
Soul Dominion across MHA

Your random average teenage boy dies,and ends up wandering as a soul through the vast spaces of the Omniverse,while losing fragments of himself in his travel and searching for a solution,he slowly learns how to manipulate his soul,until eventually,he lands on the universe of My Hero Academia,thus,his adventure starts. - - - - - - - - - - First Fic I write so I apologize in advance for plotholes and any similar mistakes,so I would appreciate some advice. I'm spanish,so even though I have confidence in my English I might fuck some things up grammatically. I have nothing planned whatsoever besides some of the MCs techniques. Uploads will be REALLY inconsistent,because I will write whenever I feel like it and will probably lose interest really quick like I always do. May develop into Multiverse if I want to keep writing it by the time I'm finished with MHA,also no system,at least during the first world. May include some romance,I'm not sure about it,so restricted. Disclaimer : I own nothing except for the OCs,the cover image is also not mine.

BeegBeegYochi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


General POV

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Musutafu,Japan 15:27

Across the busy streets of Musutafu,home of the most famed hero school across the whole globe and the base of operations and residence of some high ranking heroes and many more lower ranked heroes,on top of several high prestige companies,crime was usual.

In the super-powered society of Japan,villains runned amok,using their natural born gifts,quirks,as a medium to cause chaos,accomplish objectives through violence and get back at society in some particular cases.

When a villain acted up,they were quickly put behind bars before any significant damage could be done by the heroes,people who have taken as their own job to protect the people and uphold justice,but as always,there would be times at which they couldn't get at the scene quickly enough.

Such was the case when a 19 year old teenage Koukan Akihiro was attacked by one of those so called villains when crossing a quiet alley way to reach home and try out the new videogame he just bought,when suddenly a hooded man hopped out of a corner,and while muttering apologies,he jumped at the boy at the same time he swings an invisible weapon,chopping off the unfortunate boy's right arm which went flying together with the small bag his hand was holding,one hand strongly gripping the boy's mouth and keeping it from making any noise.

Once the man confirmed the teenage boy finally died,he walked away and just like that,without even knowing why or how,Akihiro's life ended in a pool of his own blood.




Or that's what would've happened if not for one expecional fact.

His body rose up in a flash of teal green flames.

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"So...I'm back,huh...?"

I tried moving my newly acquired body,stretching my one limb while trying to keep my balance steady.

"Whoooa...It's going to be a pain getting used to having an actual body again"

A few minutes later after I relearned to walk,run and jump,I finally inspect the severed stump of my arm,covered with flame-like teal green energy and keeping it from spilling any blood.

A sigh escaped my lips.

"Poor boy,died young,and painfu-"

The memories strikes in as my soul fully assimilated with the body I possessed,pain flooded me,coming from my right arm,making me drop to my knees,gritting my teeth and trying not to scream out every single curse word I have learned across all my lifes combined,at least the parts that I remember of them,of course.

"Shit...I'm definitely gonna get back at that guy..."

After having calmed down,breathing in and out several times,I finally got up and looked around for my new bodie's arm.

"He took it away? Why...? Damm...I don't know if I could've attached it back together but I could've at least tried...on top of getting my arm back it would've been a good practice exercise..."

Another sigh blew from my mouth at the lost opportunity while the energy stopping the bloodloss expanded into a makeshift arm that looked more akin to an armored glove.

That energy was the physical manifestation of my soul.

Now,you may be wondering,what?

Let me explain,well,as much as I can.

I don't remember much about the life that started all this,but what I remember the most is blue eyes,blonde hair,my surname was Williams.

Pretty average right? Well,that changes while I was swimming with some people,I took a dive and then...phew...let me ask you a question,do you know about the meme that says that the chances of being killed by a cow while in the water are low but never zero? Yep.

I don't know exactly what happened except a cow swimming at me at high speeds,a knife held in its mouth,pain,and then,nothing.

I had died.

So anyways I started asking,is there any ROB out there willing to reincarnate me? Why did I ask that? Well,I was a big fan of reading,which lead me into Manga,Novels,Fan-Fics and therefore anime,and in mi defense,this setting was really common in fan-fics.

Little old otaku me thought that this was his moment,I had got my three wishes planned but the ROB time never came.

I eventually noticed I was slowly losing some of my memories,which caused me to rationally freak out,who wouldn't?

By this time I took it personally and tried moving myself,instead of letting my soul float aimlessly,I managed to move in a single direction,traveling through nothingness until there was no more nothingness...wait,does that make sense?

I'll leave it at yes.

So,I eventually left what I called the 'Void' and roamed through the infinite dimensions of the world,countless stars,planets,celestial bodies coupled with life-filled planets and even giant creatures floating in space.

I once found a statue made out of rock of a really buff man with long hair,three horns sprouting out of his head,curled up on himself and I swear he had some feather on his arms.It seemed familiar but I don't really know in what way.

So yep,I traveled countless worlds,feeling myself getting lost as parts of what I had identified as my soul got ripped apart and I lost them,never to be found.

I was tired,so I started chasing after them and through hard work and many tries,something amazing happened.I moved the fragment like I moved my soul.

It was difficult to do but with time and constant experiments,I discovered how amazing my soul was.

Or maybe souls in general but I wanted to give myself a bit of credit,okay? Living as a soul was depressing,I couldn't talk to no one and I was basically constantly disintegrating.

So as I experimented,I swore to find that cow and make it pay,by ripping its soul apart from its body and reincarnating it into Attack on...Giants? Titans? Big Bois? Basically,revenge for the cow.

At one point I recovered some memories from other previous lifes I had,which made me learn to differentiate between the two parts of my soul something I will get into later.

So I finally gathered up the balls to enter and improve myself in a world I was familiar with which was called,in my previous world,Boku no Hero Academia.

And that's where I am,on the worst body I could've possibly chosen and proudly stepping out of a alleyway,with my head held high




Also,covered in blood and with an strange,eerie ghostly fire hand thingie.

Oh and don't forget about my new acquisition of Smash Heroes Ultimate,where every single one of your favorite heroes is here.

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Author's Note :

So,end of the first chapter,which I consider a very basic,short introduction for the fic.

Before anyone may ask the guy who killed the previous body of the MC will be important,I have plans for him,plans that I created on the spot while trying to figure out how to kill the Akihiro guy so the MC can take his body but plans nonetheless.

Also the MC will get the quirk that the body had but I'm not sure what to make out of it,I'm trying to think of something interesting that can compliment or work with his main soul manipulation abilities before settling down with it

I don't have much to say,read the chapter 0 about the MCs abilities that explains my take on souls for this fic.

Do point out any mistakes you find and some advice so I can improve,also feel free to share your ideas for the story(which I will evilly steal hehehe)

I hope you like it
