. "You don't understand," he interjected, his voice tinged with a raw intensity. "That royal warrior... he slaughtered my guildmates in a dungeon raid. I hate him to the core."

Zex's smirk faded, replaced by a somber understanding as the weight of Prince Jun's words settled upon him. In that moment, the gravity of their mission hung heavy in the air, overshadowed by the specter of vengeance and retribution.

The following day dawned with a sense of purpose as the party gathered to embark on their quest. Yuri, ever inquisitive, voiced the question that lingered on everyone's minds. "What beast are we hunting next?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Prince Jun with unwavering curiosity.

Prince Jun's response was measured, his voice tinged with steely determination. "The beast that killed the royal warrior," he declared, his words carrying the weight of unresolved grief and righteous indignation. "The Snake of Shiva."

With resolve etched upon their faces, the group set forth into the labyrinthine depths of the forest, their footsteps echoing against the backdrop of the setting sun. And as they ventured forth into the unknown, Zex trailed behind, his cloak billowing in the evening breeze, a silent witness to the trials that lay ahead.

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