
Soul Manipulator: Echoes of White Tiger

In a world ravaged by the aftermath of the Magic War, Zex, a young mage with a modest star ranking of 1, is sent to Assassin Town for training under Dansi, a skilled assassin. Haunted by memories of his lost mother and facing the looming threat of the Dark Mage, Zex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure. With the guidance of Dansi and the mysterious Heart of the White Tiger pendant, Zex navigates the treacherous paths of politics and magic, forging alliances and confronting ancient rivalries along the way. As he unravels the secrets of his past and confronts the darkness that threatens to engulf the realm, Zex's courage and determination are put to the ultimate test.

SirRuki · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 15 - The Mercenary Guild

The town of Kazaz stood on the precipice of chaos as Prince Jun and his band of adventurers descended upon its troubled streets. Their mission: to quell the rampage of Rasha, a legendary beast whose mere presence threatened to plunge the town into despair. Rasha, a towering gorilla of immense strength and ferocity, possessed a Star rank of 7, marking him as one of the most formidable adversaries they had ever faced.

As they entered the town, tension hung thick in the air, each step fraught with anticipation and uncertainty. Zex, ever the vigilant strategist, wasted no time in ascending to the highest point in the town, his keen eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the impending threat. From his perch atop the tallest building, he spotted Rasha and his horde of minions advancing menacingly towards the town, their thunderous footsteps reverberating through the earth.

With a sense of urgency, Zex relayed the grim tidings to his companions, their faces grim with determination as they prepared for battle. Prince Jun, his twin blades gleaming in the dim light, took point at the head of the group, his steely gaze fixed on the approaching onslaught. With a nod of acknowledgment, he signaled for the others to follow suit, their resolve unyielding in the face of impending danger.

As Rasha's forces drew nearer, the clash of steel against steel echoed through the streets, a cacophony of battle cries and roars filling the air. Prince Jun, his movements fluid and precise, led the charge into the heart of the fray, his blades cutting through the enemy ranks with lethal efficiency.

Beside him, Kinn unleashed a maelstrom of flames, engulfing their adversaries in a torrent of searing heat. Ira, her healing magic a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, tended to the wounds of her allies with practiced skill, her soothing incantations restoring vitality to their weary bodies.

Meanwhile, Yuri, perched atop a nearby rooftop, unleashed a barrage of arrows upon the enemy horde, her aim unerring as she picked off their foes one by one. Yet despite their valiant efforts, Rasha remained a formidable foe, his massive form towering over the battlefield like a colossus of old.

With a thunderous roar, Rasha unleashed his fury upon Prince Jun, his powerful blows sending shockwaves rippling through the earth with each devastating strike. Undeterred, Prince Jun met the beast head-on, his blades flashing in the dim light as he danced with death itself.

But Rasha was no ordinary adversary, his primal strength and unyielding ferocity proving to be more than a match for even the most seasoned warrior. With a powerful swipe of his massive paw, he sent Prince Jun hurtling through the air, his body crashing into the unforgiving earth with bone-jarring force.

Reacting with lightning reflexes, Zex sprang into action, his Authority Hold enveloping Rasha in an ethereal grip that held the beast in check. With a primal roar, he unleashed his signature move, the Demon Punch, delivering a devastating blow that sent Rasha reeling.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Rasha lay defeated, his once-mighty form reduced to naught but a lifeless husk. With a sense of grim satisfaction, Zex absorbed the beast's soul into his arsenal, his own power growing with each new acquisition.

Returning to Kazaz victorious, the party was hailed as heroes, their bravery and skill celebrated by the townsfolk whose lives they had saved. Over a feast held in their honor, Prince Jun shared his frustrations regarding the challenges he faced as a hero, particularly in dealing with the overpowering influence of a royal warrior who wielded the artifact known as Doombringer.

Intrigued by the artifact's significance, Zex proposed a daring plan: to confront the royal warrior and reclaim the artifact, not as heroes bound by duty, but as mercenaries driven by the promise of wealth and glory. In exchange for their assistance, Zex offered to aid Prince Jun and his party in seeking out more legendary beasts to absorb their souls and enhance his own abilities.

With their alliance forged in the crucible of battle, the group set their sights on new adventures, their resolve unshakeable in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead. And as they ventured forth into the unknown, the promise of glory and fortune beckoned, a tantalizing prize waiting to be claimed by those brave enough to seize it.